#!/usr/bin/python # This is part of ypp-sc-tools, a set of third-party tools for assisting # players of Yohoho Puzzle Pirates. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Ian Jackson # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Yohoho and Puzzle Pirates are probably trademarks of Three Rings and # are used without permission. This program is not endorsed or # sponsored by Three Rings. copyright_info = ''' yoweb-scrape is part of ypp-sc-tools Copyright (C) 2009 Ian Jackson This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; this is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For details, read the top of the yoweb-scrape file. ''' #---------- setup ---------- import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) import os import time import urllib import urllib2 import errno import sys import re as regexp import random import curses import termios import random from optparse import OptionParser from StringIO import StringIO from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup opts = None #---------- YPP parameters and arrays ---------- puzzles = ('Swordfighting/Bilging/Sailing/Rigging/Navigating'+ '/Battle Navigation/Gunning/Carpentry/Rumble/Treasure Haul'+ '/Drinking/Spades/Hearts/Treasure Drop/Poker/Distilling'+ '/Alchemistry/Shipwrightery/Blacksmithing/Foraging').split('/') core_duty_puzzles = [ 'Gunning', ['Sailing','Rigging'], 'Bilging', 'Carpentry', ] duty_puzzles = ([ 'Navigating', 'Battle Navigation' ] + core_duty_puzzles + [ 'Treasure Haul' ]) standingvals = ('Able/Proficient/Distinguished/Respected/Master'+ '/Renowned/Grand-Master/Legendary/Ultimate').split('/') standing_limit = len(standingvals) pirate_ref_re = regexp.compile('^/yoweb/pirate\\.wm') max_pirate_namelen = 12 #---------- general utilities ---------- def debug(m): if opts.debug > 0: print >>opts.debug_file, m def debug_flush(): if opts.debug > 0: opts.debug_file.flush() def sleep(seconds): debug_flush() time.sleep(seconds) def format_time_interval(ti): if ti < 120: return '%d:%02d' % (ti / 60, ti % 60) if ti < 7200: return '%2dm' % (ti / 60) if ti < 86400: return '%dh' % (ti / 3600) return '%dd' % (ti / 86400) #---------- caching and rate-limiting data fetcher ---------- class Fetcher: def __init__(self, ocean, cachedir): debug('Fetcher init %s' % cachedir) self.ocean = ocean self.cachedir = cachedir try: os.mkdir(cachedir) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise self._cache_scan(time.time()) def default_ocean(self, ocean='ice'): if self.ocean is None: self.ocean = ocean def _cache_scan(self, now): # returns list of ages, unsorted ages = [] debug('Fetcher scan_cache') for leaf in os.listdir(self.cachedir): if not leaf.startswith('#'): continue path = self.cachedir + '/' + leaf try: s = os.stat(path) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise continue age = now - s.st_mtime if age > opts.expire_age: debug('Fetcher expire %d %s' % (age, path)) try: os.remove(path) except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise continue ages.append(age) return ages def need_wait(self, now, imaginary=[]): ages = self._cache_scan(now) ages += imaginary ages.sort() debug('Fetcher ages ' + `ages`) min_age = 1 need_wait = 0 for age in ages: if age < min_age and age <= 5: debug('Fetcher morewait min=%d age=%d' % (min_age, age)) need_wait = max(need_wait, min_age - age) min_age += 3 min_age *= 1.25 if need_wait > 0: need_wait += random.random() - 0.5 return need_wait def _rate_limit_cache_clean(self, now): need_wait = self.need_wait(now) if need_wait > 0: debug('Fetcher wait %d' % need_wait) sleep(need_wait) def fetch(self, url, max_age): debug('Fetcher fetch %s' % url) cache_corename = urllib.quote_plus(url) cache_item = "%s/#%s#" % (self.cachedir, cache_corename) try: f = file(cache_item, 'r') except (OSError,IOError), oe: if oe.