#!/usr/bin/perl use strict (qw(vars)); use warnings; use Graph::Undirected; use Commods; use CommodsDatabase; my $ocean= 'Midnight'; my $widists= Graph::Undirected->new(); my $wiarchs= Graph::Undirected->new(); my @wiarchlabels; my %wiisland2node; my %winode2island; my %winode2lines; my %wiccix2arch; my $dbdists= Graph::Undirected->new(); my %dbisland2arch; my %msgcount; sub perr ($$) { print STDERR "$_[0]: $_[1]\n"; $msgcount{$_[0]}++; } sub warning ($) { perr("warning",$_[0]); } sub error ($) { perr("error", $_[0]); } sub change ($) { perr("change", $_[0]); } if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--debug') { shift @ARGV; open DEBUG, ">&STDOUT" or die $!; select(DEBUG); $|=1; } else { open DEBUG, ">/dev/null" or die $!; } select(STDOUT); $|=1; my $parity; sub nn_xy ($$) { my ($x,$y) = @_; my $tp= (0+$x ^ 0+$y) & 1; defined $parity or $parity=$tp; $tp==$parity or warning("line $.: parity error $x,$y is $tp not $parity"); my $n= "$_[0],$_[1]"; $winode2lines{$n}{$.}++; return $n; } sub parse_yppedia_map () { # We don't even bother with tag soup; instead we do line-oriented parsing. while (<>) { s/\<--.*--\>//g; s/^\s*//; chomp; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g; s/\<\/?(?:b|em)\>//g; s/\{\{Chart\ style\|[^{}]*\}\}//g; next unless m/\{\{/; # only interested in chart template stuff my ($x,$y, $arch,$island,$solid,$dirn); my $nn= sub { return nn_xy($x,$y) }; if (($x,$y,$arch) = m/^\{\{ chart\ label \|(\d+)\|(\d+)\| .* \'\[\[ [^][\']* \| (\S+)\ archipelago \]\]\'*\}\}$/xi) { printf DEBUG "%2d,%-2d arch %s\n", $x,$y,$arch; push @wiarchlabels, [ $x,$y,$arch ]; } elsif (($x,$y,$island) = m/^\{\{ chart\ island\ icon \|(\d+)\|(\d+)\| ([^| ][^|]*[^| ]) \| .*\}\}$/xi) { my $n= $nn->(); $wiisland2node{$island}= $n; $winode2island{$n}= $island; $widists->add_vertex($n); $wiarchs->add_vertex($n); #print "\$g->add_vertex('$n');\n"; printf DEBUG "%2d,%-2d island %s\n", $x,$y,$island; } elsif (($solid,$x,$y,$dirn) = m/^\{\{ chart\ league((?:\ solid)?) \|(\d+)\|(\d+)\| ([-\/\\o]) \| .*\}\}$/xi) { next if $dirn eq 'o'; my ($bx,$by) = ($x,$y); if ($dirn eq '-') { $bx+=2; } elsif ($dirn eq '\\') { $bx++; $by++; } elsif ($dirn eq '/') { $x++; $by++; } else { die; } $widists->add_weighted_edge($nn->(), nn_xy($bx,$by), 1); $wiarchs->add_edge($nn->(), nn_xy($bx,$by)) if $solid; $wiarchs->add_edge($nn->(), nn_xy($bx,$by)) if $solid; #print "\$g->add_edge('".$nn->()."','".nn_xy($bx,$by)."');\n" if $solid; printf DEBUG "%2d,%-2d league %-6s %s\n", $x,$y, $solid?'solid':'dotted', $dirn; } elsif ( m/^\{\{ chart\ head \}\}$/xi ) { next; } else { warning("line $.: ignoring incomprehensible: $_"); } } } sub parse_database_map () { my ($row,$sth); $sth= $dbh->prepare('SELECT islandname, archipelago FROM islands'); $sth->execute(); while ($row= $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { print DEBUG "database-island $row->{'islandname'}". " $row->{'archipelago'}\n"; $dbisland2arch{$row->{'islandname'}}= $row->{'archipelago'}; } $sth= $dbh->prepare('SELECT dist, a.islandname a, b.islandname b FROM dists JOIN islands AS a ON dists.aiid==a.islandid JOIN islands AS b ON dists.biid==b.islandid'); $sth->execute(); while ($row= $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $dbdists->add_weighted_edge($row->{'a'}, $row->{'b'}, $row->{'dist'}); } } sub