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Analog 5.21:
What was new in version 2?
This section lists the new features which were in version 2 of analog.
- What's new in version 5?
- What was new in version 4?
- What was new in version 3?
- 2.11 (14-Mar-97)
- Minor bug fixes to yesterday's release.
- 2.1 (13-Mar-97)
- Language support rewritten, causing reduction in code size of 2200 lines.
New configuration command LANGFILE.
New Acorn RiscOS version.
Page requests per day reported.
Bug fix: CASE INSENSITIVE could cause %7E-type
conversions not to take place.
- 2.0.2 (04-Mar-97)
- DNS lookups and wildcards should now work in the Win32 version.
New configuration command PRINTVARS.
Fix for zero length hostnames after DNS lookups.
Minor corrections in French and Spanish translations.
- 2.0 (10-Feb-97)
- New native Win32 version.
Wildcards allowed in filenames on Mac.
Ignores browser "-".
- 1.93beta (18-Jan-97)
- New commands BROWALIAS, CONFIGFILE and
Form program can now call configuration files.
Form program now uses the default choices if none specified.
Domain report prints correctly in preformatted output.
Specifying +1 and +V2 doesn't crash the program.
-v reports dates correctly.
Trailing dots on hostnames removed.
Second argument to LOGFILE command can't be obliterated
by /../
- 1.92beta (08-Oct-96)
- DNS lookups added on Mac.
Netpresenz format understood on Mac.
New languages: Spanish, Italian and Danish.
Extra information when debugging turned on.
are now pages on all machines.
A few small bugs fixed.
- 1.91beta4 (13-Jul-96)
- Cache file now includes page request information.
DNS bug fixed.
New command DNSHASHSIZE.
Bug in browser reports fixed.
- 1.91beta3 (09-Jul-96)
- BSD/OS compilation bug believed fixed.
Fixed HOSTALIAS which I broke yesterday.
DNS bug (causing too many lookups) identified,
although not yet fixed.
- 1.91beta2 (08-Jul-96)
- Some bug fixes (including: HOSTEXCLUDE and CASE
INSENSITIVE didn't work properly; selecting "no links"
failed on the form; less fussy about what can appear on the form).
Mac version no longer includes source code, so is much shorter.
- 1.91beta1 (05-Jul-96)
- Now DNS code doesn't look up a name twice, even if one is a failed
- 1.91beta (05-Jul-96)
- Will now output in any of several languages.
Preformatted output introduced.
New File Type Report.
Can limit the number of rows in the time reports.
Number of requests for pages (as opposed to raw requests) now
calculated throughout.
DNS lookup returns, with caching across runs.
Logfiles can include wildcards.
Wildcards can include multiple *'s.
Can process case insensitive logfiles.
OUTPUTALIAS commands introduced.
New commands to specify exactly what is included, and what linked, in
the request report and referrer report.
now work.
New ALLOW options to cancel INCLUDES.
DIRSUFFIX introduced.
Debugging reports number of corrupt lines in other logs.
Hash sizes can now be allocated at run time.
stdin can now be used for any input file, but not for two.
Macintosh version now quits automatically if no warnings have been
Form interface made more secure.
"Mozilla (compatible)" separated out in Browser Summary.
Major internal changes should improve speed.
Code for non-Unix platforms integrated into main code.
"Referrer" spelled correctly.
Licence introduced.
Update file introduced.
Readme updated to include non-Unix instructions.
- (19-Apr-96)
- First Mac version.
- 1.9beta6 (11-Apr-96)
- Two bug fixes (number of bytes was incorrectly reported in some cases,
and -v would overwrite the OUTFILE).
Documentation improved.
- 1.9beta5 (06-Mar-96)
- More bug fixes...
- 1.9beta4 (05-Mar-96)
- One important bug fix (I broke GRAPHICAL OFF in 1.9beta3).
New form cgi options: ch, gr and
Code shortened.
- (05-Mar-96)
- First DOS version.
- 1.9beta3 (01-Mar-96)
- Mainly bug fixes and improved documentation.
Browser and referer reports now include failed requests.
The WARNINGS option can now be specified on the form.
- 1.9beta2 (07-Feb-96)
- Small bug fixes.
- 1.9beta (06-Feb-96)
- Lots of changes. The most important new features are
- Six new reports (hourly report, browser report, browser summary,
referer report, status code report and error report).
- Analysis of NCSA/Apache referer log, agent log and combined log
- Graphical time reports that still work on text-based browsers.
- Configurable columns in the time reports.
- Time reports can run backwards.
- Time graphs can be plotted by bytes instead of by requests.
- Can cache old data so that old logfiles need not be kept.
- Can process several logfiles.
- Can combine logfiles from several different hosts.
- Will uncompress compressed logfiles.
- All configuration options can now be specified on the commandline.
- Mandatory configuration file added.
- Lots of new options in the form processing program.
- Wildcards greatly improved throughout.
- Alphabetical host report right-aligned.
- Bytes now quoted as MBytes etc. instead of long number.
- Produces HTML2.0 compliant output.
- New sort method RANDOM (saves time for long reports).
- Floors for reports now work properly.
- Can now specify a report FROM 100 or more days ago.
- Option to turn off warnings.
- Considerable savings in code length over previous versions.
- What was new in version 1?
Go to the analog home page.
Stephen Turner
20 February 2002
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