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise f = None now = time.time() max_age = max(opts.min_max_age, min(max_age, opts.expire_age)) if f is not None: s = os.fstat(f.fileno()) age = now - s.st_mtime if age > max_age: debug('Fetcher stale %d < %d'% (max_age, age)) f = None if f is not None: data = f.read() f.close() debug('Fetcher cached %d > %d' % (max_age, age)) return data debug('Fetcher fetch') self._rate_limit_cache_clean(now) stream = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = stream.read() cache_tmp = "%s/#%s~%d#" % ( self.cachedir, cache_corename, os.getpid()) f = file(cache_tmp, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() os.rename(cache_tmp, cache_item) debug('Fetcher stored') return data def yoweb(self, kind, tail, max_age): self.default_ocean() url = 'http://%s.puzzlepirates.com/yoweb/%s%s' % ( self.ocean, kind, tail) return self.fetch(url, max_age) #---------- logging assistance for troubled screenscrapers ---------- class SoupLog: def __init__(self): self.msgs = [ ] def msg(self, m): self.msgs.append(m) def soupm(self, obj, m): self.msg(m + '; in ' + `obj`) def needs_msgs(self, child_souplog): self.msgs += child_souplog.msgs child_souplog.msgs = [ ] def soup_text(obj): str = ''.join(obj.findAll(text=True)) return str.strip() class SomethingSoupInfo(SoupLog): def __init__(self, kind, tail, max_age): SoupLog.__init__(self) html = fetcher.yoweb(kind, tail, max_age) self._soup = BeautifulSoup(html, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES ) #---------- scraper for pirate pages ---------- class PirateInfo(SomethingSoupInfo): # Public data members: # pi.standings = { 'Treasure Haul': 'Able' ... } # pi.name = name # pi.crew = (id, name) # pi.flag = (id, name) # pi.msgs = [ 'message describing problem with scrape' ] def __init__(self, pirate, max_age=300): SomethingSoupInfo.__init__(self, 'pirate.wm?target=', pirate, max_age) self.name = pirate self._find_standings() self.crew = self._find_crewflag('crew', '^/yoweb/crew/info\\.wm') self.flag = self._find_crewflag('flag', '^/yoweb/flag/info\\.wm') def _find_standings(self): imgs = self._soup.findAll('img', src=regexp.compile('/yoweb/images/stat.*')) re = regexp.compile( u'\\s*\\S*/([-A-Za-z]+)\\s*$|\\s*\\S*/\\S*\\s*\\(ocean\\-wide(?:\\s|\\xa0)+([-A-Za-z]+)\\)\\s*$' ) standings = { } for skill in puzzles: standings[skill] = [ ] skl = SoupLog() for img in imgs: try: puzzle = img['alt'] except KeyError: continue if not puzzle in puzzles: skl.soupm(img, 'unknown puzzle: "%s"' % puzzle) continue key = img.findParent('td') if key is None: skl.soupm(img, 'puzzle at root! "%s"' % puzzle) continue valelem = key.findNextSibling('td') if valelem is None: skl.soupm(key, 'puzzle missing sibling "%s"' % puzzle) continue valstr = soup_text(valelem) match = re.match(valstr) if match is None: skl.soupm(key, ('puzzle "%s" unparseable'+ ' standing "%s"') % (puzzle, valstr)) continue standing = match.group(match.lastindex) standings[puzzle].append(standing) self.standings = { } for puzzle in puzzles: sl = standings[puzzle] if len(sl) > 1: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" multiple standings %s' % (puzzle, `sl`)) continue if not sl: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" no standing found' % puzzle) continue standing = sl[0] for i in range(0, standing_limit): if standing == standingvals[i]: self.standings[puzzle] = i if not puzzle in self.standings: skl.msg('puzzle "%s" unknown standing "%s"' % (puzzle, standing)) all_standings_ok = True for puzzle in puzzles: if not puzzle in self.standings: self.needs_msgs(skl) def _find_crewflag(self, cf, yoweb_re): things = self._soup.findAll('a', href=regexp.compile(yoweb_re)) if len(things) != 1: self.msg('zero or several %s id references found' % cf) return None thing = things[0] id_re = '\\b%sid\\=(\\w+)$' % cf id_haystack = thing['href'] match = regexp.compile(id_re).search(id_haystack) if match is None: self.soupm(thing, ('incomprehensible %s id ref'+ ' (%s in %s)') % (cf, id_re, id_haystack)) return None name = soup_text(thing) return (match.group(1), name) def __str__(self): return `(self.crew, self.flag, self.standings, self.msgs)` #---------- scraper for crew pages ---------- class CrewInfo(SomethingSoupInfo): # Public data members: # ci.crew = [ ('Captain', ['Pirate', ...]), # ('Senior Officer', [...]), # ... ] # pi.msgs = [ 'message describing problem with scrape' ] def __init__(self, crewid, max_age=300): SomethingSoupInfo.