Final state of Fascist Game 5

This is the final state of Game 5 of The Fascist Game.

Proposals and decisions

Accepted Proposal 1 (Ten Letters)

Once Rule 11 has been applied to a proposal, Rule 12 will not be applied, and vice versa.
Yes: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Me. Accepted as Rule 19.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 1 point.

Accepted Proposal 2 (Stefan)

As long as proposals from the same player keep being accepted, each proposal receives twice as many points as the previous proposal. Once a player has a proposal rejected, he starts again at one point per accepted proposal.
Yes: Ten Letters, Me, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 13.
No: Jim Huggins, Olivier Marcé.
Score: 2 points (1 from Rule 22).
Total: 2 points.

Rejected Proposal 3 (Ten Letters)

A player may not propose a new proposal until they have voted on every existing proposal that has not yet been decided, and for which they are eligible to vote.
Yes: Me, Olivier Marcé.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Damian Coffey.

Accepted Proposal 4 (Jim Huggins)

A player's score may not exceed twenty points. If a player earns points which would place his score above twenty points, the points are not awarded, although the action which earned the points is still executed.
Yes: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted as Rule 25.
No: Ten Letters, Damian Coffey.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 1 point.

Accepted Proposal 5 (Me)

A proposal must gain 3 more yes votes than no votes to be accepted.
Yes: Ten Letters, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 11.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins.
Score: 2 points (1 from Rule 22).
Total: 2 points.

Rejected Proposal 6 (Lewis Mace)

With respect to the right honorable Mr. Huggins, a player's proposal shall contain an acknowledgement of the last player to have had a proposal approved as demonstrated in this proposal's preamble. In doing so the proposing player honors the players and The Fascist Game itself by giving evidence of his scholarly consideration of said game's history.
No: Ten Letters, Stefan, Jim Huggins.

Rejected Proposal 7 (Ten Letters)

A No voter may give a reason, of not more than 25 words why the proposal should be rejected.
Yes: Stefan.
No: Jim Huggins, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey.

Accepted Proposal 8 (Ten Letters)

A proposer may withdraw his or her proposal which has not yet been accepted nor rejected, without penalty.
Yes: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Olivier Marcé. Accepted as Rule 20.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 2 points.

Rejected Proposal 9 (Ten Letters)

Anybody who publicises, in a positive manner, the game, or the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing in a novel or effective way (in the eyes of the unimperious Emperor) shall be awarded one point.
Yes: Olivier Marcé.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo.

Accepted Proposal 10 (Stefan)

A player whose score is ten or more, who has a proposal rejected, shall lose 1 point.
Yes: Ten Letters, Big Mad Drongo, JWB. Accepted as Rule 26.
No: Jim Huggins, Olivier Marcé.
Score: 2 points.
Total: 4 points.

Withdrawn Proposal 11 (Stefan)

Accepted Proposal 12 (Jim Huggins)

A proposal which is accepted without any 'No' votes receives three points.
Yes: Ten Letters, Stefan, Olivier Marcé. Accepted as Rule 21.
Score: 2 points.
Total: 3 points.

Rejected Proposal 13 (Big Mad Drongo)

If a player has an odd number of points, all scoring (both positive and negative) is doubled for this player.
No: Ten Letters, Stefan, Olivier Marcé.
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 14 (Olivier Marcé)

An accepted proposal which modifies the initial rules (1 to 18) will give one extra pont to the proposer.
Yes: Ten Letters, Stefan, Olivier Marcé. Accepted as Rule 22.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 3 points.

Accepted Proposal 15 (Ten Letters)

A referendum is a new form of judgement. Three times as many points are at stake in a referendum as a normal judgement of a proposal. A referendum is accepted when there are at least 4 votes, and at least 3 times as many Yes votes as No votes. A referendum is rejected when there are at least 4 votes, and at least 3 times as many No votes as Yes votes. A referendum may be voluntarily be called by the proposer, at the time of the proposal. Note: rules detailing when a proposal must be judged by referendum are still to be determined.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, Damian Coffey. Accepted as Rule 23.
No: Stefan.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 3 points.

