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Upgrading from earlier versions
This page lists those commands which existed in older versions of analog, but
which have been changed or abolished in this version. The new features in this
version are listed on the page What's new in
this version?.
Upgrading from 2.90beta1
- LOGFORMAT MICROSOFT has been replaced by
and similarly for LOGFORMAT NETPRESENZ.
Upgrading from 2.11 and earlier
- It is possible that there may be small discrepancies between the results
from previous versions and the results from this version because the
parsing code has changed, but any such differences should be minor.
- If you used to use REFEXCLUDE or BROWEXCLUDE, you
most likely now want REFREPEXCLUDE
or BROWREPEXCLUDE instead, or you
will exclude lots of lines that were previously included.
- It is possible that this version may not automatically parse a logfile
that previous versions could parse, because it checks more carefully
that the logfile is in the format claimed. If so, you will have to use a
LOGFORMAT command.
- Approximate host counting has been abolished, unless there's a
significant demand for it.
- The Error Report has been abolished (together with the configuration
See the What's new? page.
- The BROWLOG and REFLOG commands have also been
abolished: just use LOGFILE
- The HASHSIZE commands have been abolished: analog now chooses
the size of the hash tables itself.
- The MINREQS and similar options have been replaced by the
FLOOR commands.
- Only one * is now allowed on the left-hand side of aliases,
to avoid ambiguities.
- Automatic detection of log type is now on a per-file rather than a
per-line basis.
- ISPAGE is now called
- WITHARGS and REFWITHARGS are now called
- MONTHLYBACK is now called MONTHBACK, and
MONTHLYUNIT is now called MONTHUNIT (and the same
for the other time reports).
- FULLHOSTS is now just called HOST.
- LASTSEVEN is abolished: you get the statistics for the last
seven days in the General Summary automatically now.
- LOGOURL is now called LOGO, and is assumed to be
within the IMAGEDIR.
- The UNIT commands have been abolished. They weren't very
useful, and they didn't make much sense with the different ways of
displaying the time report bar charts. The unit is now always chosen
- DIRLEVEL has been abolished, because the
SUBDIR command is more general.
Use SUBDIR */* or whatever instead.
- Comments aren't allowed in the domains file.
I don't think this should cause a problem.
- BASEURL is abolished. Use the second argument to the
LOGFILE command as a close
- GRAPHICAL is abolished. Instead, use lower case letters with
the GRAPH commands.
- NUMLOOKUP has been replaced by
by the commands DNSGOODHOURS and
- DNS cache files from previous versions are not compatible with version
- You can't use PAGES in the columns or SORTBY or
FLOOR for the Request Report. Use REQINCLUDE pages
- - as a synonym for none has been abolished in some
places, e.g., HOSTURL.
- The following command line arguments have been abolished from earlier
versions, many of the letters getting new meanings: 7,
l, n, p, s, u,
v, w. (-v has moved to
-settings.) Others have been changed since version 1.2 as
Upgrading from 2.0, Win32 users
- Filenames for logfiles etc. should now be given DOS-style, with
backslashes, rather than Unix-style with forward slashes.
Upgrading from 1.92 and earlier, Mac users
- There is no longer an automatic progress report. Use the
PROGRESSFREQ command instead.
Upgrading from 1.9beta's
Upgrading from 1.2's and earlier
- Use *INCLUDE and
*EXCLUDE instead of *ONLY and
- The syntax of the *FLOOR commands has changed.
- Use *SORTBY REQUESTS or BYTES instead of
Stephen Turner
E-mail: sret1@cam.ac.uk
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