CUSFS Semi-detached Events - Lent Term 2003

Unofficial events to which CUSFS members are welcome.

Semi-detached games evenings

Time and venue: 7.30pm at the Castle Inn for food or 9.00pm at Relativity (155 Gilbert Road)

A group of CUSFS people often meet in the Castle (on Castle Hill) on a Thursday evening for food, and then retire to Relativity for coffee, games and booze.

Typically, games played can include Mao (an intriguing and mysterious card game), Albatross (a locally-developed Whist variant with bidding), Pairs Gnostica (a strategy game played with tarot cards and small pointy pyramids!) and others.

You'd be welcome to join us. Note also that the official CUSFS games evening will be taking place on Sunday 16th February, and a wider variety of games will be played there (and bringing your own is encouraged), so if you only turn up to one games evening please come to the official one!

Please send comments and queries to

Last recorded update: 24 June 2004, by Mark Waller
Status: awaiting checking against missives

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