Rejected Proposal 16 (Ten Letters)

A player may request that a proposal remain anonymous. The Humble Scribe will then not put the player's name at the top of the proposal until it is accepted or rejected. The Humble Scribe must know who proposed the rule for the purpose of awarding points and to prevent players voting for their own rules.
Yes: Olivier Marcé.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Damian Coffey. Rejected.
Total: 3 points.

Rejected Proposal 17 (Stefan)

Due to legislative gridlock, all voting shall be abolished, and The Imperious Emperor returned to his rightful role as Benevolent Dictator.
No: Jim Huggins, Ten Letters, Olivier Marcé. Rejected.
Total: 4 points.

Accepted Proposal 18 (Jim Huggins)

A player may alter his vote on any proposal which has not been accepted or rejected.
Yes: Ten Letters, Olivier Marcé, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted. Modifies Rule 10.
No: Stefan.
Score: 5 points (1 from Rule 22).
Total: 8 points.

Rejected Proposal 19 (Stefan)

The first player to vote Yes on a proposal which is subsequently accepted, or No on a subsequently rejected proposal, receives one extra point.
Yes: Damian Coffey.
No: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins. Rejected by Rule 27.
Total: 4 points.

Rejected Proposal 20 (JWB)

Any person who joins an active game after a proposal(s) has(ve) been accepted, shall recieve one bonus point for their first accepted proposal.
No: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey.
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 21 (Olivier Marcé)

If a proposal is rejected with no Yes votes, The Humble Scribe will ask those who voted No to vote whether to blame its proposer. If they all vote Yes, the proposer loses one point.
Yes: Ten Letters, Stefan, Damian Coffey. Accepted as Rule 24.
Score: 8 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 11 points.

Rejected Proposal 22 (Stefan)

If a player whose score is greater than 20 and a multiple of 3 has a proposal rejected, his score is divided by 3.
Yes: Damian Coffey.
No: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected.
Total: 4 points.

Accepted Proposal 23 (Olivier Marcé)

No proposal may refer to one specific player, either directly by name or indirectly in terms of any other thing which is certain to be unique to one player throughout the game.
Yes: Stefan, Jim Huggins, JWB. Accepted. Modifies Rule 5.
No: Ten Letters.
Score: 0 points (Rule 25).
Total: 11 points.

Rejected Proposal 24 (Damian Coffey)

Each player must declare allegiance to one of three political parties - the reds, the greens or the blues - before submitting any further proposals.
No: Olivier Marcé, Ten Letters, Jim Huggins. Rejected (no blame).
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 25 (Stefan)

A player may not submit a new proposal until his last proposal has received at least three votes.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, JWB. Accepted. Modifies Rules 7 and 20.
No: Ten Letters.
Score: 2 (1 Rule 22).
Total: 6 points.

Accepted Proposal 26 (Stefan)

Any player may join one of four political parties: Red, Green, Blue, or White. When a member of a party has a proposal accepted, all other members of the party receive one half point. A player may only belong to one party at a time.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Ten Letters, Damian Coffey. Accepted by Rule 27 as Rule 30.
No: Jim Huggins, Brian Tivol.
Score: 4 points.
Total: 10 points.

Rejected Proposal 27 (Big Mad Drongo)

Details of the current state of voting on any given proposal shall not be revealed. Only when there are sufficient Yes or No votes to accept or reject the proposal shall the names of the individuals who voted and their votes be made known.
No: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins. Rejected (no blame).
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 28 (Jim Huggins)

A player may vote "Abstain" on a proposal.
Yes: Stefan, Ten Letters, Damian Coffey, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted. Modifies Rule 10.
No: Olivier Marcé.
Score: 11 points (1 Rule 22).
Total: 19 points.

Rejected Proposal 29 (Jim Huggins)

A rule's original proposer must decide whether each proposal to modify that rule should be judged by referendum or normal voting.
No: Olivier Marcé, Stefan, Ten Letters. Rejected (no blame).
Score: -1 point.
Total: 18 points.

Rejected Proposal 30 (Ten Letters)

In order to prevent individuals from winning by merely flooding the game with proposals, but still allow them the opportunity to have several proposals to be considered at once if some important issues arise, I propose a new rule: Any accepted proposal from a player who has an earlier undecided proposal shall gain the player a maximum of one-half point.
Yes: Stefan.
No: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, Damian Coffey. Rejected.
Total: 3 points.

