General notes: If you start a story arc, you cannot outlevel it; you're always allowed to finish it. But beware; some contacts have more than one story arc, even for bits of plot you might think of as a single arc. At levels divisible by 5, you may receive either of the two appropriate Safeguard missions. These levels are not listed in the range for these missions because you usually want to be sure which one you are getting. Safeguards can't be done via Flashback, but if you have the Villain Disruptor badge you can use Agent Hassell to select which Safeguard to run. At release, CoH had contacts arranged by origin and tier - there was a level 5-10 Mutation contact, a level 5-10 Science contact, a level 10-15 Mutation contact, a level 10-15 Science contact, and so forth. You'd start with the level 1-5 contact for your actual origin, and every contact would introduce the same-origin contact in the next tier when you got to an appropriate level, but you could be introduced to other-origin contacts. This was complicated by the way that in the lower tiers the contact is selected from 2-3 NPCs, but they always have the same missions - eg your level 25-29 Magic contact might be Miriam Bloechl or Laura Brunetti, but either way, they'll send you after the Scroll of Tielekku. Later issues added, in no particular order, contacts for new and reworked zones (eg Faultline and Croatoa) who almost always have 2 contacts in one level tier, 2 in the next level tier, and a contact who gives infinite repeatable missions; contacts you can only get by approaching them in-game (perhaps with Find Contact); contacts who get in touch with you; and an entirely new contact chain leading out of the new tutorial. "pre-req" indicates a previous contact who you should do missions for to unlock this contact. I don't list origin contact tiers, sets of four Zone Contacts, or Police contacts because they all work the same way. TFs and Trials generally only demand the team leader has done the pre-requisites. In many cases, the available information on whether something finishes at levels 4/9/14/29... or 5/10/15/20... is outright contradictory. I'll try and test these myself, but no promises. I have erred on the side of caution in the mean time. The order of things in this file is a bit arbitary. The idea is to keep things you might be doing at the same time together - a strict sort by either minimum or maximum level doesn't quite work. It's worth peeking ahead into the next level tier to see what's coming up. With changes to the game over the years, some "minimum" levels in this list are more guidelines than rules. The maximum level for contacts is usually when they stop talking to you; for other things, it's the point where you can expect to be exemplared down. Most Giant Monsters are their own category at the end because of the way they really can be done any time and often have to wait indefinitely for a badgehunting expedition. Complicated accolades have one entry in this list and many lines below. The cape, aura, and late-game store missions (and Mender Ramiel) no longer unlock anything, but you can still do them if you feel like it. Essentially all incarnate content is co-op and is detailed in Level 1: 1: Outbreak: kill 100 Contaminated for Isolator badge. 1-5: Origin contacts in City Hall (no arcs or badges). 1-7: Matthew Habashy (Atlas): What Was Lost story arc. To Officer Fields, Sondra Costel. 1-7: Officer Fields (Atlas): No More Fears story arc. From Matthew Habashy. To Aaron Thiery. 1-7: Sondra Costel (Atlas): Lay Down Your Burdens story arc. From Matthew Habashy. To Aaron Thiery. 1-7: Aaron Thiery (Atlas): Reason to Fight story arc. From Fields, Costel. 1-20: Death From Below trial. 1-50: Halloween salvage gives costume slot from Annah (Croatoa). 