process_yppedia_graphs () { # Prune the LP database by eliminating boring intermediate vertices # foreach my $delete ($widists->vertices()) { next if exists $winode2island{$delete}; my @neigh= $widists->neighbours($delete); next unless @neigh==2; # my @aneigh= $wiarchs->has_vertex($delete) # ? $wiarchs->neighbours($delete) : (); # next unless @aneigh==0 || @aneigh==2; my $weight= 0; map { $weight += $widists->get_edge_weight($delete, $_) } @neigh; $widists->add_weighted_edge(@neigh, $weight); $widists->delete_vertex($delete); printf DEBUG "%-5s elide %5s %-5s %2d\n", $delete, @neigh, $weight; } # Check that it's connected. # foreach my $cc ($widists->connected_components()) { next if 2*@$cc > $widists->vertices(); my $m= "disconnected league point(s):"; foreach my $n (@$cc) { $m .= "\n LP $n, def. yppedia line(s): ". join(',', sort keys %{ $winode2lines{$n} }); } warning($m); } # Assign archipelagoes according to the source-info file # foreach my $arch (sort keys %{ $oceans{$ocean} }) { foreach my $islename (sort keys %{ $oceans{$ocean}{$arch} }) { my $islenode= $wiisland2node{$islename}; defined $islenode or error("island $islename in source-info but not in WP map"); my $ccix= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_vertex($islenode); my $oldarch= $wiccix2arch{$ccix}; error("island $islename in $arch in source-info". " connected to $oldarch as well") if defined $oldarch && $oldarch ne $arch; printf DEBUG "%-5s force-island-arch cc%-2d %-10s %s\n", $islenode, $ccix, $arch, $islename; $wiccix2arch{$ccix}= $arch; } } # Compute all-pairs-shortest-paths on dist, which is the # actual distances between all LPs. # my $wialldists= $widists->APSP_Floyd_Warshall(); # Assign archipelago labels to groups of islands # foreach my $label (@wiarchlabels) { my ($ax,$ay,$arch) = @$label; my $best_ccmulti= -1; my $best_d2= 0; my $best_n; # print DEBUG "$ax,$ay arch-island-search $arch\n"; $ay += 1; $ax += 2; # coords are rather to the top left of label foreach my $vertex ($wiarchs->vertices()) { next unless exists $winode2island{$vertex}; my $ccix= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_vertex($vertex); my @cc= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_index($ccix); my $ccmulti= @cc > 1; my ($vx,$vy) = split /,/, $vertex; my $d2= ($vx-$ax)*($vx-$ax) + ($vy-$ay)*($vy-$ay); my $cmp= $ccmulti <=> $best_ccmulti || $best_d2 <=> $d2; printf DEBUG "%2d,%-2d arch-island-search %5s d2=%4d cc%-2d". " #cc=%2d ccmulti=%d cmp=%2d %s\n", $ax,$ay, $vertex, $d2, $ccix, scalar(@cc), $ccmulti, $cmp, $winode2island{$vertex}; next unless $cmp > 0; $best_n= $vertex; $best_d2= $d2; $best_ccmulti= $ccmulti; } die 'no island vertices?!' unless defined $best_n; my $ccix= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_vertex($best_n); printf DEBUG "%2d,%-2d arch-island-select %-5s d2=%4d cc%-2d %-10s %s\n", $ax,$ay, $best_n, $ccix, $best_d2, $arch, $winode2island{$best_n}; my $desc= join "\n", map { my $in= $winode2island{$_}; " LP $_". (defined $in ? ", $in" : ""); } sort $wiarchs->connected_component_by_index($ccix); if (exists $wiccix2arch{$ccix} and $wiccix2arch{$ccix} ne $arch) { error("archipelago determination failed, wrongly merged:\n". " archipelago $arch\n". " archipelago $wiccix2arch{$ccix}\n". $desc); next; } $wiccix2arch{$ccix}= $arch; # print "$ccix $arch ::\n$desc\n"; } # Assign islands not labelled above to archipelagoes. # # We do this by, for each connected component (set of islands # linked by purchaseable charts), searching for the nearest other # connected component which has already been assigned an arch. # `Nearest' means shortest distance of unpurchaseable charts, in # leagues. # # we need only consider vertices which weren't `boring intermediate # vertices' (removed during optimisation as being of order 2) my @ccs_useful= map { [ grep { $widists->has_vertex($_) } @$_ ] } $wiarchs->connected_components(); my @assignments; foreach my $sourceccix (0..$#ccs_useful) { next if defined $wiccix2arch{$sourceccix}; next unless $ccs_useful[$sourceccix]; my @sourcecc= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_index($sourceccix); my @islandnodes= grep { $winode2island{$_} } @sourcecc; next unless @islandnodes; # don't care, then foreach my $islandnode (@islandnodes) { printf DEBUG "%-5s arch-join-need cc%-2d %s\n", $islandnode, $sourceccix, $winode2island{$islandnode}; } my $best_dist= 9999999; my ($best_target, $best_targetccix, $best_source); foreach my $targetccix (0..$#ccs_useful) { next unless defined $wiccix2arch{$targetccix}; # not helpful next unless $ccs_useful[$targetccix]; foreach my $target ($wiarchs-> connected_component_by_index($targetccix)) { foreach my $source (@sourcecc) { my $target_dist= $wialldists->path_length($target,$source); next unless defined $target_dist; next if $target_dist >= $best_dist; $best_dist= $target_dist; $best_source= $source; $best_target= $target; $best_targetccix= $targetccix; } } } die "no possible target ?!" unless defined $best_target; my $arch= $wiccix2arch{$best_targetccix}; my $best_island= $winode2island{$best_target}; printf DEBUG "%-5s arch-join-to %-5s dist=%2d cc%-2d %-10s %s\n", $best_source, $best_target, $best_dist, $best_targetccix, $arch, defined($best_island) ? $best_island : "-"; push @assignments, [ $sourceccix, $arch ]; } foreach my $assign (@assignments) { $wiccix2arch{$assign->[0]}= $assign->[1]; } } sub winode2arch ($) { my ($node) = @_; my $ccix= $wiarchs->connected_component_by_vertex($node); return $wiccix2arch{$ccix}; } sub wiisland2arch ($) { my ($island) = @_; my $node= $wiisland2node{$island}; die "$island ?" unless defined $node; return winode2arch($node); } sub compare_island_lists () { foreach my $island (sort keys %dbisland2arch) { my $node= $wiisland2node{$island}; if (!defined $node) { error("would delete island: $island"); next; } my $wiarch= winode2arch($node); if (!defined $wiarch) { error("island has no arch: $island"); next; } my $dbarch= $dbisland2arch{$island}; if ($wiarch ne $dbarch) { change("change archipelago from $dbarch to $wiarch". " for island $island"); } } foreach my $island (sort keys %wiisland2node) { my $dbarch= $dbisland2arch{$island}; if (!defined $dbarch) { my $wiarch= wiisland2arch($island); if (!defined $wiarch) { error("new island has no arch: $island"); next; # We check arches of non-new islands above } change("new island in $wiarch: $island"); } } } parse_info_serverside(); db_setocean($ocean); db_connect(); parse_yppedia_map(); parse_database_map(); process_yppedia_graphs(); compare_island_lists();