#!/usr/bin/wish proc manyset {list args} { foreach val $list var $args { upvar 1 $var my set my $val } } set progname ypp-chatlog-alerter set height 5 proc menuent {w l a x} { set c [list .mbar.$w add command -label $l -command $x] if {[string length $a]} { lappend c -accel Command-$a } eval $c } proc menus {} { global height menu .mbar -tearoff 0 foreach w {file edit} l {File Edit} { menu .mbar.$w -tearoff 0 .mbar add cascade -menu .mbar.$w -label $l } foreach l {Open Quit} a {O Q} x {newfile exit} { menuent file $l $a $x } foreach l {Cut Copy Paste Clear} a {X C V {}} { menuent edit $l $a [list event generate {[focus]} <<$l>>]] } . configure -menu .mbar } proc nonportability {} { global progname defaultfile switch -exact [tk windowingsystem] { aqua { set defaultfile ~/Library/Preferences/$progname.prefs } x11 { set defaultfile ~/.$progname.rc } default { error ? } } } set lw_ls {times pirates messages} set lw_ws {.time .pirate .msg} proc widgets {} { global height lw_ws prtimes listbox .time -width 5 -background black \ -listvariable prtimes -foreground white listbox .pirate -width 14 -background black listbox .msg -width 80 for_lw { $w configure -height $height -borderwidth 0 -activestyle none \ -highlightthickness 0 } eval pack $lw_ws -side left label .overlay -relief raised -foreground white } proc shownotice {colour message} { .overlay configure -text $message -background $colour place .overlay -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -anchor center } proc hidenotice {} { place forget .overlay } proc newfile {} { global currentfile defaultfile set newfile [tk_getOpenFile -multiple 0 -initialfile $currentfile \ -title "Select YPP log to track"] if {![string length $newfile]} return set currentfile $newfile set newdefaults [open $defaultfile.new w] puts $newdefaults "[list set currentfile $currentfile]" close $newdefaults file rename -force $defaultfile.new $defaultfile clearlists pollfile } proc for_lw {args} { global lw_ls lw_ws set body [lindex $args end] set args [lreplace $args end end] uplevel 1 [list \ foreach l $lw_ls \ w $lw_ws] \ $args \ [list $body] } set e_life 120 set tint_switch 90 set tint_switched [expr { exp( -($tint_switch+0.0) / $e_life ) }] proc retint {} { global times e_life retint_after otherevent prtimes catch { after cancel $retint_after } set i 0 set now [clock seconds] set latest $otherevent set newprtimes {} foreach time $times { set age [expr {$now-$time}] if {!$time} { lappend newprtimes {} } elseif {$age < 120} { lappend newprtimes [format "%3ds" $age] } else { lappend newprtimes [format "%3dm" [expr {$age/120}]] } set latest [expr { $time > $latest ? $time : $latest }] set tint [expr { exp( (-($age >= 0 ? $age : 0) + 0.0) / $e_life ) }] puts "AGE $age LA $latest TI $tint" tintentries .msg $i $tint incr i } set prtimes $newprtimes set next [expr { ($now - $latest < 10 ? 10 : $now - $latest > 3000 ? 3000 : $now - $latest ) * 10 }] #puts "nexting $latest $now $next" set retint_after [after $next retint] } proc tintentries {ws y tint} { global tint_switched #puts "$tint $tint_switched" set yellow [format "%02x" [expr {round( 255 * ( $tint >= $tint_switched ? $tint : 0 ) )}]] set black [format "%02x" [expr {round( 255 * ( $tint >= $tint_switched ? 0 : ($tint / $tint_switched)*0.75 + 0.25 ) )}]] set fg [format "#${black}${black}${black}"] set bg [format "#${yellow}${yellow}00"] foreach w $ws { $w itemconfigure $y -foreground $fg -background $bg } } proc clearlists {} { global height otherevent global times prtimes pirates messages set currentfile {} for_lw { $w delete 0 end; set $l {} } set ntimes {} set prtimes {} for {set i 0} {$i<$height} {incr i} { for_lw { lappend $l {}; $w insert end {} } lappend ntimes 0 lappend prtimes {} } set times $ntimes set otherevent [clock seconds] retint } proc showtints {} { global e_life set divs 20 listbox .tints -width 60 -height [expr {$divs+1}] for {set y 0} {$y <= $divs} {incr y} { set tint [expr {($y+0.0)/$divs}] .tints insert end \ "[format "#%2d %6f %4ds" $y $tint [expr {round( $tint > 0 ? -log($tint) * $e_life : "9999" )}]] The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" tintentries .tints $y $tint } pack .tints -side bottom } proc file-read-lines {lvar body} { upvar 1 $lvar l global logfile poll_after lastactivity bufdata #puts f-r-l if {![info exists logfile]} { return } while 1 { if {[catch { read $logfile } got]} { file-error $got return } #puts "f-r-l [string length $got]" if {![string length $got] && [eof $logfile]} { set ago [expr { [clock seconds] - $lastactivity }] set interval [expr {( $ago < 10 ? 10 : $ago > 3000 ? 3000 : $ago ) * 10}] #puts "requeue filepoll $interval" set poll_after [after $interval pollfile] return } set lastactivity [clock seconds] while {[regexp {^(.*?)[\r\n]+(.*)$} $got dummy lhs rhs]} { set l "$bufdata$lhs" set bufdata {} set got $rhs puts ">>$l<<" uplevel 1 $body } append bufdata $got } } proc file-error {emsg} { global logfile shownotice red "Error reading logfile $currentfile:\n$emsg" catch { close $logfile } catch { unset logfile } } proc pollfile {} { global poll_after logfile currentfile global errorCode errorInfo bufdata lastactivity catch { after cancel $poll_after } if {![string length $currentfile]} { shownotice red "No log file selected. Use File / Open." return } if {![info exists logfile]} { set bufdata {} set lastactivity [clock seconds] if {[catch { set logfile [open $currentfile r] } emsg]} { shownotice red "Error opening logfile $currentfile:\n$emsg" return } shownotice \#000080 "Reading $currentfile" if {[catch { seek $logfile -1024 end } emsg]} { if {![string match {POSIX EINVAL *} $errorCode]} { file-error $emsg } } file-read-lines l { } } file-read-lines l { hidenotice if {[regexp {^\[\d+:\d+:\d+\] (.*)} $l dummy rhs]} { puts PROCLINE process-line $rhs } } } proc process-line {l} { if {[regexp {^(\w+) tells ye, \"(.*)\"$} $l dummy pirate msg]} { puts "MESSAGE $l" message $pirate $msg } } proc message {pirate msg} { global times pirates messages height global lw_ls lw_ws set ix [lsearch -exact $pirates $pirate] set now [clock seconds] if {$ix < 0} { set cix 0 set oldest $now foreach time $times { if {$time < $oldest} { set oldest $time set ix $cix } incr cix } for_lw { set $l [lreplace [set $l] $ix $ix] lappend $l {} $w delete $ix $w insert end {} } set ix [expr {$height-1}] } for_lw new [list $now $pirate $msg] { set $l [lreplace [set $l] $ix $ix $new] $w delete $ix $w insert $ix $new } puts "TIMES $times" .pirate itemconfigure $ix -foreground white retint } proc parseargs {} { global argv foreach arg $argv { if {![string compare $arg --test-tints]} { showtints } else { error "unknown option $arg" } } } menus nonportability parseargs widgets clearlists if {[file exists $defaultfile]} { source $defaultfile } pollfile