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Readme for analog 4.02

What's new in this version?

This section lists the major new features in each version of analog. There's also another section about how to upgrade from older versions of analog, listing which commands have changed or been abolished, or how the output of this version differs from that of previous versions.
4.02 (31-Jan-00)
Support for Apache's new %q code in APACHELOGFORMAT.
Fix for search reports causing crashes on Windows.
New language: Czech. Corrections for Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian.
4.01 (17-Dec-99)
New command USERCASE.
Some of the default paths have changed in anlghead.h.
Improvements to OpenVMS port.
Language files included for Armenian, Bosnian, Catalan, traditional Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish & Ukrainian; corrections to Russian & Turkish.
4.0 (16-Nov-99)
Simplified Chinese, Danish, Japanese, Portuguese & Serbian language files included.
Otherwise only small changes since 3.90beta2.
3.90beta2 (02-Nov-99)
It is now recommended that you don't run analog as a CGI program for security reasons. (The CGI command is still present, but it is now not documented.)
The Organisation Report is now hierarchical.
The Browser Summary is now arranged by major version number. (See notes on upgrading.)
Non-exact bytes are now given to 3 decimal places.
GOTOS FEW puts the "Go To" lines just at the top and bottom of the output.
PRINTVARS has been renamed SETTINGS.
-settings output improved, especially with OUTPUT NONE.
Includes language files for French, Greek, Norwegian (Bokmål & Nynorsk), Polish, Russian and Turkish.
New configuration file examples/big.cfg containing most commands.
3.90beta1 (07-Oct-99)
First beta test for version 4. The most important new features are: Note: most languages don't work in this beta-test version, but should be added again by version 4. (The language files are included in the distribution, but contain lots of English strings).
What was new in version 3?
What was new in version 2?
What was new in version 1?

Stephen Turner
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