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Analog 5.23:
Starting to use analog on a Mac
Here is the really short summary:
- Edit analog.cfg
- Run analog
- Read Report.html
When you download the Mac version of analog, it should unpack itself. (If it
doesn't, you might have to run StuffIt Expander on it). You should then find
in the analog directory a configuration file called analog.cfg
and the analog application itself, as well as the Readme, the
Licence (which you must read and agree to before
using analog) and a couple of other files. When you double-click on the analog
icon, it will run in its own window, and produce an output file called
Report.html. (For help in interpreting the output, see
What the results mean.)
The window will then close if there weren't any warning messages, or stay open
for you to read them if there were.
You can configure analog by putting commands in the configuration file,
analog.cfg. Although this is less familiar to Mac users than
pressing buttons etc., it's really much simpler and more flexible when you get
used to it. One command you will need straight away is
LOGFILE logfilename # to set where your logfile lives
The logfile must be stored locally -- analog won't use FTP or HTTP to fetch
it from the internet. There's a sample logfile supplied with the program.
There are already some configuration commands to get you started in the
configuration file, but there are lots of others available. You can find the
most common ones in the section on basic commands
later in the Readme, and you can read about all of them in
the section on customising analog.
There are also some sample configuration files in the examples folder.
Another way to start analog is to drag a logfile onto the analog icon, in which
case analog will try to analyse it, or drag a configuration file onto the
icon, in which case analog will use the commands in that configuration file.
(Analog detects whether it's a configuration file or a logfile by whether
it starts with a # or not.) This enables you to create different
reports without having two copies of the application.
One note: on other platforms, there is another way to give options, via
command line arguments. You'll see these mentioned in this Readme from time
to time, but the Mac (at least up to OS 9) doesn't have a command line, so
ignore these.
If you want to compile your own version of analog (it's written in C), or
just to read the source code, it's available from the
analog home page.
(It's the same source code for all versions).
Go to the analog home page.
Stephen Turner
14 May 2002
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