__init__(self, 'crew/info.wm?crewid=', crewid, max_age) self._find_crew() def _find_crew(self): self.crew = [] capts = self._soup.findAll('img', src='/yoweb/images/crew-captain.png') if len(capts) != 1: self.msg('crew members: no. of captain images != 1') return tbl = capts[0] while not tbl.find('a', href=pirate_ref_re): tbl = tbl.findParent('table') if not tbl: self.msg('crew members: cannot find table') return current_rank_crew = None crew_rank_re = regexp.compile('/yoweb/images/crew') for row in tbl.contents: # findAll(recurse=False) if isinstance(row,basestring): continue is_rank = row.find('img', attrs={'src': crew_rank_re}) if is_rank: rank = soup_text(row) current_rank_crew = [] self.crew.append((rank, current_rank_crew)) continue for cell in row.findAll('a', href=pirate_ref_re): if current_rank_crew is None: self.soupm(cell, 'crew members: crew' ' before rank') continue current_rank_crew.append(soup_text(cell)) def __str__(self): return `(self.crew, self.msgs)` #---------- pretty-printer for tables of pirate puzzle standings ---------- class StandingsTable: def __init__(self, f, use_puzzles=None, col_width=6, gap_every=5): if use_puzzles is None: if opts.ship_duty: use_puzzles=duty_puzzles else: use_puzzles=puzzles self._puzzles = use_puzzles self.f = f self._cw = col_width-1 self._gap_every = gap_every self._linecount = 0 self._o = f.write def _nl(self): self._o('\n') def _pline(self, lhs, puzstrs, extra): if (self._linecount > 0 and self._gap_every is not None and not (self._linecount % self._gap_every)): self._nl() self._o('%-*s' % (max(max_pirate_namelen+1, 15), lhs)) for v in puzstrs: self._o(' %-*.*s' % (self._cw,self._cw, v)) if extra: self._o(' ' + extra) self._nl() self._linecount += 1 def _puzstr(self, pi, puzzle): if not isinstance(puzzle,list): puzzle = [puzzle] try: standing = max([pi.standings[p] for p in puzzle]) except KeyError: return '?' if not standing: return '' s = '' if self._cw > 4: c1 = standingvals[standing][0] if standing < 3: c1 = c1.lower() # 3 = Master s += `standing` if self._cw > 5: s += ' ' s += '*' * (standing / 2) s += '+' * (standing % 2) return s def headings(self, lhs='', rhs=None): def puzn_redact(name): if isinstance(name,list): return '/'.join( ["%.*s" % (self._cw/2, puzn_redact(n)) for n in name]) spc = name.find(' ') if spc < 0: return name return name[0:min(4,spc)] + name[spc+1:] self._linecount = -2 self._pline(lhs, map(puzn_redact, self._puzzles), rhs) self._linecount = 0 def literalline(self, line): self._o(line) self._nl() self._linecount = 0 def pirate_dummy(self, name, standingstring, extra=None): standings = standingstring * len(self._puzzles) self._pline(' '+name, standings, extra) def pirate(self, pi, extra=None): puzstrs = [self._puzstr(pi,puz) for puz in self._puzzles] self._pline(' '+pi.name, puzstrs, extra) #---------- chat log parser ---------- class PirateAboard: # This is essentially a transparent, dumb, data class. # pa.v may be None # pa.name # pa.last_time # pa.last_event # pa.gunner # pa.last_chat_time # pa.last_chat_chan # pa.pi # Also used for jobbing applicants: # happens when expires (to "-") # - disembark, leaves crew no # aboard evidence of them being aboard no # applied "has applied for the job" 120s, configurable # ashore "has taken a job" 30min, configurable # declined "declined the job offer" 30s, configurable # invited "has been invited to job" 120s, configurable # # pa.jobber None, 'ashore', 'applied', 'invited', 'declined' # pa.expires expiry time time def __init__(pa, pn, v, time, event): pa.name = pn pa.v = v pa.last_time = time pa.last_event = event pa.last_chat_time = None pa.last_chat_chan = None pa.gunner = False pa.pi = None pa.jobber = None pa.expires = None def pirate_info(pa): now = time.time() if pa.pi: age = now - pa.pi_fetched guide = random.randint(120,240) if age <= guide: return pa.pi debug('PirateAboard refresh %d > %d %s' % ( age, guide, pa.name)) imaginary = [2,4] else: imaginary = [1] wait = fetcher.need_wait(now, imaginary) if wait: debug('PirateAboard fetcher not ready %d' % wait) return pa.pi pa.pi = PirateInfo(pa.name, 600) pa.pi_fetched = now return pa.pi class ChatLogTracker: # This is quite complex so we make it opaque. Use the # official invokers, accessors etc. def __init__(self, myself_pi, logfn): self._pl = {} # self._pl['Pirate'] = self._vl = {} # self._vl['Vessel']['Pirate'] = PirateAboard # self._vl['Vessel']['#lastinfo'] # self._vl['Vessel']['#name'] # self._v = self._vl[self._vessel] self._date = None self._myself = myself_pi self._lbuf = '' self._f = file(logfn) flen = os.fstat(self._f.fileno()).st_size max_backlog = 500000 if flen > max_backlog: startpos = flen - max_backlog self._f.seek(startpos) self._f.readline() self._progress = [0, flen - self._f.tell()] self._disembark_myself() self._need_redisplay = False self._lastvessel = None def _disembark_myself(self): self._v = None self._vessel = None self.force_redisplay() def force_redisplay(self): self._need_redisplay = True def _vessel_updated(self, v, timestamp): if v is None: return v['#lastinfo'] = timestamp self.force_redisplay() def _onboard_event(self,v,timestamp,pirate,event, jobber=None,timeout=None): pa = self._pl.get(pirate, None) if pa is not None and pa.v is v: pa.last_time = timestamp pa.last_event = event else: if pa is not None and pa.v is not None: del pa.v[pirate] pa = PirateAboard(pirate, v, timestamp, event) self._pl[pirate] = pa if v is not None: v[pirate] = pa pa.jobber = jobber if timeout is None: pa.expires = None else: pa.expires = timestamp + timeout self._vessel_updated(v, timestamp) return pa def _expire_jobbers(self, now): for pa in self._pl.values(): if pa.expires is None: continue if pa.expires >= now: continue v = pa.v del self._pl[pa.name] if v is not None: del v[pa.name] self.force_redisplay() def _trash_vessel(self, v): for pn in v: if pn.startswith('#'): continue del self._pl[pn] vn = v['#name'] del self._vl[vn] if v is self._v: self._disembark_myself() self.force_redisplay() def _vessel_stale(self, v, timestamp): return timestamp - v['#lastinfo'] > opts.ship_reboard_clearout def _vessel_check_expire(self, v, timestamp): if not self._vessel_stale(v, timestamp): return v self._debug_line_disposition(timestamp,'', 'stale-reset ' + v['#name']) self._trash_vessel(v) return None def expire_garbage(self, timestamp): for v in self._vl.values(): self._vessel_check_expire(v, timestamp) def _vessel_lookup(self, vn, timestamp, dml=[], create=False): v = self._vl.get(vn, None) if v is not None: v = self._vessel_check_expire(v, timestamp) if v is not None: dml.append('found') return v if not create: dml.append('no') dml.append('new') self._vl[vn] = v = { '#name': vn } self._vessel_updated(v, timestamp) return v def _find_matching_vessel(self, pattern, timestamp, cmdr, dml=[], create=False): # use when a commander pirate `cmdr' specified a vessel # by name `pattern' (either may be None) # if create is true, will create the vessel # record if an exact name is specified if (pattern is not None and not '*' in pattern and len(pattern.split(' ')) == 2): vn = pattern.title() dml.append('exact') return self._vessel_lookup( vn, timestamp, dml=dml, create=create) if pattern is None: pattern_check = lambda vn: True else: re = '(?:.* )?%s$' % pattern.lower().replace('*','.+') pattern_check = regexp.compile(re, regexp.I).match tries = [] cmdr_pa = self._pl.get(cmdr, None) if cmdr_pa: tries.append((cmdr_pa.v, 'cmdr')) tries.append((self._v, 'here')) tried_vns = [] for (v, dm) in tries: if v is None: dml.append(dm+'?'); continue vn = v['#name'] if not pattern_check(vn): tried_vns.append(vn) dml.append(dm+'#') continue dml.append(dm+'!') return v if pattern is not None and '*' in pattern: search = [ (vn,v) for (vn,v) in self._vl.iteritems() if not self._vessel_stale(v, timestamp) if pattern_check(vn) ] #debug('CLT-RE /%s/ wanted (%s) searched (%s)' % ( # re, # '/'.join(tried_vns), # '/'.join([vn for (vn,v) in search]))) if len(search)==1: dml.append('one') return search[0][1] elif search: dml.append('many') else: dml.append('none') def _debug_line_disposition(self,timestamp,l,m): debug('CLT %13s %-40s %s' % (timestamp,m,l)) def _rm_crew_l(self,re,l): m = regexp.match(re,l) if m and m.group(2) == self._myself.crew[1]: return m.group(1) else: return None def chatline(self,l): rm = lambda re: regexp.match(re,l) d = lambda m: self._debug_line_disposition(timestamp,l,m) rm_crew = lambda re: self._rm_crew_l(re,l) timestamp = None m = rm('=+ (\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+) =+$') if m: self._date = [int(x) for x in m.groups()] self._previous_timestamp = None return d('date '+`self._date`) if self._date is None: return d('date unset') m = rm('\\[(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\\] ') if not m: return d('no timestamp') while True: time_tuple = (self._date + [int(x) for x in m.groups()] + [-1,-1,-1]) timestamp = time.mktime(time_tuple) if timestamp >= self._previous_timestamp: break self._date[2] += 1 self._debug_line_disposition(timestamp,'', 'new date '+`self._date`) self._previous_timestamp = timestamp l = l[l.find(' ')+1:] def ob_x(pirate,event): return self._onboard_event( self._v, timestamp, pirate, event) def ob1(did): ob_x(m.group(1), did); return d(did) def oba(did): return ob1('%s %s' % (did, m.group(2))) def jb(pirate,jobber): return self._onboard_event( None, timestamp, pirate, ("jobber %s" % jobber), jobber=jobber, timeout=getattr(opts, 'timeout_'+jobber) ) def disembark(v, timestamp, pirate, event): self._onboard_event( v, timestamp, pirate, 'leaving '+event) del v[pirate] del self._pl[pirate] def disembark_me(why): self._disembark_myself() return d('disembark-me '+why) m = rm('Going aboard the (\\S.*\\S)\\.\\.\\.$') if m: dm = ['boarding'] pn = self._myself.name vn = m.group(1) v = self._vessel_lookup(vn, timestamp, dm, create=True) self._lastvessel = self._vessel = vn self._v = v ob_x(pn, 'we boarded') self.expire_garbage(timestamp) return d(' '.join(dm)) if self._v is None: return d('no vessel') m = rm('(\\w+) has come aboard\\.$') if m: return ob1('boarded'); m = rm('You have ordered (\\w+) to do some (\\S.*\\S)\\.$') if m: (who,what) = m.groups() pa = ob_x(who,'ord '+what) if what == 'Gunning': pa.gunner = True return d('duty order') m = rm('(\\w+) abandoned a (\\S.*\\S) station\\.$') if m: oba('stopped'); return d("end") def chat_core(speaker, chan): try: pa = self._pl[speaker] except KeyError: return 'mystery' if pa.v is not None and pa.v is not self._v: return 'elsewhere' pa.last_chat_time = timestamp pa.last_chat_chan = chan self.force_redisplay() return 'here' def chat(chan): speaker = m.group(1) dm = chat_core(speaker, chan) return d('chat %s %s' % (chan, dm)) def chat_metacmd(chan): (cmdr, metacmd) = m.groups() metacmd = regexp.sub('\\s+', ' ', metacmd).strip() m2 = regexp.match( '/([ad]) (?:([A-Za-z* ]+)\\s*:)?([A-Za-z ]+)$', metacmd) if not m2: return chat(chan) (cmd, pattern, targets) = m2.groups() dml = ['cmd', chan, cmd] if cmd == 'a': each = self._onboard_event else: each = disembark if cmdr == self._myself.name: dml.append('self') how = 'cmd: %s' % cmd else: dml.append('other') how = 'cmd: %s %s' % (cmd,cmdr) v = self._find_matching_vessel( pattern, timestamp, cmdr, dml, create=True) if v is not None: targets = targets.strip().split(' ') dml.append(`len(targets)`) for target in targets: each(v, timestamp, target.title(), how) self._vessel_updated(v, timestamp) dm = ' '.join(dml) chat_core(cmdr, 'cmd '+chan) return d(dm) m = rm('(\\w+) (?:issued an order|ordered everyone) "') if m: return ob1('general order'); m = rm('(\\w+) says, "') if m: return chat('public') m = rm('(\\w+) tells ye, "') if m: return chat('private') m = rm('Ye told (\\w+), "(.*)"$') if m: return chat_metacmd('private') m = rm('(\\w+) flag officer chats, "') if m: return chat('flag officer') m = rm('(\\w+) officer chats, "(.*)"$') if m: return chat_metacmd('officer') m = rm('Ye accepted the offer to job with ') if m: return disembark_me('jobbing') m = rm('Ye hop on the ferry and are whisked away ') if m: return disembark_me('ferry') m = rm('Whisking away to yer home on the magical winds') if m: return disembark_me('home') m = rm('Game over\\. Winners: ([A-Za-z, ]+)\\.$') if m: pl = m.group(1).split(', ') if not self._myself.name in pl: return d('lost melee') for pn in pl: if ' ' in pn: continue ob_x(pn,'won melee') return d('won melee') m = rm('(\\w+) is eliminated\\!') if m: return ob1('eliminated in fray'); m = rm('(\\w+) has driven \w+ from the ship\\!') if m: return ob1('boarder repelled'); m = rm('\w+ has bested (\\w+), and turns'+ ' to the rest of the ship\\.') if m: return ob1('boarder unrepelled'); pirate = rm_crew("(\\w+) has taken a job with '(.