An almost-entirely-opinion guide to picking travel powers in City of X There are three main factors that might influence your selection of travel power. The first factor is concept. You may want to fly, or to leap tall buildings at a single bound. New power pools mean that even this doesn't definitely dictate your choice because there is more than one power pool that lets you travel in each basic way - flying, teleporting, leaping, or running. The second is play convenience. Teleport's nearly always fiddly, for example, but Stone tankers using Granite may find it handy for getting around. The third is the other powers the pool offers. You only get four power pools total; if that's likely to be a constraint, and (for example) you want Teleport Other, you'd better take Teleport as your travel power. Many characters don't want to get into four different power pools anyway, and this isn't an issue for them. The basic 4 travel powers: Super Speed includes Hasten, which is exceptionally strong on some characters. It used to be otherwise pretty terrible because of the lack of vertical mobility, but these days the P2W Vendor sells jetpacks for pocket change. It's still a bit fiddly because there are a lot of things to run into at ground level. It also gives some stealth, which can let you avoid enemies altogether, and if you are spotted it is probably the best tool for rapidly getting out of line of sight and completely away from enemies on an indoor map. Flight includes Hover in the pool, a useful power for vertical mobility and a bit of defence in missions. It is not as quick as the other travel powers, but there's not much in it. Super Jump includes the similarly useful Combat Jumping, and is the most fun. Boing! I would always take Super Jump if I had no compelling reason to take something else. Teleport is fastest but fiddliest (even with a suitable bind for using it). It includes Teleport Other in the pool, an extremely useful power for teaming, especially if (for example) you are stealthy, can resurrect the fallen, or are one of those well-organised people who's always first to the mission door. It also includes the new Combat Teleport power, which I have found useful and enjoyable. The 3 additional travel powers: Sorcery's Mystic Flight combines Flight and Teleportation. Hooray? However, unlike Flight you don't get Afterburner for intermittent speed boosts, you may not like the animations, and the teleportation can't be enhanced for range or end redux so it's less good than Teleport. Rune of Protection can be good on some characters, and you can't get it without two other Sorcery powers, so even if you're not short of pools, wanting it suggests Mystic Flight. Experimentation offers Speed of Sound, which is Super Speed but with a similar unenhanceable baked-in teleport (which neatly overcomes the vertical mobility issues, but then jetpacks are cheap); but if you're short of power pools, nothing else in Experimentation is as compelling as Hasten can be to many characters. Also, Speed of Sound doesn't offer any stealth, unlike Super Speed. Force of Will comes with Mighty Leap, which bakes in a PBAoE knockdown attack - but it can't be enhanced, which means it'll never be very good. Nothing else in Force of Will is as compelling as Combat Jumping so I'd find it hard to recommend. No travel power: The P2W Vendor makes this a surprisingly attractive option. You can fly at moderate speed, run at moderate speed, jump moderately high obstacles, teleport around the city in all kinds of ways, be teleported to your mission by teammates with Assemble the Team, jump as high as you like every 15 minutes, and disguise yourself as a huge cat then run to the mission door quickly and type "meow" in team chat until someone comes and lets you in. The upside is it saves you a power pick. On the other hand, ever since inherent Fitness, power picks aren't usually in very short supply, and it does make you slower when you just want to go from A to B (eg, flying above an outdoor map looking for one hostage in a sea of enemies).