1-50: PB/WS epic AT arcs from Sunstorm/Shadowstar (Atlas). They have missions from 1-5 but no formal arc, then one story arc every 5 levels all the way to level 50. 1-50: Field Crafter badge (a very large undertaking). Level 5: 5-9: Atlas Park Safeguard explore badge. 7: Invention Enhancements become slottable. 5-9: Negotiator badge mission from Tech contact. 5-9: David Wincott, Flux (Hollows contacts #1, #2). 5-9: Twinshot (Atlas): The Shining Stars - A New Day Dawning story arc. 5-15: Meg Mason (Hollows repeatable missions). 7-20: Shauna Stockwell (King's Row): The Superadine Ring story arc. 7-20: Eagle Eye (King's Row): The Lords of Death and Nothing Personal, Just Business story arcs (pre-req: Shauna Stockwell). Level 10: 11-14: King's Row Safeguard explore badge. 10-50: University training. 10-14: Spelunker badge mission from Magic contact. 10-14: The Clockwork Captive arc from Tech contact. 10-14: The Bonefire Plot arc from Natural contact. 10-14: The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot arc from Science contact. 10-14: Julius The Troll, Talshak The Mystic (Hollows contacts #3, #4). 10-14: Twinshot: The Shining Stars - Big Leagues story arc. 8-15: Positron Task Force #1 (Steel Canyon). 11-16: Positron Task Force #2. The old Positron TF is available via Ouroboros. 12-15: Cavern of Transcendence (Hollows) Trial (pre-req: Talshak). 10-20: Who Will Die? Signature story arc episode 1. 10-50: Montague Castanella (Steel Canyon): Lost And Found arc / Lost Saviour and Midnight Squad badges. Level 15: 16-19: Skyway City Safeguard explore badge. 15-19: Plague Stopper badge mission from Mutant contact. 15-19: The Vahzilok Plague arc from Mutant contact. 15-19: The Mind Of A Kind arc from Science contact. 15-19: The Tsoo Shenanigans arc from Magic contact. 15-19: Jim Temblor, Penelope Yin (Faultline contacts #1, #2). 15-19: Rescuer badge mission from Penelope Yin gives access to discount enhancements. 15-19: Twinshot: The Shining Stars - With Friends Like These story arc. 15-24: Laura Lockhart (Steel Canyon): Collateral Damage story arc. 15-24: Graham Easton (Steel Canyon): Last Rites story arc. 15-50: Risk Taker, Vigilante, Agent Provocateur badges from Warzone Agent Eckman (Bloody Bay). 15-25: Gunner badge and repeatable missions from Scientist (Bloody Bay). 16-20: Synapse Task Force (Skyway). 15-50: Drowning in Blood trial. 15-50: Summer Blockbuster Event. Level 20: 21-24: Steel Canyon Safeguard explore badge. 20: Tips start to drop (Alignment/Morality missions). 20-50: Cape Mission from City Representative (Atlas Park City Hall). 20-50: Costume Mission #1 from Serge (Steel Canyon Tailor). 20-50: Atlas Medallion accolade (see below). 20-24: Spirit Warrior badge mission from Magic contact. 20-24: Pwnz badge mission from Tech contact. 20-24: A Hand Of Iron arc from Tech contact. 20-24: The Tsoo Coup arc from Mutant contact. 20-24: The Sky Raider Secret arc from Natural contact. 20-24: The Wheel of Destruction arc from Magic contact. 20-24: Doc Delilah, Agent G (Faultline contacts #3, #4). 20-24: Steph Peebles, Long Jack (Striga contacts #1, #2). 20-25: Mercedes Sheldon (Midnight Club): The Dirge of Chaos, The Magic Man, Crown of Glory story arcs. 20-25: Penelope Yin Task Force (Independence Port). The old Sister Psyche TF is available via Ouroboros. 20-50: Risk Taker, Vigilante, Agent Provocateur badges from Warzone Agent Brinson (Siren's Call). 20-29: Roy Cooling (Talos): Bad People, Good Intentions arc. 20-29: Keith Nance (Talos): Twisted Reflections arc. To Jenni Adair. 20-29: Jenni Adair (Talos): Looking Through the Glass arc. 20-29: Agent Watkins (Steel Canyon): The Graveyard Shift arc. 20-30: First Ward (zone contact chain): Doorman (Underground Imperial), Nadia, Palatine, Noble Savage, Katie Douglas, Blind Makwa, Cerulean, Master Midnight, Vanessa DeVore. 20-30: Trina Furst and Vickers (First Ward repeatable missions). 