Rejected Proposal 31 (Matthew Bassett)

A player may form a power block and give it a name. This player is the leader of the power block and other players may join it at any time. The Humble Scribe will publish the name of the power block, the name of its leader and the number of members (but not their names). A player may only be a member of one power block, but can leave at any time. A player may not rejoin a power block he has left.

When a member of a power block makes a proposal, the proposal is published under the power block's name, rather than the player's. Power block members who vote for an accepted power block proposal gain a bonus point, those that vote for a rejected power block proposal are penalised one point. Power block members may not vote against power block proposals without first leaving the power block. The proposer still scores points as normal, in addition to power block bonuses and penalties. Bonuses and penalties are doubled for power block leaders.
No: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, JWB. Rejected (no blame).
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 32 (Big Mad Drongo)

A proposal which has not been accepted or rejected by the time 13 subsequent proposals have been submitted will be accepted if it has received a majority of Yes votes, otherwise it will be rejected.
Yes: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, JWB. Accepted as Rule 27.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 3 points.

Rejected Proposal 33 (Stefan)

A player with a score of two or more points may be appointed Judge for a fee of 2 points. The Judge can rule on any one of the 5 most recent undecided proposals (excluding those made by himself), regardless of any voting on that proposal. The player may not become Judge again until two other players have held the office.
Yes: Damian Coffey.
No: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected.
Score: -1 point.
Total: 9 points.

Accepted Proposal 34 (Jim Huggins)

If a rejected proposal is resubmitted it will be judged by a referendum.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Stefan, Matthew Bassett, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted as Rule 28.
No: Damian Coffey.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 19 points.

Accepted Proposal 35 (Olivier Marcé)

If The Humble Scribe considers that an accepted proposal will make his job easier, its proposer will gain one bonus point. The proposal must begin "For the benefit of The Humble Scribe,".
Yes: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo, Brian Tivol. Accepted as Rule 29.
No: Damian Coffey.
Score: 0 points (twice Proposal 23!).
Total: 11 points.

Rejected Proposal 36 (Damian Coffey)

For a rule to be accepted or rejected, there must be a majority of 2 votes.
No: Big Mad Drongo, Stefan, Brian Tivol. Rejected (no blame).
Total: 0 points.

Rejected Proposal 37 (Big Mad Drongo)

In the case of a referendum, as the stakes are so much higher, each voter must justify their vote in not more than two sentences of reasonable length.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins, Olivier Marcé. Rejected (blame).
Score: -1 point (Rule 24).
Total: 2 points.

Accepted Proposal 38 (Stefan)

A player may propose an amendment to an undecided proposal made by any player other than himself. If the original proposer agrees to the amendment, the player proposing the amendment receives half as many points as the original proposer. The original proposer's score is not affected.
Yes: Brian Tivol, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey. Accepted as Rule 32.
Score: 3 (2 Rule 21).
Total: 12 points.

Accepted Proposal 39 (Brian Tivol)

The four parties will have more creative names than mere colors. These will be determined by the first people to declare themselves heads of the party. For example, the first person to join the Blue party could declare "I am joining the Blue Party which I rename the Malevolent Rhinoceros Party".
Yes: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted by Rule 27. Modifies Rule 30.
No: Damian Coffey, Jim Huggins.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 1 point.

Stefan joins the Green Party (founder member).

Rejected Proposal 40 (Jim Huggins)

A player whose proposal is accepted and whose last proposal was accepted but was awarded zero points earns one point.
Yes: Stefan.
No: Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey, JWB. Rejected.
Score: -1 point.
Total: 18 points.


Rule 31: Players may not request actions which are conditional on future events.

Accepted Proposal 41 (Olivier Marcé)

For the benefit of The Humble Scribe, a player voting No to a proposal must say if he wants to blame the proposer if there are no Yes votes.
Yes: Stefan, JWB, Brian Tivol, Jim Huggins. Accepted. Modifies Rule 24.
No: Damian Coffey.
Score: 1 (1 Rule 29).
Total: 12 points.

Accepted Amendment 41.1 (Stefan)
The Humble Scribe shall not reveal which players intend to blame the proposer until voting is complete.
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 12.5 points.

Green Party members: Stefan, Damian Coffey.

