#!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Handle; open CM, "_commodmap.tsv" or die $!; $debug=1 if @ARGV; while () { m/^(\S.*\S)\t(\d+)$/ or die; $commodmap[$2]= $1; } die $! if CM->error; %stallkinds= qw(A Apothecary D Distilling F Furnishing I Ironworking S Shipbuilding T Tailor W Weaving); sub getline ($) { my ($w)= @_; $!=0; my $l= ; die $! unless defined $l; die $! if STDIN->error; die unless chomp $l; print "GOT FOR $w LINE [$l]\n" if $debug; return $l; } sub getint ($) { my ($w)= @_; my $b; my $t= tell STDIN; $t>=0 or die $!; my $r= read STDIN,$b,2; die $! if STDIN->error; die unless $r==2; my $v= scalar unpack "v", $b; printf "GOT AT 0x%x INT FOR %s VALUE %d 0x%x\n", $t, $w, $v, $v if $debug; return $v; } sub inmap($\@$) { my ($what,$ary,$ix) = @_; my $got= $ary->[$ix]; return $got if defined $got; die "$what $ix ?"; } printf "# Version: \"%s\"\n", getline("version"); $nstalls= getline("nstalls")+0; while (@stalls < $nstalls) { $_= getline("stall name ".(@stalls+1)); if (s/\^([A-Z])$//) { $kind= $1; $sk= $stallkinds{$kind}; die "kind $kind in $_ ?" unless defined $sk; $_ .= "'s $sk Stall"; } push @stalls, $_; } unshift @stalls, undef; $|=1; foreach $bs qw(Buy Sell) { $alloffers_want= getint("Buy ncommods"); $alloffers_done=0; while ($alloffers_done < $alloffers_want) { $commodix= getint("Buy $alloffers_done/$alloffers_want commodix"); $offers= getint("Buy $commodnum offers"); for ($offernum=0; $offernum<$offers; $offernum++) { $stallix= getint("Buy $commodnum $offernum stallix"); $price= getint("Buy $commodnum $offernum price"); $qty= getint("Buy $commodnum $offernum qty"); printf("%s\t%s\t%s", $bs, inmap('commod',@commodmap,$commodix), inmap('stall',@stalls,$stallix)) or die $!; if ($bs eq 'Sell') { print "\t\t" or die $!; } printf("\t%d\t%d", $price, $qty) or die $!; if ($bs eq 'Buy') { print "\t\t" or die $!; } print "\n" or die $!; $alloffers_done++; die if $alloffers_done > $alloffers_want; } } } $r= read STDIN,$b,1; STDIN->error and die $!; STDIN->eof or die; $b and die; # # #Version number (3 ascii digits) followed #by LF (i.e. 0x0A). Current version is\ # 005 # # 0000 30 30 35 0a 005. # ## of shops/stalls (in ascii) + LF # 0000 31 0a 1. # #list of shop names in ascii (without the #possessive part and by specifying the \ #shop type in an abbreviated way which is #mentioned below). The shop names are #separated \ by line feeds (0x0A). To #specify the shop type append the "^" #character and then \ one of the #following characters depending upon the #shop type: # Apothecary = A # Distillery = D # Furnisher = F # Iron Monger = I # Shipyard = S # Tailor = T # Weavery = W # # 0000 4f 6c 64 20 49 72 6f 6e 73 69 Ol d Ironsi # 0010 64 65 73 0a des. # ## of buy offers (in binary) # 0010 05 00 # #commodIndex offerCount buy 0/5 # 0010 0a 00 01 00 Grog x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0010 01 00 1d 00 75 00 OI 29 qty 75 # #commodIndex offerCount buy 1/5 # 0020 0b 00 01 00 Fine x 1 #[shopIndex val amt]... (all in binar\ y) # 0020 01 00 33 00 e9 03 OI 51 qty 0x3e9 # #commodIndex offerCount buy 2/5 # 0020 0c 00 01 00 Small shot x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0020 01 00 OI # 0030 0f 00 e9 03 15 qty 0x3e9 # #commodIndex offerCount buy 3/5 # 0030 0d 00 01 00 Medium shot x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0030 01 00 1c 00 e9 03 OI 28 qty 0x3e9 # #commodIndex offerCount buy 4/5 # 0030 0e 00 Large shot # 0040 01 00 x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0040 01 00 26 00 e9 03 OI 38 0x3e9 # # ## of sell offers (in binary) # 0040 04 00 # #commodIndex offerCount sell 0/4 # 0040 09 00 01 00 Swill x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0040 01 00 OI # 0050 17 00 e8 03 23 0x3e8 #commodIndex offerCount sell 1/4 # 0050 0a 00 01 00 Grog x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0050 01 00 1e 00 73 03 OI 30 qty 0x373 #commodIndex offerCount sell 2/4 # 0050 0c 00 Small shot # 0060 01 00 x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0060 01 00 10 00 07 00 OI 16 qty 7 #commodIndex offerCount sell 3/4 # 0060 0d 00 01 00 Medium shot x 1 #[shopIndex val amt] # 0060 01 00 1e 00 OI 30 # 0070 02 00 qty 2 #