CONFIGFILE other.cfgThe commands in the other configuration file are read immediately, in order. The program then continues reading the first configuration file where it left off. Note that reading in several configuration files does not produce several reports, but a single report based on all the options.
You can also include another configuration file from the command line by using a command like +gother.cfg. (Note that there is no space between +g and the filename; this is true of all command line arguments.) But note that reading an alternative configuration file does not stop the default configuration file (usually analog.cfg) being read as well. To do that you have to specify -G as well as the +g command. This is because if you want several different configurations, it's most convenient to put all the common options in analog.cfg, and options specific to each configuration in a separate file. Then the +g command line option will read both those files.
In the Mac version, you can start up a program with a particular configuration file instead of the default one by dragging the configuration file onto the analog icon. The file must start with a #.
You can also specify any configuration command on the command line even if it doesn't have a command line abbreviation, by use of the +C command. (NB The C must be upper case.) For example, +C"UNCOMPRESS *.gz gzcat" will include that command.
DAILY OFF # We don't want a Daily Summary FULLDAILY "ON" # We want a full Daily Report instead HOSTNAME (Spam Widgets Inc.) # Spaces, so quotes or brackets needed LOGFILE logfile1.log,\ logfile2.log # This line and the previous one are one commandGenerally later commands override earlier ones if you can have only one of that thing (e.g., for the OUTFILE), or supplement them if you can have several (e.g., for the LOGFILE, because you can read several logfiles). Apart from that, the order of commands doesn't matter, except that LOGFORMAT and LOGTIMEOFFSET commands must come earlier in the same configuration file than the LOGFILE to which they refer.
analog -settings [other options]from the command line, or include SETTINGS ON in the configuration commands. Then instead of running normally, analog will just tell you what the values of all the variables will be, based on the defaults in anlghead.h and anlghea2.h, the configuration commands, and the command line options. If you're on Unix or Windows, remember that you can send the output to a file with
analog -settings > fileAlso, analog -version will just give the version number.
Stephen Turner
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