Accepted Proposal 42 (Damian Coffey)

If a player has more than ten points, then he must vote Yes to some proposal before voting No to any other proposals.
Yes: JWB, Stefan, Dan. Accepted as Rule 34.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 3 points.

Green party member: Stefan
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 13 points.

Accepted Proposal 43 (JWB)

A player with ten points or more must receive four Yes votes for their proposal to be accepted.
Yes: Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 11.
Score: 4 points (2 Rule 21, 1 Rule 22).
Total: 4 points.

Rejected Proposal 44 (Brian Tivol)

Any points awarded for a proposal will be multiplied by one plus the number of Abstain votes it has received. (A proposal with one abstention would receive double the points, for example.) This rule also applies to negative points or penalties and to points awarded to players other than the proposer.
No: Stefan, Jim Huggins, JWB. Rejected. All blame.
Score: -1 point (Rule 24).
Total: 0 points.

Accepted Proposal 45 (Stefan)

Players who vote No on a proposal made by a member of their own party lose 1 point if that proposal is subsequently accepted. They are not eligible for the one half point bonus specified in rule 30.
Yes: Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo, Damian Coffey. Accepted as Rule 33 and modifies Rule 30.
Score: 0 points (Rule 25).
Total: 13 points.

Gree party member: Damian Coffey
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 3.5 points.

Accepted Proposal 46 (Olivier Marcé)

For the benefit of The Humble Scribe, a player proposing an amendment must send it to the original proposer as well as to the The Humble Scribe.
Yes: Stefan, Big Mad Drongo, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 32.
Score: 3 points (1 Rule 29).
Total: 15 points.

Accepted Proposal 47 (Jim Huggins)

A player may not submit a new proposal until his last _undecided_ proposal has received at least three votes. (Otherwise, a proposal with two votes decided on the basis of rule 27 could prohibit a player from submitting any future proposals).
Yes: Big Mad Drongo, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 7.
Abstain: Stefan.
Score: 0 points (Rule 25).
Total: 18 points.

Rejected Proposal 48 (Big Mad Drongo)

To prevent voting solely designed to hamper high-scoring players, all proposals shall remain anonymous until decided.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Jim Huggins, JWB, Dan.
No: Brian Tivol, Stefan, Damian Coffey. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 2 points.

Rejected Proposal 49 (Stefan)

Any rule which is not applied for 15 consecutive proposals shall be automatically abolished.
Yes: Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey.
No: Jim Huggins, Big Mad Drongo, JWB. Rejected (no blame).
Score: -1 point (Rule 26).
Total: 12

Rejected Proposal 50 (Brian Tivol)

The right to vote will only be granted to players with a non-negative score. If a player loses suffrage after casting a vote legally (ie. votes on a proposal then loses points on a lower numbered proposal) then his vote is discarded completely.
No: Big Mad Drongo, JWB, Dan. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 0 points.

Rejected Proposal 51 (Ten Letters)

Players may submit with a proposal (including this one) a technical computing term which is not in the Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing, like the one I just found - "biunivoque"! If another player can accurately, clearly and honestly define it, then they shall be awarded 2 points, and the original proposer shall be awarded 1 extra point.
No: Big Mad Drongo, JWB, Dan. Rejected (no blame).

Rejected Proposal 52 (JWB)

A player who votes Yes for a fellow party member's proposal shall not recieve party related bonus points if the proposal is ultimately accepted.
Yes: Olivier Marcé.
No: Big Mad Drongo, Dan, Damian Coffey. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 4 points.

PFUL members: Brian Tivol.

Rejected Proposal 53 (Dan)

Upon enactment of this proposal, all players with less than 5 points shall receive a 5 point bonus.
No: Big Mad Drongo, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 0 points.

White party members: Dan (founder).

Rejected Proposal 54 (Jim Huggins)

Resubmission of Proposal 40.
To be judged by referendum.
A player whose proposal is accepted and whose last proposal was accepted but was awarded zero points earns one point.
Yes: Big Mad Drongo, Olivier Marcé.
No: Dan, Damian Coffey, JWB, Brian Tivol, Damien, Sergei. Rejected.
Score: -3 points.
Total: 15 points.

Accepted Amendment 54.1 (Stefan)
The player shall earn only 1 point. Rules for bonus points shall not apply.
Score: -1.5 points.
Total: 10.5 points.

