Files we use and update ----------------------- The program reads and writes the following files: * _pages.ppm Contains one or more images (as raw ppms, end-to-end) which are the screenshots taken in the last run. This is (over)written whenever we take screenshots from the YPP client. You can reprocess an existing set of screenshots with the --same (aka --analyse-only) option; in that case we just read the screenshots file. You can specify a different file with --screenshot-file. If you want to display the contents of this file, `display' can do it. Don't try `display vid:_pages.ppm' as this will consume truly stupendous quantities of RAM - it wedged my laptop. * _master-newcommods.txt _local-newcommods.txt Dictionary of newly introduced commodities. When a new commodity appears in Puzzle Pirates, the PCTB server operators need to add it to their database for us to be able to upload data about it. It can sometimes take a few days to do this. In the meantime, it is possible to upload partial data - data just omitting that commodity. This is controlled by these files: they list commodities which should be automatically ignored if the PCTB server doesn't know about them. The master file is downloaded and updated automatically from my server. You may create the local file yourself. The format is simple: one commodity per line. Unrecognised commodities can also be due to OCR failure so double-check what you're doing before overriding the uploader by telling it to ignore an unrecognised commodity. * _master-reject.txt _local-reject.txt Dictionary of regexps which, when the OCR appears to match, we reject instead. At the moment this is used to stop us thinking that `Butterfly weed' is `Butterflyweed'. This happens if the character set dictionary is missing the lowercase `y ' glyph. See README.charset. * _master-char*.txt _local-char*.txt _master-pixmap.txt _local-pixmap.txt Character set and image dictionaries. For the semantics of the char* files README.charset. There is not currently any accurate documentation of this dictionary format. _master-*.txt contain the centrally defined and approved data. They are downloaded automatically from the SC PCTB server and updated each run. You can safely delete this file, if everything is online, if you want to fetch a fresh copy. _local-*.txt are a local copy of your submissions, so that they will be used by your client pending approval by me. You can delete this file if you think you may have made a mistake. See README.privacy for details of the communications with the SC server about the contents of these dictionaries. * _commodmap.tsv Map from commodity names to the numbers required by the PCTB server. This is fetched and updated automatically as necessary. It can safely be deleted as it will then be refetched. * _upload-1.html _upload-2.html _upload-3.html We screenscrape the pages from the PCTB upload server. The actual HTML returned from the upload server is left in these dropping files for debugging etc. * _.tmp When any of these tools overwrite one of the persistent dictionary files, they temporarily write to _.tmp. We also use a couple of other temporary files. Future versions may have more helpers and more data files.