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Readme for analog3.11

Configuring the output

So far we have mainly discussed commands which control how analog reads the logfiles. We now get on to commands for configuring the output.

There are 27 different reports which analog can produce, if your logfiles contain the necessary information. Each one has a short name, and a code letter or number, as follows:

x  GENERAL      General Summary
m  MONTHLY      Monthly Report
W  WEEKLY       Weekly Report
D  FULLDAILY    Daily Report
d  DAILY        Daily Summary
H  FULLHOURLY   Hourly Report
h  HOURLY       Hourly Summary
4  QUARTER      Quarter-Hour Report
5  FIVE         Five-Minute Report
S  HOST         Host Report
o  DOMAIN       Domain Report
r  REQUEST      Request Report
i  DIRECTORY    Directory Report
t  FILETYPE     File Type Report
z  SIZE         File Size Report
E  REDIR        Redirection Report
I  FAILURE      Failure Report
f  REFERRER     Referrer Report
s  REFSITE      Referring Site Report
k  REDIRREF     Redirected Referrer Report
K  FAILREF      Failed Referrer Report
B  FULLBROWSER  Browser Report
b  BROWSER      Browser Summary
v  VHOST        Virtual Host Report
u  USER         User Report
J  FAILUSER     Failed User Report
c  STATUS       Status Code Report
For details on what the various reports mean, see the section on What the results mean. But in brief, the General Summary gives summary statistics, such as the total number of requests of each type. The next eight reports are known as time reports; they show the pattern of requests over time. The Host Report and the Domain Report show where people visited from. The Request Report, Directory Report, File Type Report and Size Report show what files people got from your server. The Redirection Report shows files which were redirected to some other file, including "click-thru's." The Failure Report shows files which your server couldn't send out for some reason. The various Referrer Reports show where people followed links from to reach your files. (The Failed Referrer Report is good for spotting broken links.) The Browser Report and Browser Summary show which browsers people were using. If you are using virtual hosts (also called virtual domains), the Virtual Host Report shows how many requests there were to each virtual host. Similarly if you are using user authentication, the User Report and Failed User Report list the activity for each user. Finally, the Status Code Report shows how many requests returned each HTTP status code.
You can turn each report on or off with configuration commands like
or by using command line arguments like -5 and +s. You can also turn all reports except the General Summary on or off with the commands ALL ON and ALL OFF, or with the command line arguments +A and -A.

You can turn the "Go To" lines in the report off with the command

or with the -X command line argument; again, GOTOS ON and +X turn them on again.

The figures in parentheses in the General Summary are for the last seven days: either the seven days before the TO time, or if no TO time is given, the seven days before the time of the program start. The figures for the last seven days are normally included if some, but not all, of the requests fall in those seven days; but you can turn them off by means of the command

Of course LASTSEVEN ON turns them on again.

You can change the order of the reports by means of the REPORTORDER command. You should list the code letters for all the reports in the order you want them, like this:


You can change which file the output goes to with a command like

OUTFILE stats.htm
or with a command line argument like +Ostats.htm. If you use the filename - or stdout, the output will go to standard output, which is normally the screen, but Unix users might like to redirect it to another file or even into a pipe. You can also use an absolute path name, like
OUTFILE /usr/bin/httpd/htdocs/stats.html  # Unix
OUTFILE "Hard Disk:Server Apps:WebSTAR:Analog:Report.html" # Mac

Now we come to some very important commands. The first is the OUTPUT command, which changes the style of the output. There are three possible output styles, HTML, ASCII and COMPUTER. The first produces Web pages, the second plain text files (which you could mail to people, for example) and the third produces output suitable for reading by a computer (useful for reading into a spreadsheet, or post-processing with a graphics package, for example). There is a separate section about the Computer readable output later. As well as a command like
you can also select ASCII style with the command line argument +a, and HTML with the command line argument -a. You can also specify OUTPUT NONE for no output, if you are producing a cache file.

Next, you can change the language of the output. There are two ways to do this. The usual way is to use the LANGUAGE command. For example, the command


The other way is to use the LANGFILE command. This is useful if you want to download a new language from the analog home page, or if you want to translate one yourself, or even if you want to change some words or phrases or the way the dates and times are formatted in the output. The LANGFILE command tells analog in which file to find the various words and phrases for a new language. For example, the command

LANGFILE lang/guarani.lng
would read from that file. (Note that you have to include the directory name if the file isn't in the directory or folder which you're running analog from. In particular, it's not assumed to be in the same directory as the other language files.)

Some languages also have domains files available. You can tell analog to use a different domains file instead of the English one using the DOMAINSFILE command.

If you want to translate another language, I would be delighted! You'd be wise to contact me first to make sure that no-one else is already translating the same language. The English language file contains some brief instructions for translating new languages.

There are a few more minor, although cosmetically important, commands affecting the output. First there's a command IMAGEDIR which tells analog where the various images used to make the report live. It could be a relative or an absolute URL: for example
IMAGEDIR img/   # within the same directory as the output
IMAGEDIR /img/  # off the root directory of your server

There are three commands which affect the top line of the output. First, the LOGO command allows you to replace the analog logo with another image (for example, your organisation's logo). You can say

LOGO picture.gif  # for this file
LOGO /images/picture2.gif  # a different file
LOGO none         # for no logo
The logo is assumed to be inside the IMAGEDIR unless it starts with a slash, or contains ://

hen there are commands HOSTNAME and HOSTURL which affect the name and link at the end of the title line. For example, I might specify

HOSTNAME "Stephen Turner"
HOSTURL  http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
to generate the title "Web Server Statistics for Stephen Turner". Again, you can use none as the HOSTURL to specify no link. Analog will normally translate characters in the hostname to HTML if necessary. So to include literal HTML, such as accented characters, in the output you need to precede them by a backslash, like this:
HOSTNAME "M\üller & S\öhne"

There are commands called HEADERFILE and FOOTERFILE. These let you specify files to be inserted near the top and bottom of your output. You can specify

to cancel a previously-specified header file.

There are three related commands called SEPCHAR, REPSEPCHAR and DECPOINT. These specify single characters to be used as the thousands separator in numbers, the thousands separator within the columns in the reports, and the decimal point. For example, a French user might choose

to make "three thousand and a quarter" look like "3 000,25" in text and "3000,25" in the reports.

There is a command called RAWBYTES. Specify RAWBYTES ON if you want the exact number of bytes to be listed in reports, or RAWBYTES OFF if you want the number of kilobytes or Megabytes as appropriate to be listed instead.

Finally there is a command called PAGEWIDTH which specifies the width of the page. The output is not guaranteed to fit in this width, but analog will take notice of it when choosing the width of the time graphs, and when sorting the host report alphabetically; and if the output format is ASCII, when drawing horizontal rules and printing some bits of text. I recommend about PAGEWIDTH 65 for HTML output, and PAGEWIDTH 75 for ASCII output.

There are now some sections about configuring the output of particular reports, under the following headings: Time reports, Other reports and Hierarchical reports.
Stephen Turner
E-mail: analog-author@lists.isite.net

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