PFUL members: Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo.

Rejected Proposal 55 (Big Mad Drongo)

Any player whose score exceeds 16 may only score one point per accepted proposal, no matter how many he would have scored if he had less points.
No: Dan, Olivier Marcé, JWB. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 2 points.

Accepted Proposal 56 (Brian Tivol)

No warning of the possible application of Rule 27 shall be given.
Yes: JWB, Big Mad Drongo, Dan. Accepted by Rule 27.
No: Damian Coffey, Stefan.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 1 point.

PFUL party member: Big Mad Drongo
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 2.5

Rejected Proposal 57 (Olivier Marcé)

For the benefit of The Humble Scribe, a proposer must submit with his proposal an expressive example of the effects of the rule. Eg.:
For the benefit of The Humble Scribe, a proposer must submit with his proposal an expressive example of the effects of the rule. Eg.:

(Please re-read previous lines until stack full).

No: Damian Coffey, Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 15 points.

Rejected Proposal 58 (Damian Coffey)

If a player votes YES for a proposal made by a player from another party (ie crosses the floor), then he is ejected from his party and cannot rejoin. If the proposal was accepted, then he also loses a point.
Yes: JWB, Brian Tivol, Damien.
No: Big Mad Drongo, Stefan, Dan. Rejected.
Score: 0 points. Total: 3.5 points.

Accepted Proposal 59 (JWB)

For the benefit of The Humble Scribe, players voting No to a proposal which already has one or more Yes votes, do not have to indicate whether they blame the proposer.
Yes: Damian Coffey, Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted. Modifies Rule 24.
Score: 4 (2 Rule 21, 1 Rule 29).
Total: 8 points.

Rejected Proposal 60 (Jim Huggins)

For the benefit of the Humble Scribe, players with zero points need not be stored in the current score list.
No: The Humble Scribe :-), Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected (blame).
Score: -2 points (-1 Rule 24, -1 Rule 26).
Total: 13 points.

Accepted Proposal 61 (Big Mad Drongo)

A proposal can not be rejected unless it has more No votes than Yes votes.
Yes: JWB, Damien, Dan. Accepted by Rule 27. Modifies Rule 12.
No: Stefan, Damian Coffey.
Score: 2 (1 Rule 22 Total: 2.5 points.

PFUL party member: (Brian Tivol)
Score: 0.5 point.
Total: 1.5 points.

Accepted Proposal 62 (JWB)

A referendum cannot be decided by Rule 27 under any circumstances.
Yes: Damien, Stefan, Big Mad Drongo, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 27.
No: Dan.
Score: 8 points.
Total: 16 points.

Green Party renamed to Party for Internet Anarchy (PIA). PIA members: Stefan, Damian Coffey.

Rejected Proposal 63 (Damien)

[Not to be confused with Damian Coffey, I think].
The proposer of every new proposal must submit (along with the proposal) a single binary digit (0 or 1). This digit will be kept secret by THS. Every time two proposals have been accepted, the scores of the proposers will be adjusted as follows: Astute readers will note that this is also known as the Prisoner's Dillema.
[Not the original Prisoner's Dillema as I know it. THS]
Yes: Dan. No: JWB, Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected.
Score: 0 points.
Total: 0 points.

Rejected Proposal 64 (Brian Tivol)

Rule 4 should be ammended to state so that a rule does not apply to any other proposals with higher numbers that have already been decided unless their specific goal is to modify those proposals. This way, new proposals will not be totally destroyed if votes have been tallied and points have been awarded.
Yes: JWB, Stefan.
No: Dan, Big Mad Drongo, Damian Coffey. Rejected.
Score: 0 points. Total: 1.5 point.

Rejected Proposal 65 (Olivier Marcé)

Fascit Game Time occurs each time a proposal is a multiple of the age of TIE. At the FGT, the player having the most accepted proposals since the previous FGT gains one bonus point.
No: JWB, Brian Tivol, Dan. Rejected (no blame).
Score: -1 (Rule 26).
Total: 14 points.

Accepted Proposal 66 (Stefan)

A player whose last four consecutive votes were No shall be judged obstructionist, and barred from scoring any points until he makes a positive contribution by making a proposal of his own.
Yes: JWB, Dan, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted as Rule 35.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 13.5 points.

