Format for submissions to the YARRG server ------------------------------------------ The yarrg server takes submissions as HTTP requests to one of: main server testing copy The HTTP request should be a CGI form submission as if from the following form:
The fields are as follows: Information about your upload client. These are checked by the upload server to make sure the client is approved and is not out of date. clientname The name of the upload client; different clients maintained by different people have different names. Please talk to the yarrg server maintainer to have your client added to the approved list. clientversion Version number of the specific version of the upload client. Should be ideally generated from your version control system if you have one. clientfixes Space-separated list of features your client supports and fixes for bugs which that specific version has had applied. Should be empty at first :-). Information about the upload: ocean The ocean name. Must be in the correct mixture of lower and upper case letters, eg `Midnight'. island The full island name. Must be the full name in the correct mixture of lower and upper case, eg `Alpha Island'. timestamp Oldest age of any data in this upload. Your client should collect a timestamp from the yarrg server (see below) before starting the screenscraping, and then include the value here. The syntax is a string of digits. Please do not use your local computer clock to generate it. The upload data itself: data Should be a file upload with filename `deduped.tsv.gz'. The Content-Type should be application/octet-stream. The actual data should be a gzipped tab-separated-values file with Unix line endings. Each line should be: commodity stallname buyprice buyqty sellprice sellqty with tabs in between each item. This is just as the data appears in the Puzzle Pirates trade commodities interface. If there is no buy offer, or no sell offer, supply empty strings. Where the YPP client says `>1000', pass exactly that string. Commodity names must be the full name as displayed in the YPP screen; they are checked against the master yarrg database. Each commodity/stall pair should appear only once in the data. When you submit this successfully you should get 400 Bad commodity update with a text/plain document giving the error or 200 OK with a text/plain document starting with `OK'. (If you get `200 OK' but the document doesn't start `OK' something has gone wrong.) In either case you should show the resulting text to your user. In order to fetch a timestamp, submit this form: The return value will be a text/plain document of the form OK . Strip the OK and the full stop and then use that as the value for `timestamp'. Format for emails from the yarrg exploder ----------------------------------------- Uploads checked and accepted by the yarrg server are distributed by email to operator(s) of databases doing interesting commodity stuff. Currently there's only one such database, the yarrg pirate trader website. But if you want to get copies, please just email us saying what you plan to do. These emails are MIME multipart/mixed documents, with two parts you should look for: One important part looks like this: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; name="metadata" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="metadata" This part is a text file giving metadata about the upload in a simple textual format. Each line has a keyword at the beginning, a single tab character, and then a value. The keywords are: Passed through from the client (after checking): clientname clientversion clientfixes ocean island timestamp Information about the server which processed the request: servername serverversion serverfixes instance Aggregated information about the client and server versions: clientspec serverspec each is the three values name, version, fixes, separated by tabs. `instance' specifies which installation of the upload server generated the email. There are two official yarrg servers, with instance values of `' and `'. You must check this value. For convenience of your email filtering, the instance value is reproduced in the Subject line of the whole email. The other important part looks like this: Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="deduped.tsv.gz" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="deduped.tsv.gz" Your email processor should look at the names attached to the parts, not at the order. Future updates may send out emails with additional parts, or additional metadata keywords, so your software should ignore any such additional information. Contacting the yarrg server operator ------------------------------------ Talk to Aristarchus on Cerulean, or ask any officer of the crew Special Circumstances, or email