*)'\\.") if pirate: return jb(pirate, 'ashore') pirate = rm_crew("(\\w+) has left '(.*)'\\.") if pirate: disembark(self._v, timestamp, pirate, 'left crew') return d('left crew') m = rm('\w+ has applied for the posted job\.') if m: return jb(m.group(1), 'applied') pirate= rm_crew("(\\w+) has been invited to job for '(.*)'\\.") if pirate: return jb(pirate, 'invited') pirate = rm_crew("(\\w+) declined the job offer for '(.*)'\\.") if pirate: return jb(pirate, 'declined') m = rm('(\\w+) has left the vessel\.') if m: pirate = m.group(1) disembark(self._v, timestamp, pirate, 'disembarked') return d('disembarked') return d('not-matched') def _str_pa(self, pn, pa): assert self._pl[pn] == pa s = ' '*20 + "%s %-*s %13s %-30s %13s %-20s %13s" % ( (' ','G')[pa.gunner], max_pirate_namelen, pn, pa.last_time, pa.last_event, pa.last_chat_time, pa.last_chat_chan, pa.jobber) if pa.expires is not None: s += " %-5d" % (pa.expires - pa.last_time) s += "\n" return s def _str_vessel(self, vn, v): s = ' vessel %s\n' % vn s += ' '*20 + "%-*s %13s\n" % ( max_pirate_namelen, '#lastinfo', v['#lastinfo']) assert v['#name'] == vn for pn in sorted(v.keys()): if pn.startswith('#'): continue pa = v[pn] assert pa.v == v s += self._str_pa(pn,pa) return s def __str__(self): s = '''= 2: debug(self.__str__()) self._expire_jobbers(time.time()) if progress: progress.caughtup() def changed(self): rv = self._need_redisplay self._need_redisplay = False return rv def myname(self): # returns our pirate name return self._myself.name def vesselname(self): # returns the vessel name we're aboard or None return self._vessel def lastvesselname(self): # returns the last vessel name we were aboard or None return self._lastvessel def aboard(self, vesselname=True): # returns a list of PirateAboard the vessel # sorted by pirate name # you can pass this None and you'll get [] # or True for the current vessel (which is the default) # the returned value is a fresh list of persistent # PirateAboard objects if vesselname is True: v = self._v else: v = self._vl.get(vesselname.title()) if v is None: return [] return [ v[pn] for pn in sorted(v.keys()) if not pn.startswith('#') ] def jobbers(self): # returns a the jobbers' PirateAboards, # sorted by jobber class and reverse of expiry time l = [ pa for pa in self._pl.values() if pa.jobber is not None ] def compar_key(pa): return (pa.jobber, -pa.expires) l.sort(key = compar_key) return l #---------- implementations of actual operation modes ---------- def do_pirate(pirates, bu): print '{' for pirate in pirates: info = PirateInfo(pirate) print '%s: %s,' % (`pirate`, info) print '}' def prep_crew_of(args, bu, max_age=300): if len(args) != 1: bu('crew-of takes one pirate name') pi = PirateInfo(args[0], max_age) if pi.crew is None: return None return CrewInfo(pi.crew[0], max_age) def do_crew_of(args, bu): ci = prep_crew_of(args, bu) print ci def do_standings_crew_of(args, bu): ci = prep_crew_of(args, bu, 60) tab = StandingsTable(sys.stdout) tab.headings() for (rank, members) in ci.crew: if not members: continue tab.literalline('') tab.literalline('%s:' % rank) for p in members: pi = PirateInfo(p, random.randint(900,1800)) tab.pirate(pi) class ProgressPrintPercentage: def __init__(self, f=sys.stdout): self._f = f def progress_string(self,done,total): return "scan chat logs %3d%%\r" % ((done*100) / total) def progress(self,*a): self._f.write(self.progress_string(*a)) self._f.flush() def show_init(self, pirate, ocean): print >>self._f, 'Starting up, %s on the %s ocean' % ( pirate, ocean) def caughtup(self): self._f.write(' \r') self._f.flush() #----- modes which use the chat log parser are quite complex ----- def prep_chat_log(args, bu, progress=ProgressPrintPercentage(), max_myself_age=3600): if len(args) != 1: bu('this action takes only chat log filename') logfn = args[0] logfn_re = '(?:.*/)?