First, remember the option we mentioned before, to list the current settings of all of analog's variables. To get this, just put -settings on the command line, or SETTINGS ON in one of your configuration files, along with your other commands. Then analog will produce the list of settings instead of running in the normal way.
DEBUG ONyou get all the debugging. (And DEBUG OFF turns it all off.) You can also get just certain categories of debugging. The categories are
DEBUG FSwould give you information about file opening and closing, and what was in each logfile, but none of the other sorts of debugging. Each line of debugging information is prepended with its code letter. You can also specify
DEBUG +CDto add C and D category debugging to whatever you've already got, and
DEBUG -CDto remove those two categories.
There is also a command line abbreviation for this command. Use +V (for ON), -V (for OFF), +VFS (to select exactly options FS), +V+FS (to add those options), and +V-FS (to remove them).
The C messages actually come on two lines. The first line gives the logfile line which was corrupt. The second line indicates where analog first noticed a problem. (This is usually, but not always, close to where the problem actually was!) In fact, each "line" of the message may spread over more than one line on your screen, and you have to be careful to take that into account when trying to find out where the logfile line was corrupt.
Warnings range from the probably harmless to the usually serious. So it is generally not a good idea to turn all warnings off, or you might miss some important information. If you want to ignore a particular warning, turn just its category off.
There is also a command line version of the WARNINGS command, looking like +q, -q, +q<options>, +q+<options> or +q-<options>.
PROGRESSFREQ 20000 # saythen analog will produce a little message after every 20,000 lines it reads from the logfile. This is useful to determine whether the program has really stopped or (as is more likely) is just being slow for some reason (such as using DNS lookups).
ERRFILE newfileIf you do this, analog will warn you that it's redirecting the messages, just so that you don't miss any. To change back to standard error, use
ERRFILE stderrThe ERRFILE command will erase any previous contents of that file. (So don't use the same ERRFILE command twice, or you may lose messages!)
ERRLINELENGTH 0specifies an unlimited screen width.
Stephen Turner
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