#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # This script is invoked when the yarrg wants to send an update to the # dictionary server. See README.privacy. # This is part of the YARRG website. YARRG is a tool and website # for assisting players of Yohoho Puzzle Pirates. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Ian Jackson # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Yohoho and Puzzle Pirates are probably trademarks of Three Rings and # are used without permission. This program is not endorsed or # sponsored by Three Rings. # upload testing runes: # # YPPSC_YARRG_DICT_UPDATE=./ YPPSC_YARRG_DICT_SUBMIT=./ ./yarrg --ocean midnight --pirate aristarchus --find-island --same --raw-tsv >raw.tsv # ./dictionary-manager --debug --approve-updates '' . . BEGIN { unshift @INC, qw(.) } use strict (qw(vars)); use POSIX; $CGI::POST_MAX= 1024*1024; $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS= 1; use CGI qw/:standard -private_tempfiles/; use IO::Pipe; use IO::Handle; use Commods; if (param('get_source')) { # There's another copy of this in commod-update-receiver. Sorry. print header('application/octet-stream') or die $!; source_tarball('..', sub { print $_[0] or die $!; }); exit 0; } my $aadepth=2; #---------- pixmaps ---------- sub parseentryin__pixmap ($) { my ($entry_in) = @_; $entry_in =~ m/^(\S+ \- .*)\nP3\n([1-9]\d{1,3}) ([1-9]\d{1,3})\n255\n/s or die; my ($def,$w,$h)= ($1, $2+0, $3+0); my @d= grep { m/./ } split /\s+/, $'; @d == $w*$h*3 or die "$d[0]|$d[1]|...|$d[$#d-1]|$d[$#d] ?"; map { m/\D/ and die "$& ?"; $_ += 0; $_ >= 0 or die "$_ ?"; $_ <= 255 or die "$_ ?"; } @d; my $ppm= "P3\n$w $h\n255\n"; my $di=0; for (my $y=0; $y<$h; $y++) { for (my $x=0; $x<$w; $x++, $di+=3) { #print STDERR ">$x,$y,$di,",scalar(@d),"<\n"; $ppm .= sprintf " %3d %3d %3d", @d[$di..$di+2]; } $ppm .= "\n"; } my $icon= pipeval($ppm, 'ppmtopgm', 'pnmscale -xysize 156 80', 'pnmnorm -bpercent 40 -wpercent 20', 'pgmtopbm -threshold', 'pnminvert', 'pbmtoascii -2x4'); my $whole= pipeval($ppm, 'ppmtopgm', 'pnmnorm -bpercent 10 -wpercent 5', 'pgmtopbm -threshold', 'pnminvert', 'pbmtoascii'); my $entry= "$def\n$ppm"; return ('',$def,$ppm,$ppm,$def, $w,$icon,$whole,$entry); } #---------- characters ---------- sub parseentryin__char ($$) { my ($ei,$h) = @_; $ei =~ m/^(Digit|Upper|Lower|Word)\n([^\n]+)\n/s or die; my ($ctx,$str)= ($1,$2); print STDERR ">ctx=$ctx|str=$str|$'<\n"; my @d= grep { m/./ } split /\n/, $'; print STDERR ">@d<\n"; die if $h>100; die if @d>400; my $w= @d; my $maxval= (1<<$aadepth)-1; die 'cannot do [^0...$maxval]!' if $maxval>9; my $pgm= "P2\n$h $w\n$maxval\n"; map { # x, left to right m/[^0-$maxval]/ and die "$_ ?"; my $l= $_; $l =~ s/./ $&/g; $pgm .= "$l\n"; } @d; my $key= join ' ', $ctx, @d; $pgm= pipeval($pgm, "pnmflip -xy", "pnmnoraw"); my $icon= pipeval($pgm, "pnmscale -xysize 156 ".($h*4), 'pgmtopbm -threshold', 'pnminvert', 'pbmtoascii -2x4'); my $whole= pipeval($pgm, "pnmscale 4", 'pgmtopbm -fs', 'pnminvert', 'pbmtoascii'); my $entry= "$ctx\n$str\n$key\n"; return ($ctx,$str,$pgm,$key,$str, $w*4,$icon,$whole,$entry); } #---------- useful stuff ---------- sub pipeval ($@) { my ($val, @cmds) = @_; my (@pids); my $lastpipe; foreach my $cmd ('',@cmds) { my $pipe= new IO::Pipe or die $!; my $pid= fork(); defined $pid or die $!; if (!