STUMP Configuration Directory This directory contains files that the supporter of the robomoderator for your newsgroup (you) is supposed to edit to reflect the details of your newsgroup. You will have to edit most of the files under this directory to set such parameters as your newsgroup name, maximum number of crossposts, specify email addresses of your human moderators, and so on. Below is a short summary of what files you should edit and what they are for. Refer to comments in individual files for more details on how you should modify them. I suggest editing the files in the order they are listed here. It is more logical. ==================================================> added-headers Edit this file and put the header lines that you want to see appended to all approved articles. Put there something to the effect that you are not responsible for contents of approved posts, put your submission and complaint addresses, and if possible provide an URL of the Web page with your FAQ and Charter. ==================================================> approval.key.txt To set this file, you MUST have already created your PGP keys needed for moderation. Please refer to the online documentation explaining what keys to create and how to do it. Here's how to extract the key AFTER you have created it: pgp -kxaf csfm-approval-key > $HOME/stump/etc/approval.key.txt ==================================================> rejection-reasons.lst This file should list exactly the same reasons as mentioned in "reject" perl script, BUT in a different format reason::textual explanation of the reason. This file is used by the ModScape subsystem. ==================================================> conforms_charter This shell script allows you to define newsgroup-specific checks for submissions. If conforms_charter returns a non-zero exit code, the submission will be rejected automatically. soc.culture.russian.moderated uses this script to reject all binary files. ==================================================> crontab This file specifies which programs should be run at regular intervals. You can skip it if you just started setting up STUMP. ==================================================> messages This DIRECTORY contains explanations for various reasons for rejection. Refer to "reject" script for details on rejection reasons, names and files. ==================================================> modack.approved This shell script is used to send acknowledgments to posters whose messages get approved by the robomoderator. Edit this script so that the text message is specific to your newsgroups. ==================================================> modack.received This shell script is used to send acknowledgments to posters whose messages were received by the robomoderator. Edit this script so that the text message is specific to your newsgroups. ==================================================> modenv This is the main configuration file for your newsgroup. It has extensive instructions. Edit it very carefully and make sure that PATH includes all common directories. ==================================================> moderators This file lists all human moderators and member of moderator board for your newsgroup, along with some flags. Please refer to the file itself for more details. Besides initial setup, you will need to edit this file to support moderators going to vacations. ==================================================> mods-message This shell script is responsible for sending messages for your moderator board to the members of said board. You do not really need to edit it. ==================================================> mods.sig Signature for the moderators-only mailing list. It is appended at the bottom of every message that is distributed to human moderators. Edit it and put whatever you want there. ==================================================> posted_log This little shell script created a posted log file in your home directory. Ignore it. ==================================================> procmail This DIRECTORY contains some procmail rc files for archiving messages. You only need to edit them if you have procmail and formail in some non-standard place. ==================================================> procmailrc This file defines rules for processing incoming mail. You will need to edit it extensively if your group relies on different system of aliases than those that I recommend (a bad idea!).