<%perl> my %a; my @vars; #---------- "mode" argument parsing and mode menu at top of page ---------- # for debugging, invoke as # http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~clareb/mason/pirates/pirate-route?debug=1 @vars= ({ Name => 'Ocean', Before => 'Ocean: ', CmpCanon => sub { ucfirst lc $_[0] }, Values => [ ocean_list() ] }, { Name => 'Dropdowns', Before => 'Interface: ', CmpCanon => sub { !!$_[0] }, Values => [ [ 0, 'Type in names' ], [ 4, 'Select from menus' ] ] }); foreach my $var (@vars) { my $name= $var->{Name}; $var->{Before}= '' unless exists $var->{Before}; $var->{CmpCanon}= sub { $_[0]; } unless exists $var->{CmpCanon}; foreach my $val (@{ $var->{Values} }) { next if ref $val; $val= [ $val, encode_entities($val) ]; } if (exists $ARGS{lc $name}) { $a{$name}= $ARGS{lc $name}; } else { $a{$name}= $var->{Values}[0][0]; } } foreach my $var (@vars) { my $name= $var->{Name}; my $delim= $var->{Before}; my $canon= &{$var->{CmpCanon}}($a{$name}); my $cvalix= 0; foreach my $valr (@{ $var->{Values} }) { print $delim; $delim= "\n|\n"; my ($value,$html) = @$valr; my $iscurrent= &{$var->{CmpCanon}}($value) eq $canon; my $after; if ($iscurrent) { print ''; $after= ''; } else { my %qf= (); foreach my $innerr (@vars) { my $n= lc $innerr->{Name}; if ($n ne lc $name) { next unless exists $ARGS{$n}; $qf{$n}= $ARGS{$n}; } else { next if !$cvalix; $qf{$n}= $value; } } my $uri= URI->new($m->current_comp()->name()); $qf{'debug'}=1 if $debug; $uri->query_form(%qf); print ''; $after= ''; } print $html, $after; $cvalix++; } print "

\n\n"; } #---------- initial checks, startup, main entry form ---------- die "unknown ocean $a{Ocean} ?" unless grep { $_ eq $a{Ocean} } ocean_list(); db_setocean($a{Ocean}); db_connect(); <%args> $debug => 0

Specify route

%#---------- textbox, user enters route as string ---------- % if (!$a{Dropdowns}) { Enter route (islands, or archipelagoes, separated by |s or commas; abbreviations are OK):


% } else { #---------- dropdowns, user selects from menus ---------- <%perl> my ($sth,$row);; my $archlistdata=''; my %islandlistdata; $islandlistdata{'none'}= <Select island... END $sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT archipelago FROM islands ORDER BY archipelago;"); $sth->execute(); while ($row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my ($arch)= @$row; $archlistdata.= sprintf('', map { encode_entities($_) } ($arch,$arch)); $islandlistdata{$arch}= <Whole arch END } $sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT islandid,islandname,archipelago FROM islands ORDER BY islandname;"); $sth->execute(); while ($row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my $arch= $row->[2]; my $here= sprintf('', map { encode_entities($_) } @$row[0..1]); $islandlistdata{'none'} .= $here; $islandlistdata{$arch} .= $here; } % for my $dd (0..$a{Dropdowns}-1) { % } % for my $dd (0..$a{Dropdowns}-1) { % }
% } #---------- end of dropdowns, now common code ---------- % if ($debug) {

Debug log:
% } <%init> use CommodsWeb; use HTML::Entities; use URI::Escape;