$pid) { $pipe->writer(); if (!$lastpipe) { print $pipe $val or die $!; exit 0; } else { open STDIN, '<&', $lastpipe or die $!; open STDOUT, '>&', $pipe or die $!; close $lastpipe or die $!; close $pipe or die $!; exec $cmd; die $!; } } $pipe->reader(); if ($lastpipe) { close $lastpipe or die $!; } $lastpipe= $pipe; push @pids, $pid; } $!=0; { local ($/)=undef; $val= <$lastpipe>; } defined $val or die $!; $lastpipe->error and die $!; close $lastpipe or die $!; foreach my $cmd ('(paste)', @cmds) { my $pid= shift @pids; waitpid($pid,0) == $pid or die "$pid $? $!"; $?==0 or $?==13 or die "$cmd $?"; } return $val; } #========== main program ========== #---------- determine properties of the submission ---------- my $version= param('version'); my $spec_aadepth= param('depth'); if ($version ne '3' || $spec_aadepth ne $aadepth) { print header('text/plain', "403 yarrg client is out of date". " ($version, $spec_aadepth)"); print "\nYour YPP SC client is out of date.\n"; exit 0; } my $dict= param('dict'); my $entry_in= param('entry'); defined $entry_in or die Dump()." ?"; my $ocean= param('ocean'); my $pirate= param('pirate'); if (defined $ocean && defined $pirate) { $pirate= "$ocean - $pirate"; } else { $pirate= ''; } my $caller= cgi_get_caller(); my $kind; my @xa; if ($dict =~ m/^pixmap$/) { $kind= $&; } elsif ($dict =~ m/^(char)([1-9]\d?)$/) { ($kind,@xa)= ($1,$2); } else { die "$dict ?"; } $dict= $&; my ($ctx,$def,$image,$key,$val, $width,$icon,$whole,$entry)= &{"parseentryin__$kind"}($entry_in, @xa); my $du=$ENV{'YPPSC_DICTUPDATES'}; chdir $du or die "$du $!" if defined $du; my $instance= $du; $instance =~ s,ypp-sc-tools,,ig; $instance =~ s,ypp,,ig; $instance =~ s,pctb,,ig; $instance =~ s,/\W+/,/,g; $instance =~ s,/+$,,; $instance =~ s,^.*/,,; #---------- compute the email to send ---------- my $whoami= `whoami`; $? and die $?; chomp $whoami; my $email= < $fn_t" or die "$fn_t $!"; (stat F) or die $!; my $fn_i= sprintf "_update.$$-%016x.rdy", (stat _)[1]; print F "ypp-sc-tools dictionary update v3 depth=$aadepth\n"; foreach my $v ($pirate,$caller,$dict,$ctx,$def,$image,$key,$val) { printf F "%d\n", length($v) or die $!; print F $v,"\n" or die $!; } close F or die $!; my @tm= localtime; my $tm= strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", @tm; open L, ">> _dict.log" or die $!; my $ll= sprintf "%s %-6s %-31s %-31s %s", $tm, $dict, $pirate, $caller, $fn_i; #---------- commit everything ---------- print L "$ll submit\n" or die $!; L->flush or die $!; if (eval { open S, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -odb -oee -oi -t" or die $!; print S $email or die $!; $!=0; $?=0; close S or die $!; $? and die $?; rename $fn_t, $fn_i or die "$fn_t $fn_i $!"; 1; }) { print L "$ll stored\n" or die $!; } else { print L "$ll ERROR! $@\n" or die $!; exit 1; } close L or die $!; print header('text/plain'), "OK $fn_i\n" or die $!;