#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # usage: .../new-ballot '[YNA]' 'Remove Bad Bozo from the moderation panel' # ^ regexp, put into /^(?:$regexp)$/io use strict qw(refs vars); BEGIN { my $sballotdir= $0; $sballotdir =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; chdir $sballotdir or die "$sballotdir $!"; unshift @INC, '..'; }; use ModerationCommon; use POSIX; @ARGV==2 or die; $ARGV[0] !~ m/^-/ or die; my $regexp= shift @ARGV; my $title= shift @ARGV; readsettings(); system "rm -rf issues/new"; mkdir "issues" or $!==&EEXIST or die $!; mkdir "issues/new",0770 or die $!; stat "issues/new" or die $!; my $issueid= time.'-'.((stat _)[1]); my $issuedir= "issues/$issueid"; rename "issues/new", $issuedir or die $!; open T, "> $issuedir/title" or die $!; print T $title, "\n" or die $!; print T $regexp, "\n" or die $!; close T or die $!; open S, "/dev/urandom" or die $!; sub randhex () { my $nonce; sysread(S, $nonce, $hashlen) == $hashlen or die $!; return unpack "H*", $nonce; } my @mods; open M, "../moderators" or die $!; while () { next unless m/\S/; next if m/^\#/; m/^([A-Z]+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/ or die; my $m= { Name => $1, Email => $2 }; $m->{Nonce}= randhex(); $m->{Ident}= hash($m->{Nonce}); $m->{Password}= randhex(); $m->{HashedPw}= hash($m->{Password}); push @mods, $m; } close M or die $!; sendmail_start(); print P < Subject: Secret ballot initiated for $setting{ABBREV} The administrator of $setting{GROUP} has initiated a new secret ballot on the question: Issue ID: $issueid Title: $title Each moderator will be sent a private email telling them their pseudonym and voting details. There will also be an announcement from the administrator confirming that this is the live ballot (as if there are problems with the software, it may be necessary to initiate several) and explaining what to enter into the "vote" box on the voting page. Please do not vote until you've received that confirmation. The moderators who will be able to vote are the following people: END foreach my $m (@mods) { my $opqe= $m->{Email}; $opqe =~ s/\@/ (at) /; printf P " %-10s %s\n", $m->{Name}, $opqe or die $!; } print P <{Ident} cmp $b->{Ident} } @mods; foreach my $m (@mods) { my $vfile= "$issuedir/v.$m->{Ident}"; open V, "> $vfile" or die "$vfile $!"; print V "$m->{HashedPw} not voted\n" or die $!; close V or die $!; print P " ", $m->{Ident}, "\n" or die $!; } print P <{Name} <$m->{Email}> Subject: [$setting{ABBREV}] Secret ballot private info The administrator of $setting{GROUP} has initiated a new secret ballot on the question: Issue ID: $issueid Title: $title Your login details for voting are: Pseudonym: $m->{Ident} Password: $m->{Password} These are confidential to you, valid only for this particular vote, and cannot be regenerated if they are lost. So please keep this email but do not reveal it to anyone. Reveal the password only to the voting web page. There will also be an announcement from the administrator confirming that this is the live ballot (as if there are problems with the software, it may be necessary to initiate several) and explaining what to enter into the "vote" box on the voting page. Please do not vote until you've received that confirmation. You may then cast (and change) your vote here: $setting{CGIBASEURL}/g.$setting{ABBREV}/sballot?issue=$issueid Thanks for your attention, moderation system robot Addendum for the paranoid: Your pseudonym was generated from a nonce, as follows: echo $m->{Nonce} | sha256sum Only you know this nonce - it is not stored on the moderation system server. You should check that your vote is properly recorded and complain if not: vote tallies will list which way each pseudonym voted. END sendmail_finish(); }