20-30: Who Will Die? Signature story arc episode 2. 23-28: Moonfire (Striga) Task Force. Level 25: 26-29: Independence Port Safeguard explore badge. 25-29: Redeemer badge arc from Mutant contact. 25-29: Mystical Saviour badge mission from Magic contact. 25-29: Lost Motivation badge from Magic contact. 25-29: The Freaklympics arc from Tech contact. 25-29: Ubelmann The Unknown arc from Mutant contact. 25-29: The Mysterious General Z arc from Natural contact (Lansdale). 25-29: An Unnatural Order arc from Science contact. 25-29: The Scroll Of Tielekku arc from Magic contact. 25-29: Tobias Hansen, Lars Hansen (Striga contacts #3, #4). 25-29: Gordon Bower, Skipper LeGrange (Croatoa contacts #1, #2). 25-29: Shauna Braun (Vigilante alignment arc). 25-50: The Pilgrim: Ouroboros introduction arc. 25-30: Ernesto Hess (Striga) Task Force (pre-req: Lars Hansen). 25-30: Citadel Task Force (Talos). Level 30: 31-34: Talos Island Safeguard explore badge. 24-33: Respec Trial #1 from Jane Hallway (Independence Port). 29-50: Archmage Hellewise (First Ward, briefly introduces the mechanism for travelling between First Ward and Night Ward. 29-40: Night Ward (zone contact chain): Mistress Maria (First Ward), Montague Castanella, Ward, Sir Bedwyr, The Magician. 30-39: Sir Lionel, Atherton Cromwell (Night Ward repeatable missions). 30-50: Fireball, Trilogy (additional Night Ward story missions). 30-50: Costume Mission #2 from Lauren (Independence Port Tailor). 30-50: Aura Mission from City Representative (Atlas Park). 30-40: Origin Store Contact missions - Serafina, Agent Six, Holsten Armitage, Mark IV, Penny Preston. (Brickstown, Founders' Falls) 30-34: Corrupter badge mission from Tech contact. 30-34: War Wall Defender badge mission from Natural contact (Mereaux). 30-34: The Freakshow War arc from Tech contact. 30-34: The Rise Of The Vampyri arc from Mutant contact. 30-34: Corporate Culture arc from Natural contact (Mereaux). 30-34: The Unity Plague arc from Science contact. 30-34: The Library Of Souls arc from Magic contact. 30-34: Kelly Nemmers, Buck Salinger (Croatoa contact #3, #4). 25-34: Twilight's Son (Ouroboros) Task Force. 30-35: Percy Winkley (Croatoa): The Origin Of Power story arc (pre-req: Montague Castanella). 30-35: Manticore Task Force (Brickstown). 30-35: Katie Hannon (Croatoa) Task Force (pre-req: Buck Salinger), Ten Times The Victor accolade. 30-39: Mender Lazarus (Ouroboros) Task Force. 30-40: The Major (Vigilante alignment arc). 30-40: Who Will Die? Signature story arc episodes 3, 4. 30-50: Pandora's Box Signature story arc episode 1. 30-50: Geas Of The Kind Ones accolade (see below). 30-50: Risk Taker, Vigilante, Agent Provocateur badges from Warzone Agent Goddard (Warburg). 30-38: Rocketman badge and repeatable missions from Longbow Special Op (Warburg). 30-50: Provost Marchand (Primal Earth): 4 story arcs set after the fall of Praetoria. Level 35: 36-39: Brickstown Safeguard explore badge. 35+: Calvin Scott Task Force (via Ouroboros only). 35-40: Numina Task Force (Founder's Falls). 35-40: Task Force Commander accolade: do Positron, Synapse, Yin (or Psyche), Citadel, Manticore, Numina Task Forces. 35-39: The Doctor's Ally badge mission from Natural contact (Stacy). 35-39: Frontline badge mission from Magic contact (Kestrel). 35-39: Traditionalist Foil badge from Steven Sheridan (Brickstown). 35-39: Mass Duplicity arc from Technology contact (Sampson). 35-39: A Path Into Darkness arc from Mutant contact (Nelson). 35-39: Revenant Hero Project arc from Natural contact (Stacy). 35-39: The Terra Conspiracy arc from Science contact (Yates). 35-39: The Envoy of Shadow arc from Magic contact (Kestrel). 35-50: Conspiracy Theorist accolade: Infiltrator Badge (100 Paragon Protectors), The Doctor's Ally, exploration badges. 35-50: Levantera (Rikti War Zone Contact #1). Two arcs. 35-50: Borea (Rikti War Zone repeatable missions contact). 