([A-Z][a-z]+)_([a-z]+)_' match = regexp.match(logfn_re, logfn) if not match: bu('chat log filename is not in expected format') (pirate, ocean) = match.groups() fetcher.default_ocean(ocean) progress.show_init(pirate, fetcher.ocean) myself = PirateInfo(pirate,max_myself_age) track = ChatLogTracker(myself, logfn) opts.debug -= 2 track.catchup(progress) opts.debug += 2 track.force_redisplay() return (myself, track) def do_track_chat_log(args, bu): (myself, track) = prep_chat_log(args, bu) while True: track.catchup() if track.changed(): print track sleep(0.5 + 0.5 * random.random()) #----- ship management aid ----- class Display_dumb(ProgressPrintPercentage): def __init__(self): ProgressPrintPercentage.__init__(self) def show(self, s): print '\n\n', s; def realstart(self): pass class Display_overwrite(ProgressPrintPercentage): def __init__(self): ProgressPrintPercentage.__init__(self) null = file('/dev/null','w') curses.setupterm(fd=null.fileno()) self._clear = curses.tigetstr('clear') if not self._clear: self._debug('missing clear!') self.show = Display_dumb.show return self._t = {'el':'', 'ed':''} if not self._init_sophisticated(): for k in self._t.keys(): self._t[k] = '' self._t['ho'] = self._clear def _debug(self,m): debug('display overwrite: '+m) def _init_sophisticated(self): for k in self._t.keys(): s = curses.tigetstr(k) self._t[k] = s self._t['ho'] = curses.tigetstr('ho') if not self._t['ho']: cup = curses.tigetstr('cup') self._t['ho'] = curses.tparm(cup,0,0) missing = [k for k in self._t.keys() if not self._t[k]] if missing: self.debug('missing '+(' '.join(missing))) return 0 return 1 def show(self, s): w = sys.stdout.write def wti(k): w(self._t[k]) wti('ho') nl = '' for l in s.rstrip().split('\n'): w(nl) w(l) wti('el') nl = '\r\n' wti('ed') w(' ') sys.stdout.flush() def realstart(self): sys.stdout.write(self._clear) sys.stdout.flush() def do_ship_aid(args, bu): if opts.ship_duty is None: opts.ship_duty = True displayer = globals()['Display_'+opts.display]() (myself, track) = prep_chat_log(args, bu, progress=displayer) displayer.realstart() if os.isatty(0): kr_create = KeystrokeReader else: kr_create = DummyKeystrokeReader try: kreader = kr_create(0, 10) ship_aid_core(myself, track, displayer, kreader) finally: kreader.stop() print '\n' class KeyBasedSorter: def compar_key_pa(self, pa): pi = pa.pirate_info() if pi is None: return None return self.compar_key(pi) def lsort_pa(self, l): l.sort(key = self.compar_key_pa) class NameSorter(KeyBasedSorter): def compar_key(self, pi): return pi.name def desc(self): return 'name' class SkillSorter(NameSorter): def __init__(self, relevant): self._want = frozenset(relevant.split('/')) self._avoid = set() for p in core_duty_puzzles: if isinstance(p,basestring): self._avoid.add(p) else: self._avoid |= set(p) self._avoid -= self._want self._desc = '%s' % relevant def desc(self): return self._desc def compar_key(self, pi): best_want = max([ pi.standings.get(puz,-1) for puz in self._want ]) best_avoid = [ -pi.standings.get(puz,standing_limit) for puz in self._avoid ] best_avoid.sort() def negate(x): return -x debug('compar_key %s bw=%s ba=%s' % (pi.name, `best_want`, `best_avoid`)) return (-best_want, map(negate, best_avoid), pi.name) def ship_aid_core(myself, track, displayer, kreader): def find_vessel(): vn = track.vesselname() if vn: return (vn, " on board the %s" % vn) vn = track.lastvesselname() if vn: return (vn, " ashore from the %s" % vn) return (None, " not on a vessel") def timeevent(t,e): if t is None: return ' ' * 22 return " %-4s %-16s" % (format_time_interval(now - t),e) displayer.show(track.myname() + find_vessel()[1] + '...') rotate_nya = '/-\\' sort = NameSorter() while True: track.catchup() now = time.time() (vn, s) = find_vessel() s = track.myname() + s s += " at %s" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") s += kreader.info() s += '\n' tbl_s = StringIO() tbl = StandingsTable(tbl_s) aboard = track.aboard(vn) sort.lsort_pa(aboard) jobbers = track.jobbers() if track.vesselname(): howmany = 'aboard: %2d' % len(aboard) else: howmany = '' tbl.headings(howmany, ' sorted by '+sort.desc()) last_jobber = None for pa in aboard + jobbers: if pa.jobber != last_jobber: last_jobber = pa.jobber tbl.literalline('') tbl.literalline('jobbers '+last_jobber) pi = pa.pirate_info() xs = '' if pa.gunner: xs += 'G ' else: xs += ' ' xs += timeevent(pa.last_time, pa.last_event) xs += timeevent(pa.last_chat_time, pa.last_chat_chan) if pi is None: tbl.pirate_dummy(pa.name, rotate_nya[0], xs) else: