#!/usr/bin/perl -w # helper program for processing commodity output # This is part of ypp-sc-tools, a set of third-party tools for assisting # players of Yohoho Puzzle Pirates. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Ian Jackson # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Yohoho and Puzzle Pirates are probably trademarks of Three Rings and # are used without permission. This program is not endorsed or # sponsored by Three Rings. use strict (qw(vars)); use HTTP::Request; use IO::File; use POSIX; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Parser; # $commod{'Hemp'}{Buy|Sell}{'stall'}{Stall} # $commod{'Hemp'}{Buy|Sell}{'stall'}{Price} # $commod{'Hemp'}{Buy|Sell}{'stall'}{Qty} # $commod{'Hemp'}{Hold} our @v; our ($commod,$stall,%commod); @ARGV==1 or die "You probably don't want to run this program directly.\n"; our ($mode) = shift @ARGV; # ./yppsc-commod-processor tsv $stall, Price => $price, Qty => $qty, }; } while (<>) { chomp; @v= split /\t/; #print STDERR "[".join("|",@v)."]\n"; ($commod,$stall) = @v; bs_read(Buy, 2); bs_read(Sell, 4); $commod{$commod}{Hold}= $v[6]+0 if @v>6; } our $current; sub bs_p ($$$) { my ($commod,$bs,$sortmul) = @_; my $ary= $current->{$bs}; my $r= [ ]; #print Dumper($ary); foreach my $stall (sort { $sortmul * ($ary->{$a}{Price} <=> $ary->{$b}{Price}); } keys %$ary) { push @$r, $ary->{$stall}; } return $r; } sub bs_p_bestprice ($) { my ($l) = @_; if (@$l) { printf("| %-25.25s %4d", $l->[0]{Stall}, $l->[0]{Price}) or die $!; } else { printf("| %25s %4s","","") or die $!; } } sub main__arbitrage () { my @arbs= (); foreach $commod (sort keys %commod) { $current= $commod{$commod}; my @buys= @{ bs_p($commod,Buy, -1) }; my @sells= @{ bs_p($commod,Sell,+1) }; my $profit= 0; my $cqty= 0; my $info= ''; my $arbs= []; for (;;) { #print Dumper($commod,\@buys,\@sells); last unless @buys; last unless @sells; my $pricediff= $buys[0]{Price} - $sells[0]{Price}; last unless $pricediff > 0; our $qty= 1000; sub arb_check_qty (\@) { my ($verbs) = @_; my $vqty= $verbs->[0]{Qty}; return if $vqty =~ m/^\>/; $qty= $vqty if $qty > $vqty; return if $vqty; my $verb= shift @$verbs; } arb_check_qty(@buys); arb_check_qty(@sells); next unless $qty; my $tprofit= $qty*$pricediff; $profit += $tprofit; $cqty += $qty; $info.= sprintf("%-13.13s| %-19.19s %4d| %-19.19s %4d|%3d x%3d =%3d\n", $commod, $buys[0]{Stall},$buys[0]{Price}, $sells[0]{Stall},$sells[0]{Price}, $qty, $pricediff, $tprofit); sub arb_subtract_qty (\@) { my ($verbs) = @_; my $verb= shift @$verbs; unshift @$verbs, { Stall => $verb->{Stall}, Price => $verb->{Price}, Qty => $verb->{Qty} - $qty }; } arb_subtract_qty(@buys); arb_subtract_qty(@sells); } next unless $profit; $info.= sprintf("%-13.13s| %19s %4s| %19s %4s|%3d %4d\n", $commod, '','', '','', $cqty, $profit); push @arbs, { Profit => $profit, Info => $info }; } my $allprofit; if (!@arbs) { print "No arbitrage opportunities.\n" or die $!; return; } my $bigdiv= <{Profit} <=> $a->{Profit}; } @arbs) { print $div,$arb->{Info} or die $1; $div= <{Profit}; } print $bigdiv or die $!; printf("%-13.13s %19s %4s %19s %4s %-5s %7d\n", '', '','', '','', 'TOTAL', $allprofit) or die $!; } sub main__bestprices () { foreach $commod (sort keys %commod) { $current= $commod{$commod}; my $buys= bs_p($commod,Buy, -1); my $sells= bs_p($commod,Sell,+1); printf("%-15.15s", $commod) or die $!; bs_p_bestprice($buys); bs_p_bestprice($sells); print("\n") or die $!; } } sub bs_p_tsv ($) { my ($bs) = @_; if (exists $current->{$bs}{$stall}) { my $si= $current->{$bs}{$stall}; printf("\t%d\t%s", $si->{Price}, $si->{Qty}) or die $!; } else { printf("\t\t") or die $!; } } sub main__tsv () { foreach $commod (sort keys %commod) { $current= $commod{$commod}; my %stalls; map { $stalls{$_}=1; } keys %{ $current->{Buy} }; map { $stalls{$_}=1; } keys %{ $current->{Sell} }; foreach $stall (sort keys %stalls) { printf("%s\t%s", $commod, $stall) or die $!; bs_p_tsv(Buy); bs_p_tsv(Sell); print("\n") or die $!; } } } our (%commodmap); our ($pctb) = $ENV{'YPPSC_PCTB_PCTB'}; our ($ua)= LWP::UserAgent->new; sub load_commodmap() { undef %commodmap; my $c= new IO::File "#commodmap#.tsv"; if (!$c) { $!==&ENOENT or die $!; return; } while (<$c>) { m/^(\S.