35-50: Vanguard accolade (see below). 35-40: The Organ Grinders arc from Steven Sheridan (Brickstown). 20-40: Admiral Sutter Task Force (Independence Port). 38-40: Abandoned Sewers (Hydra) Trial. (Includes Head of the Hydra explore). 39-41: Eden Trial. 35-50: Imperious (Cimemora) Task Force (pre-req: Montague Castanella; Master Of... and Advanced Difficulty available). 35-50: Senator Decimus Aquila (Cimerora Contact #1). 35-50: Marcus Valerius (Cimerora repeatable missions). 35-50: Rikti War Zone Raid available. 35-50: U'Kon Gr'ai GM, Unabashed explore badge available during Rikti War Zone Raids. 35-50: Pandora's Box Signature story arc episode 2. Level 40: 41-44: Founder's Falls Safeguard explore badge. 34-44: Respec Trial #2 from Captain James Harlan (Founder's Falls). 40-50: Costume Mission #3 from Carson (Founder's Falls Tailor). 40-50: Ghost Falcon Store Contact mission (Peregrine). 40-44: Emancipator badge mission from Natural contact (MacIntyre). 40-50: Multidimensional badge mission from MacIntyre or Kemen. 40-44: Meteorologist badge arc from Tech contact (Christopher). 40-44: The Eternal Nemesis arc from Tech contact (Christopher). 40-44: Melvin And The Mysterious Malta Group arc from Mutant contact (Indigo). 40-44: The Anti-Matter Collision arc from Natural contact (MacIntyre). The original Praetorian War arc is available via Ouroboros. 40-44: The Evil Countess Crey arc from Science contact (Kellum). 40-44: To Save A Soul arc from Magic contact (Casey). 40-44: Troubled Times arc from Dr. Stribbling (Brickstown). Requires Vigilante alignment. 40-45: Division: Line arc from Angus McQueen (Founder's Falls). 40-50: General Hammond, Dr Boyd (Shadow Shard contacts #1, #2, both give repeatable missions, but each start with one non-repeatable mission introducing Shard mechanics.) 40-50: Dr Huxley (Shadow Shard repeatable missions, first mission non-repeatable and introduces some Shard lore). 40-50: Serpent Drummer (Rikti War Zone Contact #2). 40-50: Stolen Power (Cimerora arc from Daedalus). 40-50: Future Threat (Cimerora arc from Daedalus). 41-50: Only Love Can Hurt Like This arc from Ashling Corlett (Steel Canyon) 40-50: Archmage accolade (see below). 40-50: Freedom Phalanx Reserve accolade (see below). 40-44: Dr Quaterfield Task Force (SSTF #1). 40-50: Sara Moore Task Force (SSTF #2). 40-50: Who Will Die? Signature story arc episodes 5-7. 40-50: Pandora's Box Signature story arc episodes 3-5. 40-50: Market Crash trial (Kallisti Wharf). 40-50: Cathedral of Pain trial. 40-50: Time Machinist, Somewhere in Time, Back from the Future pillbox badges in Recluse's Victory. Level 45: 45-50: Portal Jockey accolade (see below). 46-50: Peregrine Island Safeguard explore badge. 46-50: Stouthearted accolade (automatic with all nine Safeguards). 45-50: Bodyguard badge arc from Mutant contact (Crimson). 45-50: Agent badge mission from Maria Jenkins. 45-50: Shrouded exploration badge mission from Maria Jenkins. 45-50: Project: World Wide Red arc from Mutant contact (Crimson). 45-50: Kronos Titan GM in missions from Mutant contact (Crimson). 45-50: To Save A Thousand Worlds arc from Natural contact (Kemen). 45-50: A Hero's Epic arc from Maria Jenkins. The original A Hero's Hero arc is available via Ouroboros. 45-50: Upon The Psychic Plane arc from Magic contact (Maylor). 45-50: Gaussian (Rikti War Zone Contact #3). 45-50: The Dark Watcher (Rikti War Zone Contact #4). Warning: first mission easy to fail, see Wiki for details. 45-50: Lt Volkov, Lt Col Flynn (Shadow Shard contacts #3, #4, both give repeatable missions). 44-50: Respec Trial #3 from Major Richard Flagg (Peregrine Island). 44-50: Justin Augustine Task Force (SSTF #3). 44-50: Faathim The Kind Task Force (SSTF #4). 35-50: Lady Grey (Rikti War Zone) Task Force. 45-50: Dr Kahn (Reichsman) Task Force (Founder's Falls). (Master of... available). 