PIA party member: Damian Coffey
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 4 points.

White party renamed by Dan to BEER (Better Engineers for Eating and Recreation). BEER members: Dan

Accepted Proposal 67 (Damian Coffey)

When the members of a party with more than one member all vote Yes for a particular proposal, then one extra Yes vote is counted for that proposal, and similarly if all members voted No.
Yes: Dan, JWB, Big Mad Drongo. Accepted as Rule 36.
Abstain: Stefan.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 7 points.

PIA party member: Stefan
Score: 0.5 points.
Total: 14 points.

Rejected Proposal 68 (JWB)

If a player's score would reach twenty points by receiving bonus points for an accepted proposal by a fellow party member then no such points will be awarded.
No: Dan, Damian Coffey, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected (no blame).
Score: -1 point.
Total: 15 points.

Rejected Proposal 69 (Brian Tivol)

Following each rule change proposal, one member of any party may post a speech (of less than 240 characters) describing the state of the party, the party's views on a particular proposal, or any other ideological view. Party statements will treated as proposals though their acceptance or rejection will not affect the rules.
No: Dan, JWB, Damian Coffey. Rejected (no blame).
Score: 0 points.
Total: 1.5 point.

Acccepted Proposal 70 (Dan)

Judged by referendum.
If more than four consecutive proposals have been rejected, the proposer of the next proposal to be accepted shall gain one bonus point and each player voting for it shall gain one half bonus point.
Yes: Damian Coffey, JWB, Big Mad Drongo, Duncan Richer. Acccepted as Rule 38.
Score: 9 points (3*(1+2 Rule 21)).
Total: 9 points.

[Proposal 70 was previously incorrectly marked as accepted. It needs one more vote. THS]

Accepted Proposal 71 (Jim Huggins)

Proposals which are intended to benefit The Humble Scribe need not be prefaced with "For the benefit of the Humble Scribe," as The Humble Scribe is perfectly capable of deciding which proposals benefit himself enough to merit bonus points.
Yes: Stefan, Olivier Marcé, Damian Coffey. Accepted. Modifies Rule 29.
Score: 3 points (2 Rule 21).
Total: 16 points.

Accepted Proposal 72 (Stefan)

If all members of at least two parties, each with more than one member, vote Yes on a proposal, the proposal shall be accepted regardless of the number of No votes.
Yes: Damian Coffey, Big Mad Drongo, Olivier Marcé. Accepted by Rule 27 as Rule 41.
No: Dan, Duncan Richer.
Abstain: JWB.
Score: 6 points (Rule 25).
Total: 20 points!

Rejected Proposal 73 (Olivier Marcé)

When two or more players have the same score, they can gain points only from an accepted proposal.
No: Dan, JWB, Stefan. Rejected (no blame).
Score: -1 point.
Total: 13 points.

Point of Order (Stefan)

Rule 34 is unfair, as it forces players with more than 10 points to alternately vote yes and no, thus infringing upon their right to vote freely.

[Nobody said it was supposed to be fair. THS]

Proposal 61 accepted by Rule 27.

Proposal 74 (Stefan)

Rule 34 shall be abolished immediately.
Yes: Big Mad Drongo, Jim Huggins, JWB.
No: Dan, Olivier Marcé.
Abstain: Damian Coffey.
Total: 20 points.

Accepted Proposal 75 (Julian Russell)

If a person submits a proposal which receives no votes they must email Julian Russell and explain why it was really quite a good proposal after all.
Yes: Dan, Big Mad Drongo, Olivier Marcé. Accepted (modified) as Rule 37.
No: Damian Coffey.
Score: 1 point.
Total: 1 point.

Accepted Proposal 76 (Damian Coffey)

A player must cast a vote on any undecided referendum, before submitting further proposals or votes on proposals.
Yes: Dan, Jim Huggins, JWB. Accepted as Rule 40.
Abstain: Big Mad Drongo.
Score: 8 points (2 Rule 21) Total: 15 points.

PIA party member: Stefan Score: 0 points.
Total: 20 points.

Proposal 77 (Big Mad Drongo)

If a member of a party has a proposal accepted, the leader of that party may make a Party Political Broadcast of up to 50 words on any subject related to the game.
Yes: Brian Tivol.
No: Dan, Jim Huggins.

