21Moon It's set on the Moon and we're all trying to transport valuable minerals and perhaps some people. Trains are transports, stations are depots, and so forth. The big random setup factor is that the 17 mineral hexes are assigned a kind of minerals during setup. The value of minerals (the value of the station in the hex) changes with the colour of the tile laid in the hex; three increase, Armacolite decreases, and Magnetite is always trash. The other random factor is that one company is only available from SDR 3. The game always runs for 5 SDRs and the corresponding ORs. There's no breaking the bank. The Space Port isn't like London, six separate stations. All seven companies can run out of any exit, which I guess can make for some pretty sharp-elbowed tokening. The board also features some offboard areas, a reserved hex for the Passenger Terminal, another oddball station tile - and the Rift in the north, which only the Space Bridge private can be used to build over. The stock market's a pretty normal two-dimensional one. There are six privates. They grant a special power to the company that buys them in; using this usually closes them. There's a maximum buy-in price for each one. They close at the start of OR4.1 if not closed beforehand. The Old Landing Site becomes a token. The UN Contract lets you add or remove a 3/4/5/6 train from the stack. The Space Bridge lets you build across the Rift and gives $60 the first time you do so. The Research Lab is a bonus $20 token on a hex (for every company? I don't see why not from the rules). The Passenger Terminal lets you play the tile on the relevant hex and gives you a token there. The Tunnel Company lets you just take a share certificate from the market (this power can be used by a player) and provides a $10 discount on mountains (not hills, which stay at $10). The game starts with the private auction. These are sold in a fixed order. On each player's turn they may: Buy the first company in line Bid (at least the face value + $5, $5 increments) on a later company in line Pass. Whenever a player buys the first company work down the line looking at the subsequent companies in order. If they have: Zero bids. Stop doing this; the next player takes a share dealing turn. One bid. Sold to bidding player. Check next company in line. Two bids. Auction this company. Check next company in line. The auction is pretty standard, $5 increments. Pass once and you must keep passing. I think at the end of the auction the share dealing turn just passes clockwise again. If everyone passes their share dealing turn, the face value of the first company in line is reduced by $10 and a new share turn begins. A player must take a company offered at $0. The share round does not end until all privates are sold. Companies can buy shares in companies (even their own, except you can't buy your own IPO shares). This means there's a difference between shares in the IPO and shares in the company treasury; the latter pay it dividends. When you start a company by buying 20%, the remaining 80% become IPO shares. The company gets the share price of these as and when they are sold. Companies actually float when 50% is sold, but even before then they can do "Corporate Round" stuff. Stock rounds are fairly normal except that instead of a buy you can swap any (non-Director's) certificate you own with any certificate a company you are the Director of owns, regardless of nominal value. This is the only way a player can take a certificate from a company's treasury; you can't buy them. You can't buy past 50%, but you can get there via shenanigans, mostly these cert swaps. After each SDR there's a "Corporate Round". Each corporate can sell treasury certificates, issue IPO certificates, and then buy no more than one certificate. Companies can't be Directors even if they have the most shares; they don't have a cert limit (but since they can only buy one share per SDR and there's only 5 SDRs, I don't see how they could exceed it). Every company has two bases, one at the Spaceport and one "local". Each base can have up to two trains assigned, and when you buy a train you have to assign it to one base or other. The Spaceport's trains always pay a dividend; the local base's trains always withhold. If you have fewer than 4 trains, you can move one between bases before running trains. You can always upgrade city tiles you can reach. You can only upgrade plain track tiles if you can reach some of the new track. Each base gets one build action, which can be a lay or upgrade. When you run routes from a base, one route must visit it. The other route (if any) must meet the first route at a station, and must visit either the base or a token. Tokens also block other people's routes as normal. A route from the Passenger Terminal to an Eastern off-board area gets a bonus $30. An East-West offboard route gets a bonus $100; additionally, each offboard area starts with four bonus tokens and if a company runs such a route it may take one token from one of the offboard areas visited if it does not have a token from that area already. Such a token is worth a bonus $50 share price at the game end. You can't triple-jump. You take a single jump on a payout half (or more) your share price. Train sales between companies are at any price. No more than one train can be bought per base per turn. A company must buy a train only if it has a possible route to run one on. The emergency money raising procedure is pretty standard, except it if fails the company is also bankrupt. There's a receivership process for a company with no Director but this can only happen as the result of a player who was Director of >1 company going bankrupt so I sha'n't detail it.