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Readme for analog2.90beta2

The domains file

The domains file tells analog which country is represented by each domain. You can tell analog where to find your domains file with a command like
DOMAINSFILE domains.tab
If you haven't got a domains file, you can download one from http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/domains.tab. It should contain each domain code followed by its location on a new line, thus:
ad   Andorra
ae   United Arab Emirates
It does not need to be in alphabetical order, though humans may prefer it that way.

Only domains which occur in the domains file will get their own line in the Domain Report: the rest are probably spurious, and will be accumulated together as "unknown domains". If you have debugging turned on, you can see which domains were unknown.

Stephen Turner
E-mail: sret1@cam.ac.uk

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