
badger    A n. 1 A nocturnal burrowing Eurasian mammal, Meles meles, of the weasel family, having a grey coat and distinctive white facial stripes. E16. [...]

The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

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badgerrun, along the white line, from sable stoat to yours ermine, brings us by iteration mustelidae back in brackets to the empty sett.

Our hairoine, badger on her, fr'otherplace isiside, had reseatly resettled with fen and gains this side the diggenough tarMcK of Newmarkup woed to publishise her unisolate life: nor had oystern roe by the common or garden Coldham been polyfilled with feight or freight of plaice pottery and friction: nor bespoke from below a tellherphonic hushe hushe to high strings and doublin phonebills: not yet, though vanishin after, had passed the post threw letinbox flaw-ward: not yet, though all's fare in love inlaw, had keyn sparrow winged and nocked and partyd the daws. Not a peck of port down had e'en or own shone drunk by watt light there was and em tea boxen was to be seen card by the curtain bored.

The fall (bababadgerharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnswakntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!) of a once wallstrait pitcher is tolled early from the few torn and later on duck down through all kisstained minstressly. The great fall or tomb of leafing herallded at such short notice the replaysing of Jan again, full boded well, that the smalltogethermesh of hairself fairly moves a mile-be-blowed en to the fens in luckinfore her whatfortune: and her softfursnufflefolks are in a worn place in the flat where badgers have been quite all white and black since the first brock found its role.

from Badgers Wake, a little-known work by James Joyce.

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