usage: adnshost [global-opts] [query-opts] query-domain [[query-opts] query-domain ...] adnshost [global-opts] [query-opts] -f|--pipe global binary options: +e --no-env Do not look at environment variables at all -f --pipe Read queries on stdin instead of using args -a --asynch Allow answers to be reordered answer/error output format and destination (see below): -Fs --fmt-simple Answers to stdout, errors as messages to stderr (default) -Fi --fmt-inline Answers and errors both to stdout in parseable format -Fa --fmt-asynch Fully-parseable output format (default for --asynch) global verbosity level: -Vq --quiet Do not print anything to stderr -Vn --no-quiet Report unexpected kinds of problem only (default) -Vd --debug Debugging mode --no-checkc Do not do for-developer consistency checks --checkc Do for-developer consistency checks --checkc-freq Do for-developer consistency checks very often other global options: --config <> Configuration to use instead of /etc/resolv.conf --version Print version number --help Print usage information per-query options: -t / --type Query type (see below) -i / --ptr Do reverse query (address -> name lookup) --reverse Lookup in in-addr-like `zone' (eg MAPS RBL) per-query binary options: -s --search Use the search list -Qq --qc-query Let query domains contain quote-requiring chars -Qa --qc-anshost Let hostnames in answers contain ... +Qc --no-qc-cname Prevent CNAME target domains from containing ... -u --tcp Force use of a virtual circuit +Do --no-show-owner Do not display owner name in output +Dt --no-show-type Do not display RR type in output +Dc --no-show-cname Do not display CNAME target in output per-query TTL mode (NB TTL is minimum across all info in reply): -Tt --ttl-ttl Show the TTL as a TTL -Ta --ttl-abs Show the TTL as a time_t when the data might expire -Tn --no-ttl Do not show the TTL (default) per-query address family options (for `addr' etc.): -A4 ----addr-ipv4-only Only return IPv4 addresses -A6 ----addr-ipv6-only Only return IPv6 addresses -Aa ----addr-all Return all available addresses (default) -Am ----addr-ipv6-mapped Return IPv4 addresses as IPv6-mapped per-query CNAME handling mode: -Cf --cname-reject Call it an error if a CNAME is found -Cl --cname-loose Allow references to CNAMEs in other RRs -Cs --cname-ok CNAME ok for query domain, but not in RRs (default) asynchronous/pipe mode options: --asynch-id Set , default is decimal sequence starting 0 --cancel-id Cancel the query with id (no error if not found) Escaping domains which might start with `-': - Next argument is a domain, but more options may follow Query domains should always be quoted according to master file format. For binary options, --FOO and --no-FOO are opposites, as are -X and +X. In each case the default is the one not listed. Per query options stay set a particular way until they are reset, whether they appear on the command line or on stdin. All global options must preceed the first query domain. With -f, the input should be lines with either an option, possibly with a value argument (separated from the option by a space if it's a long option), or a domain (possibly preceded by a hyphen and a space to distinguish it from an option). Output format is master file format without class or TTL by default: [] [] [] or if the domain refers to a CNAME and --show-cname is on [] [] CNAME [] [] When a query fails you get an error message to stderr (with --fmt-simple). Specify --fmt-inline for lines like this (broken here for readability): ; failed \ [] [] [] "" If you use --fmt-asynch, which is the default for --asynch, each answer (success or failure) is preceded by a line \ [] [] [] "" where is the number of RRs that follow and will be `$' or the CNAME target; the CNAME indirection and error formats above are not used. Exit status: 0 all went well 1-6 at least one query failed with statustype: 1 localfail ) 2 remotefail ) temporary errors 3 tempfail __)_________________ 4 misconfig ) 5 misquery ) permanent errors 6 permfail ) 10 system trouble 11 usage problems Query types (see adns.h; default is addr): ns soa ptr mx rp srv addr - enhanced versions cname hinfo txt - types with only one version a aaaa ns- soa- ptr- mx- rp- srv- - _raw versions type - `unknown' type, RFC3597 Default is addr, or ptr for -i/--ptr queries