45-50: Hamidon raid available (The Hive). 45-50: Labyrinth of Fog raid available (Midnight Club). 45-50: Ms Liberty Task Force (Independence Port). (Master of... available). 46-50: Mender Silos (Ouroboros) Task Force. 50: Piecemeal. Personal Story arc (RWZ). 50: Mender Ramiel (Ouroboros). Traditionally, this was the usual way to unlock your Alpha Incarnate slot. Giant Monsters: 5-50: Paladin in King's Row. Knight Errant badge. 7-50: Kraken in Perez Park. Unleasher badge. 10-50: Babbage in Boomtown (but more easily killed during Synapse TF.) Clockstopper badge. 21-50: Adamstor in Echo: Dark Astoria. Keeper of Secrets badge. 22-50: Lusca in Independence Port. Devilfish badge. 25-50: Eochai in Croatoa. Pumpkin King badge. 25-50: Jack in Irons in Croatoa. Giant Killer badge. 25-50: Sally in Croatoa (twice). Believer badge. 31-50: Jurassik in Crey's Folly. The Solution badge. 35-50: U'kon Gr'ai in Rikti War Zone during raids (ten times). Master At Arms badge. 45-50: Kronos Titan in World Wide Red arc. Master of Olympus badge. 45-50: Arachnos Flier in Statesman Task Force. Heat Seeker badge. The Atlas Medallion: Spelunker (once notorious mission badge from 10-14 Magic contact). Exploration and history plaque badges. Silver Bullet (warwolves, probably from Moonfire TF or on Striga). Slayer (vampyri ditto). Geas Of The Kind Ones is the Croatoa accolade: 30-35: Geas Of The Kind Ones components: Katie Hannon Task Force. All Croatoa Giant Monsters. Cap Buster: Red Caps. Pumpkin Master: Fir Bolg. Bane Of Dannan: Tuatha De Dannan. Spellbinding: Cabal. Haunted: Ghosts. 35-50: Vanguard components: Exploration/plaque badges. Finder: Lost Bosses. Zookeeper: Rikti Monkeys. The rest of Archmage is trivial, albeit that Banisher can be tedious, compared to the Illusionist badge. Unless you get sidekicked into a hunt, this is one for your 40s. 21-50: Archmage components: Exploration badges. Banisher: Banished Pantheon Masks. 40+ suggested: Illusionist: Carnie summoned Illusionists. Soul Binder: Circle Of Thorns Mages. Tracer: Tsoo Sorcerors. Arch-Villains, collect the whole set - they're in missions in the 40s. 40-50: Portal Jockey components: Scholastic history badge. Multidimensional exploration badge mission (MacIntyre, Kemen). Shrouded exploration badge mission (Jenkins, Sheridan, Maylor, Nelson). Shrouded is listed above only under Jenkins, since it seems to me that her mission is the one intended to award it. AVs: Anti-Matter (MacIntyre). Bobcat (MacIntyre, Jenkins). Neuron (MacIntyre, Jenkins). Battle Maiden (Jenkins). Black Swan (Jenkins). Chimera (Jenkins). Diabolique (Jenkins). Dominatrix (Jenkins). Infernal (Jenkins). Malaise (Jenkins, Faathim The Kind). Marauder (Jenkins). Nightstar (Jenkins). Siege (Jenkins). Freedom Phalanx Reserve again is stuck on 40+ beasties in the form of Fake Nemesis. 40-50: Freedom Phalanx Reserve components: Exploration/plaque badges. Tank Buster: Freakshow Tanks. Gearsmasher: Clockwork Gears. Unveiler: Fake Nemesis. Watchman: Bomb Specialist, Chief, Sentry (defeat 25 UXBs, 10 Heavy Assault Suits, 100 Rikti during invasions). Day Jobs: Job location available in most or all zones: Architect Architect Entertainment Caregiver Hospital Commuter Stations Law Enforcer Police Monitor Duty Base (note that logging out next to the portal suffices) Shop Keeper Shops Job location available in easily accessible zones: Banker Vault Reserve Day Trader Wentworths City Official City Hall, Freedom Corps Clubber Pocket D Duelist Arenas Vanguard R. Vanguard Base (but you need 35+ to get the badge) Job location tricky or impossible to reach without at least some levelling: Fashion Des. Icon Professor Universities Mortician Graveyard Predator PVP Zones Midnighter Midnight Club Intern Portal Corps Dimen. Expl. Shadow Shard Chronologist Ouroborous Cimeroran Cimerora