### Partial Powers ### ---- *Fluff* ---- #### Pattern #### **Pattern Imprint (50)** (Amberite Grandparent, Access to a Pattern) : Everything under Pattern Imprint under the ADRP rules. No subdivision of this possible, but see [[the note|Notes_on_Powers]] about this. No partials of Advanced Pattern are available.
#### Logrus #### **Basic Logrus Mastery (25)** (Automatic Shape Shift, Chaosian Grandparent) : The Chaosian with this has walked the Logrus and recovered from the ensuing madness. : This covers basic Tendril summoning, searching, and movement of self or object through shadow with a Tendril. **Logrus Combat (5)** (Basic Logrus Mastery) : The Chaosian with this ability has learned how to use their Logrus Tendrils in combat. Logus Tendrils are "Extra Hard" and operate with a *Strength* equal to the *Psyche* of the user. **Logrus Sight (5)** (Basic Logrus Mastery) : The Chaosian can use the Logrus to augment their vision with a lens that reveals magical properties. **Logrus Spell Storage (5)** (Basic Logrus Mastery) : THe Chaosian can use the Logrus to rack spells. **Logrus Defense (5)** (Basic Logrus Mastery) : The Chaosian can use the Logrus to defend against either magical or physical attacks. No partials of Advanced Logrus are available.
#### Trump #### Some of these abilities can be discovered by experimentation; others require teaching. Experimentation will require access to a deck of trumps. See [[the note|Notes_on_Powers]] about decks of trumps. "Going Cold" is a feature of the way trumps work; it does not have any predictive power on the contactability of the subject. **Sense Trump (5)** : The user can detect trump energy in objects and artifacts. This usually requires touching the object or observing it in use however with higher levels of *Psyche* it may be possible at range. Any user with this ability can instill Trump abilities they have in artifacts. **Trump Identification (5)** (Sense Trump) : By consulting the trumps in their deck the user can tell which of the portrayed people or places are currently using trump power. This can be used to give an idea of who might be calling. **Advanced Trump Identification (5)** (Trump Identification, Permanent Trumps) : If using trumps that they have created or studied the artist can identify which of the active trumps in their deck is the caller during a contact. **Trump Defence (5)** (Sense Trump, Teacher) : The user can use the power of an active trump as a defense. **Trump Sketches (5)** (Sense Trump, Teacher) : The user can make Trump Sketches. Note that sketches have a limited lifespan; approximately 10 minutes and 1 use per 10 *Psyche* over Chaos. **Permanent Trumps (20)** (Sense Trump, Teacher) : The user can create permanent trumps. : It is unlikely the user will have time to do so during the game; but see [[the notes|Notes_on_Powers]]. **Trump Memory (5)** (Permanent Trumps) : The artist memorizes any trumps they create or study extensively and can use their memory as if it were a trump deck. **Trump Spying (5)** (Trump Identification) : While touching a trump the user can overhear anything the depicted person is saying over trump. Touching both halves of a conversation will give you the entire conversation. **Trump Jamming (5)** (Sense Trump) : By concentrating while holding the trump the user can prevent anyone else from using a trump of the target. This is at least as exhausting as blocking a trump contact to oneself. **Trump Gate (10)** (Trump Sketches or Permanent Trumps, Teacher) : Given a trump or sketch that they have created of the destination the artist can open a gateway that others can pass through. This is exceptionally tiring and gates created from sketches will have a very short duration. **Disguised Trumps (5)** (Permanent Trumps) : The artist can create Permanent Trumps that depict something other than their target. **Trump Traps (5)** (Permanent Trumps) : The artist can create Permanent Trumps that activate when picked up and suck the user through to their destination. **Trump Blackout (5)** : The user can "blackout" a trump contact revealing nothing about where they are or what they look like. This requires some concentration.
#### Shapeshifting #### **Animal Form (5)** : The shifter can shift to a specific animal form and back to human at will. **Basic Forms (10)** : The shifter has three specific alternative forms they can shift to at will: Chaos Form, Avatar Form, and Primal Form. : Amberite shifters may not know what their Chaos Form is. : Primal Form involves lost of control of ones actions. **Automatic Shape Shift (5)** : The shifter can release control of their shape to their subconsious in order to survive danger or environmental hazards. : Without either of the abilities above they can't intentionally shift back to human form and will have to wait for their subconsious to appreciate safety. **Advanced Animal Forms (5)** (Animal Form, Basic Forms) : The shifter can shift to any animal form they know. Accuracy of the form and ability to use it increase with familiarity. **Partial Shift (5)** (Basic Forms) : The shifter can shift your body parts or facial features independently of the rest of their body. Shifts involving parts of other forms that are well known are easier to produce and maintain. **Shift Wounds (5)** (Automatic Shape Shift) : The shifter heals automatically and swiftly. **Shift Matter (5)** (Basic Forms) : The shifter can shapeshift non-living matter. Only the shape of the matter changes, not the material. This includes shifting clothing/armor when they change form. **Shift Others (5)** (Shift Matter, Automatic Shape Shift) : The shifter can shift the form of anyone they have psychic contact with. This is slower than personal shifting and can be resisted. **Shift Mass (5)** (Shift Matter, Automatic Shape Shift) : A shifter with this power can become lighter or heavier by taking on or shedding matter from the shadow they are in. This is quite slow. : Once the shifter is back in a Basic form the will slowly gain or lose mass in order to regain their natural mass unless they concentrate on keeping it. **Shift Anatomy (10)** (Shift Mass) : The shifter can change their own internal anatomy and take on complex abilities of other forms they know (such as the ability to fly with wings or breath underwater with gills). : Some of these things can also be achieved with Automatic Shape Shift, but this power allows them to be done intentionally. **Shift Aura (5)** (Basic Forms, Automatic Shape Shift) : This allows the shifter to change the apparent "shape" of their mind to match that of anything they could change the shape of their body to. **Shift Persona (5)** (Shift Aura) : This allows the shifter to take on the persona of anyone else they know. : This risks losing control! **Create Blood Creatures (5)** (Shift Anatomy) : This allows you to create independant creatures from your blood.