Adelaide University Science Fiction Association Constitution

1. Name:

The name of the association shall be the Adelaide University Science Fiction Association.

2. Definitions:


3. Objects:

The objects of the Association shall be:

4. Affiliation:

The Association shall be affiliated with the CA.

5. Honours of the Association:

6. Membership:

7. Committee:

The Committee shall consist of:

8. Council:

The Council of the Association shall consist of the Executive, the Committee, and all the Officers of both the Association and the Committee and it shall advise upon those matters which concern the Association.

9. Powers and Duties of the Committee:

10. Powers and Duties of the Executive:

11. Termination of Membership of the Association:

12. Termination of Membership of the Committee:

A member of the Committee shall cease to be a memer on the occurrence of any of the following:

13. Committee:

14. General Meeting:

15. Annual General Meeting:

16. Special General Meeting:

Special General Meetings of the Association shall be convened by the Secretary and shall be held:

17. Membership Fee:

18. Interpretation of Constitution:

19. Alteration of Constitution:

This Constitution shall only be altered by a two-thirds majority of Voting Members attending any General Meeting. Notice of any proposed alteration shall be posted by the Committee in the Union Buildings of the University of Adelaide at least seven (7) days before the GM at which it is to be submitted for approval.

20. Trustees:

The Trustees of the trust fund set up in the event of the demise of the Association shall be the last Patron of the Association, the Honorary Treasurer of the Union and the Warden of the Union.

21. Enactment:

This Constitution shall take effect and be deemed enacted as from the time of adoption by the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

RCS Information [$Id: constitution.html,v 1.2 1996/02/28 01:39:27 duncan Exp $]