#!/usr/bin/python import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) import os import time import urllib import urllib2 import errno import sys import re as regexp import random from optparse import OptionParser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup opts = None puzzles = ('Swordfighting/Bilging/Sailing/Rigging/Navigating'+ '/Battle Navigation/Gunning/Carpentry/Rumble/Treasure Haul'+ '/Drinking/Spades/Hearts/Treasure Drop/Poker/Distilling'+ '/Alchemistry/Shipwrightery/Blacksmithing/Foraging').split('/') standingvals = ('Able/Distinguished/Respected/Master'+ '/Renowned/Grand-Master/Legendary/Ultimate').split('/') pirate_ref_re = regexp.compile('^/yoweb/pirate\\.wm') max_pirate_namelen = 12 def debug(m): if opts.debug: print >>sys.stderr, m class Fetcher: def __init__(self, ocean, cachedir): debug('Fetcher init %s' % cachedir) self.ocean = ocean self.cachedir = cachedir try: os.mkdir(cachedir) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise self._cache_scan(time.time()) def _default_ocean(self): if self.ocean is None: self.ocean = 'ice' def _cache_scan(self, now): # returns list of ages, unsorted ages = [] debug('Fetcher scan_cache') for leaf in os.listdir(self.cachedir): if not leaf.startswith('#'): continue path = self.cachedir + '/' + leaf try: s = os.stat(path) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise continue age = now - s.st_mtime if age > opts.expire_age: debug('Fetcher expire %d %s' % (age, path)) try: os.remove(path) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise continue ages.append(age) return ages def _rate_limit_cache_clean(self, now): ages = self._cache_scan(now) ages.sort() debug('Fetcher ages ' + `ages`) min_age = 1 need_wait = 0 for age in ages: if age < min_age and age < 300: debug('Fetcher morewait min=%d age=%d' % (min_age, age)) need_wait = max(need_wait, min_age - age) min_age += 3 min_age *= 1.25 if need_wait > 0: debug('Fetcher wait %d' % need_wait) time.sleep(need_wait) def fetch(self, url, max_age): debug('Fetcher fetch %s' % url) cache_corename = urllib.quote_plus(url) cache_item = "%s/#%s#" % (self.cachedir, cache_corename) try: f = file(cache_item, 'r') except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise f = None now = time.time() max_age = max(opts.min_max_age, min(max_age, opts.expire_age)) if f is not None: s = os.fstat(f.fileno()) age = now - s.st_mtime if age > max_age: debug('Fetcher stale %d < %d'% (max_age, age)) f = None if f is not None: data = f.read() f.close() debug('Fetcher cached %d > %d' % (max_age, age)) return data debug('Fetcher fetch') self._rate_limit_cache_clean(now) stream = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = stream.read() cache_tmp = "%s/#%s~%d#" % ( self.cachedir, cache_corename, os.getpid()) f = file(cache_tmp, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() os.rename(cache_tmp, cache_item) debug('Fetcher stored') return data def yoweb(self, kind, tail, max_age): self._default_ocean() url = 'http://%s.puzzlepirates.com/yoweb/%s%s' % ( self.ocean, kind, tail) return self.fetch(url, max_age) class SoupLog: def __init__(self): self.msgs = [ ] def msg(self, m): self.msgs.append(m) def soupm(self, obj, m): self.msg(m + '; in ' + `obj`) def needs_msgs(self, child_souplog): self.msgs += child_souplog.msgs child_souplog.msgs = [ ] def soup_text(obj): str = ''.join(obj.findAll(text=True)) return str.strip() class SomethingSoupInfo(SoupLog): def __init__(self, kind, tail, max_age): SoupLog.