JPCTB - a client for uploading to Yarrg and PCTB ================================================ Linux ----- To run on Linux run this command from wherever you unpacked the JPCTB distribution: ./jpctb /path/to/yohoho/yohoho Windows ------- On Windows, double-click jpctb-setup.exe to install JPCTB. It will do one of two things: 1) Just work, in which case you'll have a new icon on your desktop which runs Puzzle Pirates with JPCTB integrated 2) Fail, and tell you what to do next. Usually this means installing a Java Runtime Environment (or JVM) and then uninstalling and re- installing Puzzle Pirates. (Don't worry about reinstalling; you won't lose any of your pirates or pieces of eight!) Source ------ To build from source you will need a Java SDK, version 6, and Apache ant, as well as NSIS to build the Windows installer package. cd src ant -f PCTB.xml Currently this only seems to work with the Sun JDK. If your default JDK is OpenJDK then the following rune may work better: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun ant -f PCTB.xml Bugs ---- Current known bugs include: * Does not work from the Booty Pillaged screen, even though that has a buy/sell commodities interface.