#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict qw(refs vars); use CGI qw/:standard/; use Cwd qw/realpath/; BEGIN { my $self= $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; $self= $0 unless defined $self; $self= realpath $self; my $sballotdir= $self; $sballotdir =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; chdir $sballotdir or die "$sballotdir $!"; unshift @INC, ".."; }; use ModerationCommon; sub fail ($) { my ($m)= @_; print header(-status=>500), start_html('Secret ballot - error'), h1("error"), strong($m), end_html(); exit 0; } my $issueid= param('issue'); fail('bad issueid') if $issueid =~ m/[^-0-9a-z]/ or $issueid =~ m/^[^0-9a-z]/; open T, "issues/$issueid/title" or fail("unknown issue $!"); my $title= ; chomp $title or die $!; my $regexp= ; chomp $regexp or die $!; close T or die $!; my $vote= param('vote'); my $ident= param('ident'); my $pw= param('password'); sub read_vfile ($) { my ($vfile)= @_; open M, $vfile or fail("unknown psuedonym $!"); my $m= ; chomp $m or die $!; close M or die $!; $m =~ m/^(\S+) (\S.*)$/ or die; return ($1,$2); } sub issue_and_title () { return ( dt('Issue ID'), dd(escapeHTML($issueid)), dt('Title'), dd(escapeHTML($title)) ); } if (length $vote or length $ident or length $pw) { fail('bad pseudonym') if !defined $ident or $ident =~ m/[^0-9a-z]/; fail('bad password') if !defined $pw or $pw =~ m/[^0-9a-z]/; my $pwhash= hash($pw); fail('bad vote') if $vote =~ m/[^0-9a-z]/; $vote =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; fail("invalid vote - consult administrator's instructions") unless $vote =~ /^(?:$regexp)$/io; my $vfile= "issues/$issueid/v.$ident"; my ($exp_pwhash, $oldvote) = read_vfile($vfile); $exp_pwhash eq $pwhash or fail("wrong password"); open N, "> $vfile.new" or die $!; print N "$pwhash $vote\n" or die $!; close N or die $!; rename "$vfile.new", $vfile or die "$vfile $!"; print(header(), start_html('Secret ballot - vote recorded'), h1('Vote recorded'), '
', issue_and_title(), dt('Old vote'), dd($oldvote), dt('New vote'), dd($vote), '
', end_html()) or die $!; exit 0; } if (param('results') or param('email_results')) { my $txt= <) { $vfile =~ m,/v\.([0-9a-f]+)([^/]*)$, or die; next if $2 eq 'new'; die "$vfile $2" if length $2; $ident= $1; my ($dummy_pwhash, $vote) = read_vfile($vfile); $txt .= " $ident $vote\n"; } $txt .= < Subject: Secret ballot results for $setting{ABBREV} One of the moderators for $setting{GROUP} has requested that the results of the following ballot be sent out: Issue ID: $issueid Title: $title $txt Regards moderation system robot END print(header(), start_html('Secret ballot - email sent'), h1('Done'), p('The email has been sent and should arrive shortly'), end_html()) or die $!; exit 0; } print(header(), start_html('Secret ballot - results'), h1('Results so far'), '
', pre(escapeHTML($txt)), end_html()) or die $!; exit 0; } print(header(), start_html('Secret ballot - voting page'), h1('Instructions'), p('Wait for the email from the administrator confirming '. 'that this is the actual live ballot before voting. '. "The administrator's email will tell you what to put in". " the vote box."), h1('Voting form'), '
', start_form(-method=>'POST'), hidden('issue',$issueid), issue_and_title(), dt('Pseudonym'), dd(textfield(-name=>'ident', -size=>($hashlen+10))), dt('Password'), dd(textfield(-name=>'password', -size=>($hashlen+10))), dt('Vote'), dd(textfield(-name=>'vote', -size=>40)), '
', submit('Cast your vote'), end_form(), h1('Results'), p('This allows you to view the results (so far)'), start_form(-method=>'GET'), hidden('issue',$issueid), p(submit(-name=>'results', -value=>'Show results')), p(submit(-name=>'email_results', -value=>"Send results to moderators' list")), end_form(), end_html()) or die $!; exit 0;