__init__(self) html = fetcher.yoweb(kind, tail, max_age) self._soup = BeautifulSoup(html, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES ) class PirateInfo(SomethingSoupInfo): # Public data members: # pi.standings = { 'Treasure Haul': 'Able' ... } # pi.name = name # pi.crew = (id, name) # pi.flag = (id, name) # pi.msgs = [ 'message describing problem with scrape' ] def __init__(self, pirate, max_age=300): SomethingSoupInfo.__init__(self, 'pirate.wm?target=', pirate, max_age) self.name = pirate self._find_standings() self.crew = self._find_crewflag('crew', '^/yoweb/crew/info\\.wm') self.flag = self._find_crewflag('flag', '^/yoweb/flag/info\\.wm') def _find_standings(self): imgs = self._soup.findAll('img', src=regexp.compile('/yoweb/images/stat.*')) re = regexp.compile( u'\\s*\\S*/([-A-Za-z]+)\\s*$|\\s*\\S*/\\S*\\s*\\(ocean\\-wide(?:\\s|\\xa0)+([-A-Za-z]+)\\)\\s*$' ) standings = { } for skill in puzzles: standings[skill] = [ ] skl = SoupLog() for img in imgs: try: puzzle = img['alt'] except KeyError: continue if not puzzle in puzzles: skl.soupm(img, 'unknown puzzle: "%s"' % puzzle) continue key = img.findParent('td') if key is None: skl.soupm(img, 'puzzle at root! "%s"' % puzzle) continue valelem = key.findNextSibling('td') if valelem is None: skl.soupm(key, 'puzzle missing sibling "%s"' % puzzle) continue valstr = soup_text(valelem) match = re.match(valstr) if match is None: skl.soupm(key, ('puzzle "%s" unparseable'+ ' standing "%s"') % (puzzle, valstr)) continue standing = match.group(match.lastindex) standings[puzzle].append(standing) self.standings = { } for puzzle in puzzles: sl = standings[puzzle] if len(sl) > 1: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" multiple standings %s' % (puzzle, `sl`)) continue if not sl: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" no standing found' % puzzle) continue standing = sl[0] for i in range(0, len(standingvals)-1): if standing == standingvals[i]: self.standings[puzzle] = i if not puzzle in self.standings: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" unknown standing "%s"' % (puzzle, standing)) all_standings_ok = True for puzzle in puzzles: if not puzzle in self.standings: self.needs_msgs(skl) def _find_crewflag(self, cf, yoweb_re): things = self._soup.findAll('a', href=regexp.compile(yoweb_re)) if len(things) != 1: self.msg('zero or several %s id references found' % cf) return None thing = things[0] id_re = '\\b%sid\\=(\\w+)$' % cf id_haystack = thing['href'] match = regexp.compile(id_re).search(id_haystack) if match is None: self.soupm(thing, ('incomprehensible %s id ref'+ ' (%s in %s)') % (cf, id_re, id_haystack)) return None name = soup_text(thing) return (match.group(1), name) def __str__(self): return `(self.crew, self.flag, self.standings, self.msgs)` class CrewInfo(SomethingSoupInfo): # Public data members: # ci.crew = [ ('Captain', ['Pirate', ...]), # ('Senior Officer', [...]), # ... ] # pi.msgs = [ 'message describing problem with scrape' ] def __init__(self, crewid, max_age=300): SomethingSoupInfo.__init__(self, 'crew/info.wm?crewid=', crewid, max_age) self._find_crew() def _find_crew(self): self.crew = [] capts = self._soup.findAll('img', src='/yoweb/images/crew-captain.png') if len(capts) != 1: self.msg('crew members: no. of captain images != 1') return tbl = capts[0] while not tbl.find('a', href=pirate_ref_re): tbl = tbl.findParent('table') if not tbl: self.msg('crew members: cannot find table') return current_rank_crew = None crew_rank_re = regexp.compile('/yoweb/images/crew') for row in tbl.contents: # findAll(recurse=False) if isinstance(row, unicode): continue is_rank = row.find('img', attrs={'src': crew_rank_re}) if is_rank: