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Analog 5.21: Time reports

This section is about commands which control the appearance of the time reports. There are thirteen such reports, which show the pattern of usage over time. Eight of them (the ones with "Report" in their name) show the usage at specific times, whilst the other five (the "Summaries") show the total (not average) activity at particular times of day and week over the whole time period of the report.

By the way, in the following lists, don't get confused between the commands for the Quarterly Report (which begin with QUARTERLY) and those for the Quarter-Hour Report and Quarter-Hour Summary (with begin with QUARTERREP and QUARTERSUM respectively).

Each time report can contain columns listing the requests, requests for pages, and bytes transferred at that time, using the following code letters.
Number of requests
Percentage of the requests
Number of page requests
Percentage of the page requests
Number of bytes transferred
Percentage of the bytes
Which columns appear in which reports is controlled by various COLS commands. For example, the command
tells analog to include the number of page requests and percentage of the bytes, in that order, as the columns for the Hourly Summary. The full list of these COLS commands is YEARCOLS, QUARTERLYCOLS, MONTHCOLS, WEEKCOLS, DAYREPCOLS, DAYSUMCOLS, HOURREPCOLS, HOURSUMCOLS, WEEKHOURCOLS, QUARTERREPCOLS, QUARTERSUMCOLS, FIVEREPCOLS and FIVESUMCOLS. There is also a TIMECOLS command, which specifies that all the time reports are to have the specified columns.
Similarly, analog can plot the bar charts in the time reports according to the number of requests, number of page requests, or number of bytes. This is controlled by the GRAPH family of commands. So, for example,
tells analog to plot the bar charts in the Daily Report by the number of page requests. This also controls how analog decides which is the busiest time period in the bottom line of the report. Using a lower case letter tells analog to plot the bar charts with ASCII characters instead of the normal red bars. (This produces shorter output, and it is how they appear anyway in PLAIN and ASCII output styles, or when viewed with a non-graphical browser.) So, for example,
would plot the Daily Report by bytes, without using the graphics. The full list of GRAPH commands is YEARGRAPH, QUARTERLYGRAPH, MONTHGRAPH, WEEKGRAPH, DAYREPGRAPH, DAYSUMGRAPH, HOURREPGRAPH, HOURSUMGRAPH, WEEKHOURGRAPH, QUARTERREPGRAPH, QUARTERSUMGRAPH, FIVEREPGRAPH and FIVESUMGRAPH. There's also an ALLGRAPH command to set all of them simultaneously.
There are various possible graphics available for the graphs, controlled by the BARSTYLE command, as follows. (They will all look the same if you have a non-graphical browser.)

BARSTYLE a  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE b  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE c  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE d  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE e  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE f  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE g  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE h  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE i  +++++++++++
BARSTYLE j  +++++++++++
The default style is b.
You can plot the graphs either forwards in time (starting from the earliest date) or backwards (starting from the latest date). Use commands like
MONTHBACK ON  # Monthly Report backwards
WEEKBACK OFF  # Weekly Report forwards
The full list of BACK commands is YEARBACK, QUARTERLYBACK, MONTHBACK, WEEKBACK, DAYREPBACK, HOURREPBACK, QUARTERREPBACK and FIVEREPBACK. It tends to be confusing to mix directions (and analog will warn you if you attempt it) so usually you want to use the ALLBACK command which will set all of them at once.
For the more detailed time reports, you usually only want to list the last few time periods. (Every five minutes for the last three years?? I think not.) So analog provides some ROWS commands to let you specify how many rows you want in the time reports. For example
QUARTERREPROWS 96  # only the last day's worth
MONTHROWS 0        # 0 means no restriction: show all time
The full list of ROWS commands is YEARROWS, QUARTERLYROWS, MONTHROWS, WEEKROWS, DAYREPROWS, HOURREPROWS, QUARTERREPROWS and FIVEREPROWS. Even if a ROWS command is given, the line at the bottom of the report will still show the busiest time period ever, not just the busiest one in that many rows.
The character which is used for plotting the graphs in PLAIN and ASCII styles or on a non-graphical browser is specified by means of the MARKCHAR command. For example,
tells analog to use the equals sign.

There is a parameter called MINGRAPHWIDTH which sets the minimum nominal size of the graphs. For example, if you set

then the graph will be allowed to be up to 10 characters wide, even if that would exceed the PAGEWIDTH.

There is one more command which affects the time reports. You can specify which day should be counted as the first day of the week. This affects the layout of the Daily Report, Daily Summary, Weekly Report and Hour of the Week Summary. For example, our local student newspaper publishes a new edition on the web every Friday, so they like to specify WEEKBEGINSON FRIDAY for their reports.

In the next section, we'll look at commands relating to the non-time reports.

Go to the analog home page.

Stephen Turner
20 February 2002

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