Proposal 78 (Brian Tivol)

Any proposal that has been the subject of Points of Order from members of at least two different parties must be judged by referendum.
Yes: Big Mad Drongo.
No: Dan.

Accepted Proposal 79 (Olivier Marcé)

If three consecutives proposals by the same player are rejected then any player who voted No to all three proposals shall lose one point.
Yes: Dan, Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo, PFUL. Accepted as Rule 39.
Score: 3 points. (2 Rule 21).
Total: 16 points.

Rejected Proposal 80 (c2pnolan)

Any player wishing to join must swear to uphold the rules of the game.
No: Dan, Brian Tivol, Big Mad Drongo. Rejected (blame).
Score: -1 point.
Total: -1 point.

Proposal 81 (Duncan Richer)

An active player is one who has voted for or made one of the last ten proposals. If any one political party should include an absolute majority of active players then any proposal from that party will be decided by the Emperor.
Yes: Big Mad Drongo, JWB.
No: Dan.

Proposal 82 (Dan)

A referendum which has not been decided once 30 subsequent proposals have been made, will be retired without rejection or approval. A retired referendum will be treated as if it had never been made, thus it will be ignored for consideration of point doubling resulting from application of Rule 13. The proposer of a retired referendum may resubmit it.
Yes: Jim Huggins.
Abstain: JWB.

ANNA members: Duncan Richer (founder).

Proposal 83 (Scott Sindorf)

Anyone living in New York City should be given an additional 25 points. The rational being it takes a lot just to get by in this soul-searching anarchistic fuck-everyone-else narcisstic town.
No: Jim Huggins.

Proposal 84 (Olivier Marcé)

A player can not win unless he is one of the three players having the most accepted proposals.

PIA members: Stefan, Damian Coffey, Jim Huggins.

Proposal 85 (JWB)

A player who votes abstain for a proposal shall be subject to no limitations on his voting for the following five proposals.

Proposal 85 expires Proposal 72.

Stefan has won!

Congratulations Stefan.

Sergei's vote finally swung the referendum against Proposal 54, causing Stefan to lose 1.5 points as an ammender of a rejected referendum. This enabled him to collect the six points for Proposal 72 which he would have otherwise forfeited due to Rule 25.

Final scores

SCORE NAME             E-MAIL
20.0  Stefan 
16.0  Jim Huggins		   
16.0  Olivier Marcé	   
15.0  JWB    	   
15.0  Damian Coffey
 9.0  Dan              Kailey_Daniel_P%P-RSNBLT.CCBRIDGE.
 3.0  Ten Letters	   
 2.5  Big Mad Drongo
 2.0  Me       	
 1.5  Brian Tivol
 1.0  Julian Russell
 0.0  Lewis Mace       ?				   	
 0.0  Chet   	   	
 0.0  Matthew Bassett	   	
 0.0  Damien 
 0.0  Duncan Richer
-1.0  c2pnolan
 0.0  Scott Sindorf
 0.0  Sergei 


Antipodean Nomic Newbies Association (ANNA)
Duncan Richer*

Better Engineers for Eating and Recreation (BEER)

Party For UnMUDlike Legislation (PFUL)
Brian Tivol*, Big Mad Drongo

Party for Internet Anarchy (PIA)
Stefan*, Damian Coffey, Jim Huggins

* = First member.

Final Fascist Rules

These are the final rules of Fascist game 5.

1. The Emperor's decision is final.

2. The Emperor may, at any time, modify or abolish any existing rule or enact new rules.

3. When several rules apply at the same time and have different consequences then the rule with the highest number is applied first. Other rules may then be applied so long as they do not conflict directly with a rule that has already been applied.

4. A new rule will only apply to proposals numbered higher than its own proposal unless it explicitly states otherwise.

5. No rule may refer to any specific player, either directly by name or indirectly in terms of any other thing which is certain to be unique to that player throughout the game.

6. Anyone may join the game at any time.

7. Any player may propose a new rule or a change to an existing rule or the abolition of an existing rule. A player may not submit a new proposal until his last undecided proposal (if any) has received at least three votes.

