Last Week on Over The Edge : Genesis

As George bends down to see if Felipe is alive, Felipe rolls over and grabs his guitar case

"George" Riorden says "We found the knife that was used - an army type, not the sort of thing we would expect to find lying around. It seems the suspect has whip marks on his back, looks like he's been tortured or something. Add that to the fact his ID is for a person who has only been around for a few months, and the fact he looks like a brick shithouse and I think you'll agree, we're looking at a prfesional. Theresz bad news though - the folks upstairs think its an open and shut case - I've been taken off it."

"We couldn't find Tim, we assumed he'd come home"

A woman with a young child comes up to Dave at the funeral

"thanks a lot. That was a lovely eulogy"
"Did you know Karen well?"
"not well. I met her on holiday a few years ago, we just hit it off. When I heared what happened to her, on the news, I just had to come to the funeral"

The TV news shows pictures of the cemetary, a peace line keeps the media back, Riorden is making a statement about how sick some individuals are, as the family rush out of the house

"I still don't quite believe it" Riorden says "It looks like last night someone exhumed Joe's body and cremated it- the boys at the lab reckon a magnesium fuse was used"