tbl.pirate(pi, xs) s += tbl_s.getvalue() displayer.show(s) tbl_s.close() k = kreader.getch() if k is None: rotate_nya = rotate_nya[1:3] + rotate_nya[0] continue if k == 'q': break elif k == 'g': sort = SkillSorter('Gunning') elif k == 'c': sort = SkillSorter('Carpentry') elif k == 's': sort = SkillSorter('Sailing/Rigging') elif k == 'b': sort = SkillSorter('Bilging') elif k == 'n': sort = SkillSorter('Navigating') elif k == 'd': sort = SkillSorter('Battle Navigation') elif k == 't': sort = SkillSorter('Treasure Haul') elif k == 'a': sort = NameSorter() else: pass # unknown key command #---------- individual keystroke input ---------- class DummyKeystrokeReader: def __init__(self,fd,timeout_dummy): pass def stop(self): pass def getch(self): sleep(1); return None def info(self): return ' [noninteractive]' class KeystrokeReader(DummyKeystrokeReader): def __init__(self, fd, timeout_decisec=0): self._fd = fd self._saved = termios.tcgetattr(fd) a = termios.tcgetattr(fd) a[3] &= ~(termios.ECHO | termios.ECHONL | termios.ICANON | termios.IEXTEN) a[6][termios.VMIN] = 0 a[6][termios.VTIME] = timeout_decisec termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, a) def stop(self): termios.tcsetattr(self._fd, termios.TCSANOW, self._saved) def getch(self): debug_flush() byte = os.read(self._fd, 1) if not len(byte): return None return byte def info(self): return '' #---------- main program ---------- def main(): global opts, fetcher pa = OptionParser( '''usage: .../yoweb-scrape [OPTION...] ACTION [ARGS...] actions: yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] pirate PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] crew-of PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] standings-crew-of PIRATE yoweb-scrape [--ocean OCEAN ...] track-chat-log CHAT-LOG yoweb-scrape [options] ship-aid CHAT-LOG (must be .../PIRATE_OCEAN_chat-log*) display modes (for --display) apply to ship-aid: --display=dumb just print new information, scrolling the screen --display=overwrite use cursor motion, selective clear, etc. to redraw at top''') ao = pa.add_option ao('-O','--ocean',dest='ocean', metavar='OCEAN', default=None, help='select ocean OCEAN') ao('--cache-dir', dest='cache_dir', metavar='DIR', default='~/.yoweb-scrape-cache', help='cache yoweb pages in DIR') ao('-D','--debug', action='count', dest='debug', default=0, help='enable debugging output') ao('--debug-fd', type='int', dest='debug_fd', help='write any debugging output to specified fd') ao('-q','--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='suppress warning output') ao('--display', action='store', dest='display', type='choice', choices=['dumb','overwrite'], help='how to display ship aid') ao_jt = lambda wh, t: ao( '--timeout-sa-'+wh, action='store', dest='timeout_'+wh, default=t, help=('set timeout for expiring %s jobbers' % wh)) ao_jt('applied', 120) ao_jt('invited', 120) ao_jt('declined', 30) ao_jt('ashore', 1800) ao('--ship-duty', action='store_true', dest='ship_duty', help='show ship duty station puzzles') ao('--all-puzzles', action='store_false', dest='ship_duty', help='show all puzzles, not just ship duty stations') ao('--min-cache-reuse', type='int', dest='min_max_age', metavar='SECONDS', default=60, help='always reuse cache yoweb data if no older than this') (opts,args) = pa.parse_args() random.seed() if len(args) < 1: print >>sys.stderr, copyright_info pa.error('need a mode argument') if opts.debug_fd is not None: opts.debug_file = os.fdopen(opts.debug_fd, 'w') else: opts.debug_file = sys.stdout mode = args[0] mode_fn_name = 'do_' + mode.replace('_','#').replace('-','_') try: mode_fn = globals()[mode_fn_name] except KeyError: pa.error('unknown mode "%s"' % mode) # fixed parameters opts.expire_age = max(3600, opts.min_max_age) opts.ship_reboard_clearout = 3600 if opts.cache_dir.startswith('~/'): opts.cache_dir = os.getenv('HOME') + opts.cache_dir[1:] if opts.display is None: if ((opts.debug > 0 and opts.debug_fd is None) or not os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())): opts.display = 'dumb' else: opts.display = 'overwrite' fetcher = Fetcher(opts.ocean, opts.cache_dir) mode_fn(args[1:], pa.error) main()