Last Week on Over The Edge Genesis

"I've got some information about Dr Barassi"
Tim drops a telephone directory sized dossier onto the table

"Dr Barassi started off as a biologist, doing really early research work on cells. It seems he published a few papers about reconstructing cells, essentially bringing them 'back to life'. Anyway, after a while it appears he found religion - left Vienna and moved to Rome, apparently to become a priest. Six years later, and hes moved to Al'Amarja to take a civillian post at the Magdelan monestary. Then theres the most recent pahse of his life, he attends Cambridge University, traning as a medical doctor. He comes out top of his year, and returns to Al'Amarja setting up his clinic"

"Apparently Barassi published a book 'Fakes, forgeries and fetishes'"

"Didn't we see that book at the Umbra Domini religious community?"

"According to this book, Barassi was involved in examining religious relics, essentually using scientific methods to prove they wern't authentic"

"By the way - has anyone seen Felippe?"