8. All proposals must be sent via the World-Wide Web to The Humble Scribe.

9. The Humble Scribe will publish via the World-Wide Web the current rules, proposals, votes and scores.

10. Each player may vote on each proposal which has not yet been accepted or rejected. Only the most recent vote from each player will be counted. A vote is either Yes, No or Abstain. The proposer may not vote on his own proposal.

11. A proposal from a player with less than ten points which receives three more Yes votes than No votes will be accepted. A proposal from a player with ten points or more which receives four Yes votes will be accepted.

12. A proposal which receives at least three No votes and more No votes than Yes votes will be rejected.

13. A player whose proposal is accepted will gain twice as many points as he did for his previous proposal if that proposal was accepted. If his previous proposal was not accepted or he has not made any other proposal, he will gain one point.

14. A game ends when one player has exactly 20 points.

15. The Emperor is Denis Howe.

16. The Humble Scribe is Denis Howe.

17. Each player must chose one name under which to play. Submissions which, in the opinion of The Humble Scribe, are from the same player, will be treated as such.

18. Any player may, at any time, submit a Point of Order to raise any issue relevant to the game.

19. Abolished.

Once Rule 11 has been applied to a proposal, Rule 12 will not be applied, and vice versa.

20. Abolished.

A proposer may, without penalty, withdraw his proposal if it has not yet been accepted or rejected.

21. A player whose proposal is accepted without any No votes receives two bonus points.

22. A player whose proposal modifies Rules 1 to 18 will receive one bonus pont.

23. A player may ask for his proposal to be judged by a referendum at the time he submits it. The proposer will gain or lose three times as many points in a referendum as he would otherwise. A proposal in a referendum will be accepted if there are at least four votes, and at least three times as many Yes votes as No votes. It will be rejected if there are at least three votes, and at least three times as many No votes as Yes votes.

24. A player voting No to a proposal with no Yes votes must, at the same time, say whether or not he wishes to blame its proposer. If a proposal is rejected with no Yes votes and all those who voted No wished to blame the proposer then he will lose one point. The Humble Scribe will not reveal which players intend to blame the proposer until voting is complete.

25. If, as a result of a single event, a player's score would exceed twenty points, he gets no points for that event.

26. A player whose score is ten or more, who has a proposal rejected, shall lose 1 point.

27. A proposal which is not being judged by a referendum and which has not been accepted or rejected by the time 13 subsequent proposals have been submitted will be accepted if it has received more Yes votes than No votes, otherwise it will be rejected.

28. If a rejected proposal is resubmitted it will be judged by a referendum.

29. If a proposal is accepted and The Humble Scribe considers that it will make his job easier, its proposer will gain one bonus point.

30. Any player may join or create a political party by naming it. There may be no more than four parties and each player may only belong to one party at a time. The first player to join a party may rename it any number of times. If party A is renamed to the same name as another party B then all members of A become ordinary members of B, the first member of B loses his right to rename it and the first member of A gains this right.

31. Players may not request actions which are conditional on future events.

32. A player may propose an amendment to an undecided proposal made by any player other than himself. The player proposing the amendment must send it to the original proposer as well as to the The Humble Scribe. If the original proposer agrees to the amendment, the player proposing the amendment receives half as many points as the original proposer. The original proposer's score is not affected.

33. When a member of a party has a proposal accepted, all other party members receive one half point unless they voted No, in which case they lose one point.

34. A player with more than ten points may not vote No to a proposal unless his last vote for an earlier proposal was Yes.

35. A player whose last four consecutive votes were No may not gain any points until he makes a proposal.

36. When the members of a party with more than one member all vote Yes for a particular proposal, then one extra Yes vote is counted for that proposal, and similarly if all members vote No.

37. Any proposal which has received no votes by the time three subsequent proposals have been decided will be withdrawn. The player who submitted it must submit a Point of Order to explain why it was really quite a good proposal after all.

38. If more than four consecutive proposals have been rejected, the proposer of the next proposal to be accepted shall gain one bonus point and each player voting for it shall gain one half bonus point.

39. If three consecutives proposals by the same player are rejected then any player who voted No to all three proposals shall lose one point.

40. A player must vote on all undecided referenda before submitting further proposals or votes on non-referenda.

41. If all members of more than one party with more than one member, vote Yes on a proposal, the proposal shall be accepted regardless of any other votes.