#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail TMPFILE=$TMP/reply.$$ cat > $TMPFILE ( formail -rt -I "Reply-To: $NOACK" \ -I "X-Webstump-Event: ack" \ $MAILOUT_RECVACK_FORMAIL_ARGS \ < $TMPFILE cat <<_EOB_ Hello, This is an automatic acknowledgement that your message has been received by the robomoderation program for newsgroup $NEWSGROUP. This message has been queued and will be reviewed by the moderators as necessary, and you will receive another email when a decision about your article has been made. If you do not want to receive automatic acknowledgments in the future, simply reply to this message, quoting its text in full. For details of the moderation arrangements see %GROUPURL% _EOB_ sanitise_and_quote_email \ < $TMPFILE ) | sendmail -t -f $MUNGED_ADDRESS rm $TMPFILE