# # This file contains the complete configuration for WebSTUMP 2.0. # # You have to define these variables: # # $supporter: email address of the person who supports this installation # # $base_address: base URL for webstump # ###################################################################### WebSTUMP # set it to your email address. Do NOT leave my address here!!! $supporter = "%OURUSER%\@%DOMAIN%"; # set it to the URL for "wrapper" program. Usually should be something # like http://www.provider.net/~username/cgi-bin/webstump-wrapper # where webstump-wrapper is a symlink from your cgi-bin directory # to the wrapper executable. $base_address = "%CGIBASEURL%/g.%ABBREV%/webstump"; # Should we use MIME extensions? Note that if you keep "yes" here, you # have to install several Perl modules: # # MIME::Tools # Convert::UU # # as well as everything that they in turn require. $use_mime = "no"; # unless you plan to moderate picture newsgroups, # set it to "no". Set it to "yes" (lowercase) # if you actually want to use MIME and show pictures # as pictures. # Now THIS is the BASE address for WebSTUMP. It should point to # the directory called "webstump". It is used to acxcess images # under "queues" directory. $base_address_for_files = "%STATICFILESURL%/g.%ABBREV%"; # one of the possible locations for sendmail @sendmail = ("/usr/lib/sendmail", "/usr/bin/sendmail", "/usr/sbin/sendmail" ); ############################################################ GateKeeper # posting gateway -- address for STUMP mail2news gateway. # uncomment this line if you do not have a local spool dir (see next entry) # $posting_gateway = "ichudov@stump.algebra.com"; # directory for spooling approved article. Comment thisline out if # you do not have a program that regularly picks up files from there. $posting_spool_dir = "%BASEDIR%/stump-post/spool"; ##################################### do not modify anything below this line $mod_log_access= '%MODLOGDOWNLOAD%' eq 'true' ? '2 download' : '%MODLOGSEARCH%' eq 'true' ? '1 search' : 0; $STUMP_URL="http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump"; $queues_dir = "$webstump_home/queues"; $request_method="post"; die "Directory $queues_dir does not exist! Check out $webstump_home/config/webstump.cfg, and define variable \$secret_queues_name properly. " if( ! -d $queues_dir ); 1;