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Readme for analog2.91beta1

Hierarchical reports

Some of the non-time reports have a hierarchical (or tree) structure: so, for example, each domain in the domain report can have subdomains listed under it, which in turn can have sub-subdomains, and so on. This section describes commands for managing hierarchical reports.

First, you need to be able to control what gets listed in the reports. For this you need to use the SUB family of commands. So, for example, the command SUBDIR /~sret1/* would ensure that the Directory Report would not only contain an entry for the sum of my files, but also one for each of my subdirectories, something like this:

29,111: /~sret1/
10,234:   /~sret1/analog/
 5,179:   /~sret1/backgammon/
11,908: /~steve/

If you specify a SUB command, all the intermediate levels are included automatically. So, for example, after

SUBDOMAIN statslab.cam.ac.uk
cam.ac.uk and ac.uk will be included in the Domain Report too, and after *.*.ac.uk, *.ac.uk will be included.

Here are examples of the other three SUB commands:

SUBTYPE *.gz      # in the File Type Report
SUBBROW Mozilla/*  # in the Browser Summary
REFDIR http://search.yahoo.com/*   # Referring Site Report

The SUBDOMAIN report (but none of the others) can included a second argument describing the subdomain. For example

SUBDOMAIN cam.ac.uk 'University of Cambridge'
Then that subdomain will be listed with its translation in the Domain Report. You can also have numerical subdomains: e.g.,
SUBDOMAIN 131.111 'University of Cambridge'
If you sort the subdomains alphabetically, the numerical ones will also be sorted alphabetically, not numerically. I don't think this will cause any problems.

One other use for the SUBDIR command is if you have used the second argument to the LOGFILE command. Suppose you have translated files like /index.html into http://www.mycompany.com/index.html. Then the command

SUBDIR http://www.mycompany.com/*
would be appropriate to make the directory report look right.
The lower levels of each report have FLOOR and SORTBY commands which work exactly the same as those we have already seen for the top level. These commands are SUBDIRFLOOR, SUBDOMFLOOR, SUBTYPEFLOOR, SUBBROWFLOOR and REFDIRFLOOR; and SUBDIRSORTBY, SUBDOMSORTBY, SUBTYPESORTBY, SUBBROWSORTBY and REFDIRSORTBY.

An sub-item is listed in a hierarchical report only if it is above the sub-FLOOR, and it is included with a SUB command, and its immediate parent is listed. For example, specifying

SUBDIR /*/*/
would list the three subdirectories with most requests under each directory. SUBDIRFLOOR 1:r would have listed any subdirectory with at least 1% of the maximum number of requests of any top level directory.

The report INCUDE and EXCLUDE commands for a hierarchical report only apply to the top level of the report: you can use the SUB commands for the lower levels.

The three file reports (Request Report, Redirection Report and Failure Report) and the three referrer reports (Referrer Report, Redirected Referrer Report and Failed Referrer Report) are not fully hierarchical, but they do list search arguments together under the file to which they refer (provided that the arguments have been read in: see the ARGSINCLUDE command). So they have similar sub-FLOOR and sub-SORTBY commands, namely REQARGSFLOOR, REDIRARGSFLOOR, FAILARGSFLOOR, REFARGSFLOOR, REDIRREFARGSFLOOR and FAILREFARGSFLOOR; and REQARGSSORTBY, REDIRARGSSORTBY, FAILARGSSORTBY, REFARGSSORTBY, REDIRREFARGSSORTBY and FAILREFARGSSORTBY.

That concludes the description of all the output configuration commands. Now we move on to some other individual topics, starting with the domains file.

Stephen Turner
E-mail: sret1@cam.ac.uk

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