rank = soup_text(row) current_rank_crew = [] self.crew.append((rank, current_rank_crew)) continue for cell in row.findAll('a', href=pirate_ref_re): if current_rank_crew is None: self.soupm(cell, 'crew members: crew' ' before rank') continue current_rank_crew.append(soup_text(cell)) def __str__(self): return `(self.crew, self.msgs)` class StandingsTable: def __init__(self, use_puzzles=None, col_width=6): if use_puzzles is None: if opts.ship_duty: use_puzzles=[ 'Navigating','Battle Navigation', 'Gunning', ['Sailing','Rigging'], 'Bilging', 'Carpentry', 'Treasure Haul' ] else: use_puzzles=puzzles self._puzzles = use_puzzles self.s = '' self._cw = col_width-1 def _pline(self, pirate, puzstrs): self.s += ' %-*s' % (max(max_pirate_namelen, 14), pirate) for v in puzstrs: self.s += ' %-*.*s' % (self._cw,self._cw, v) self.s += '\n' def _puzstr(self, pi, puzzle): if not isinstance(puzzle,list): puzzle = [puzzle] try: standing = max([pi.standings[p] for p in puzzle]) except KeyError: return '?' if not standing: return '' s = '' if self._cw > 4: c1 = standingvals[standing][0] if standing < 3: c1 = c1.lower() # 3 = Master s += `standing` if self._cw > 5: s += ' ' s += '*' * (standing / 2) s += '+' * (standing % 2) return s def headings(self): def puzn_redact(name): if isinstance(name,list): return '/'.join( ["%.*s" % (self._cw/2, puzn_redact(n)) for n in name]) spc = name.find(' ') if spc < 0: return name return name[0:min(4,spc)] + name[spc+1:] self._pline('', map(puzn_redact, self._puzzles)) def literalline(self, line): self.s += line + '\n' def pirate(self, pi): puzstrs = [self._puzstr(pi,puz) for puz in self._puzzles] self._pline(pi.name, puzstrs) def results(self): return self.s def do_pirate(pirates, bu): print '{' for pirate in pirates: info = PirateInfo(pirate) print '%s: %s,' % (`pirate`, info) print '}' def prep_crew_of(args, bu, max_age=300): if len(args) != 1: bu('crew-of takes one pirate name') pi = PirateInfo(args[0], max_age) return CrewInfo(pi.crew[0], max_age) def do_crew_of(args, bu): ci = prep_crew_of(args, bu) print ci def do_standings_crew_of(args, bu): ci = prep_crew_of(args, bu, 60) tab = StandingsTable() tab.headings() for (rank, members) in ci.crew: if not members: continue tab.literalline('%s:' % rank) for p in members: pi = PirateInfo(p, random.randint(900,1800)) tab.pirate(pi) print tab.results() class PirateAboard: # pa.v # pa.last_time # pa.last_event # pa.gunner def __init__(pa, v, time, event): pa.v = v pa.last_time = time pa.last_event = event pa.gunner = False class ShipCrewTracker: def __init__(self, myself_pi): self._pl = {} # self._pl['Pirate'] = self._vl = {} # self._vl['Vessel']['Pirate'] = PirateAboard # self._vl['Vessel']['#lastaboard'] self._v = None # self._v = self._vessel = None # self._vl[self._vessel] self._date = None self._myself = myself_pi self._need_redisplay = False def _refresh(self): self._need_redisplay = True def _onboard_event(self,timestamp,pirate,event): try: pa = self._pl[pirate] except KeyError: pa = None if pa is not None and pa.v is self._v: pa.last_time = timestamp pa.last_event = event else: if pa is not None: del pa.v[pirate] pa = PirateAboard(self._v, timestamp, event) self._pl[pirate] = pa self._v[pirate] = pa self._v['#lastaboard'] = timestamp self._refresh() return pa def clear_vessel(self, timestamp): if self._v is not None: for p in self._v: if p.startswith('#'): continue del self._pl[p] self._v = {'#lastaboard': timestamp} def _debug_line_disposition(self,timestamp,l,m): debug('SCT %-13s %-30s %s' % (timestamp,m,l)) def chatline(self,l): rm = lambda re: regexp.match(re,l) d = lambda m: self._debug_line_disposition(timestamp,l,m) timestamp = None m = rm('=+ (\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+) =+$') if m: self._date = m.groups() return d('date '+`self._date`) if self._date is None: return d('date unset') m = rm('\\[(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\\] ') if not m: return d('no timestamp') time_tuple = [int(x) for x in self._date + m.groups()] time_tuple += (-1,-1,-1) timestamp = time.mktime(time_tuple) l = l[l.find(' ')+1:] ob = lambda who, event: self._onboard_event( timestamp, who, event) oba = lambda m, did: ob( m.group(1), '%s %s' % (did, m.group(2))) m = rm('Going aboard the (\\S.*\\S)\\.\\.\\.$') if m: self._vessel = m.group(1) dm = 'boarding' try: self._v = self._vl[self._vessel] except KeyError: self._v = None; dm += ' new' if self._v is not None: la = self._v['#lastaboard'] else: la = 0; dm += ' ?la' if timestamp - la > 3600: self.clear_vessel(timestamp) dm += ' stale' self._vl[self._vessel] = self._v ob(self._myself.name, 'we boarded') return d(dm) if self._v is None: return d('no vessel') m = rm('You have ordered (\\w+) to do some (\\S.*\\S)\\.$') if m: pa = oba(m, 'ordered') if m.group(2) == 'Gunning': pa.gunner = True return d('duty order') m = rm('(\\w+) abandoned a (\\S.*\\S) station\\.$') if m: oba(m,'abandoned'); return d('abandoned') m = rm('(\\w+) says, "') if m: ob(m.group(1), 'talked'); return d('talked') m = rm('(\\w+) has left the vessel\.') if m: who = m.group(1) ob(who, 'disembarked') del self._v[who] del self._pl[who] return d('disembarked') return d('not matched') def do_ship_aid(args, bu): if len(args) != 1: bu('ship-aid takes only chat log filename') logfn = args[0] logfn_re = '(?:.*/)?([A-Z][a-z]+)_([a-z]+)_chat-log-\\w+$' match = regexp.match(logfn_re, logfn) if not match: bu('ship-aid chat log filename is not in default format') (pirate, fetcher.ocean) = match.groups() myself_pi = PirateInfo(pirate,3600) track = ShipCrewTracker(myself_pi) f = file(logfn) l = '' while True: l += f.readline() if l.endswith('\n'): track.chatline(l.rstrip()) # print `track.__dict__` l = '' continue if l: continue print `track.__dict__` os.sleep(1) def main(): global opts, fetcher pa = OptionParser( '''usage: .../yoweb-scrape [OPTION...] ACTION [ARGS...] actions: yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] pirate PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] crew-of PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] standings-crew-of PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] ship-aid CHAT-LOG ''') ao = pa.add_option ao('-O','--ocean',dest='ocean', metavar='OCEAN', default=None, help='select ocean OCEAN') ao('--cache-dir', dest='cache_dir', metavar='DIR', default='~/.yoweb-scrape-cache', help='cache yoweb pages in DIR') ao('-D','--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False, help='enable debugging output') ao('-q','--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='suppress warning output') ao('--ship-duty', action='store_true', dest='ship_duty', help='show ship duty station puzzles') (opts,args) = pa.parse_args() random.seed() if len(args) < 1: pa.error('need a mode argument') mode = args[0] mode_fn_name = 'do_' + mode.replace('_','#').replace('-','_') try: mode_fn = globals()[mode_fn_name] except KeyError: pa.error('unknown mode "%s"' % mode) # fixed parameters opts.min_max_age = 60 opts.expire_age = 3600 if opts.cache_dir.startswith('~/'): opts.cache_dir = os.getenv('HOME') + opts.cache_dir[1:] fetcher = Fetcher(opts.ocean, opts.cache_dir) mode_fn(args[1:], pa.error) main()