*\S)\t(\d+)\n$/ or die "$_"; $commodmap{$1}= $2; } $c->error and die $!; close $c; } sub refresh_commodmap() { die unless $pctb; my $resp= $ua->get("$pctb/commodmap.php?version=2"); die $resp->status_line unless $resp->is_success; my $cdata=''; my $incommodmap=0; my $intag=''; my %got; my $o= new IO::File "#commodmap#.tsv.new",'w' or die $!; undef %commodmap; my $xp= new XML::Parser (Handlers => { Start => sub { $_=$_[1]; #print STDERR "START [$_] intag=$intag icm=$incommodmap\n"; if (m/^commodmap$/i) { $incommodmap++; undef %got; } elsif (m/^(?:name|index)$/i) { $cdata=''; $intag=lc($_) if $incommodmap; #print STDERR "START RECOGNISED $intag icm=$incommodmap\n"; # } else { #print STDERR "START UNRECOGNISED\n"; } }, End => sub { $_=$_[1]; #print STDERR "END [$_] intag=$intag icm=$incommodmap\n"; if (m/^commodmap$/i) { $incommodmap--; die unless exists $got{'name'}; die unless exists $got{'index'}; die unless $got{'index'} =~ m/^\s*([1-9]\d{0,3})\s*$/; my $index= $1; $_= $got{'name'}; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\n/ /g; s/\s+/ /; die "$_ ?" if exists $commodmap{$_}; $commodmap{$_}= $index; print $o "$_\t$index\n" or die $!; } elsif (lc $_ eq $intag) { $got{$intag}= $cdata; } }, Char => sub { #print STDERR "CHAR [$_[1]] intag=$intag icm=$incommodmap\n"; $cdata .= $_[1]; } }) or die; my $content= $resp->content; # print STDERR "[[[$content]]]\n"; $xp->parse($content); close $o or die $!; rename "#commodmap#.tsv.new","#commodmap#.tsv" or die $!; } our (%stallmap, @stallmap); sub bs_gen_md ($$) { my ($bs,$sortmul) = @_; my $count= 0; my $o= ''; foreach $commod (sort { $commodmap{$a} <=> $commodmap{$b} } keys %commod) { #print STDERR "COMMOD $commod\n"; $current= $commod{$commod}; my $l= bs_p($commod,$bs,$sortmul); next unless @$l; #print STDERR "COMMOD $commod has ".scalar(@$l)."\n"; $o .= writeint($commodmap{$commod}); $o .= writeint(scalar @$l); foreach my $cs (@$l) { $stall= $cs->{Stall}; my $stallix= $stallmap{$stall}; if (!defined $stallix) { push @stallmap, $stall; $stallmap{$stall}= $stallix= @stallmap; #print STDERR "STALL DEF $stallix $stall\n"; } my $qty= $cs->{Qty}; $qty =~ s/^\>\s*//; $o .= writeint($stallix, $cs->{Price}, $qty+0); $count++; } } #print STDERR "COMMOD $commod COUNT WAS $count\n"; return writeint($count).$o; } sub writeint { return pack 'v*', @_; } our (%stalltypetoabbrevmap)= qw( Apothecary A Distilling D Furnishing F Ironworking I Shipbuilding S Tailoring T Weaving W ); sub genmarketdata () { our $version= '005b'; load_commodmap(); my @missing= grep { !exists $commodmap{$_} } keys %commod; if (@missing) { refresh_commodmap(); my $missing=0; foreach $commod (sort keys %commod) { next if exists $commodmap{$commod}; printf STDERR "Unknown commodity \`%s'!\n", $commod; $missing++; } die "$missing unknown commoditi(es). OCR failure?\n" if $missing; } my $ob=''; $ob .= bs_gen_md(Buy, -1); $ob .= bs_gen_md(Sell,+1); my $ot= sprintf("$version\n". "%d\n", scalar(@stallmap)); foreach $stall (@stallmap) { my $st= $stall; if ($st =~ m/^(\S+)\'s (\S+) Stall$/) { my $stkind= $stalltypetoabbrevmap{$2}; if (defined $stkind) { $st= "$1^$stkind"; } else { warn "unknown stall type $2 in $st\n"; } } $ot .= "$st\n"; } return $ot.$ob; } sub main__genmarketdata () { my $o= genmarketdata(); print $o or die $!; } sub main__upload () { my $ocean= $ENV{'YPPSC_OCEAN'}; die unless $ocean; my $island= $ENV{'YPPSC_ISLAND'}; die unless $island; die unless $pctb; my $o= genmarketdata(); my $url= "$pctb/upload.php"; my $content= { 'marketdata' => [ undef, "marketdata.gz", Content_Type => 'application/gzip', Content => $o ] }; my $resp= $ua->post("$url", Content => $content, Content_Type => 'form-data'); die $resp->status_line unless $resp->is_success; my $resptxt= $resp->content(); open R, ">./#upload-1#.html" or die $!; print R $resptxt or die $!; close R or die $!; my @filenames= $resptxt =~ m/input\s+type="hidden"\s+name="filename"\s+value=\"([_.0-9a-z]+)\"/ig; @filenames or die; my @forcerls= $resptxt =~ m/input\s+type="hidden"\s+name="forcereload"\s+value=\"([1-9]\d+)\"/ig; @forcerls or die; my $filename= $filenames[0]; my $forcerl= $forcerls[0]; #print "[[[ $resptxt ]]]\n"; # my $setsland= { # 'action' => 'setisland' # 'filename' => $filename, # 'forcereload' => $forcerl, # my $url_setisland= "$url # #http://pctb.ilk.org/upload.php?&ocean=2&island=48&action=setisland&forcereload=1244748679&filename=PFayDW' >v.html # print ">$filename|$forcerl|@oceanids|$islandid<\n"; system 'printenv|grep YPP|sort'; } $mode =~ s/\-//; &{"main__$mode"}; close(STDOUT) or die $!;