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Books from Edward
[ArtibusWiki.git] / Setting / Locations / Stonehenge / ScholaPythagoranis / Library / ArtsTractatus.mdwn
1 ### [[Arts Tractatus|ArtsTractatus]]
3 Classmark            | Ability     | Quality | Language | Title                                                        | Author                       | Type         | Additional Details
4 ---------------------|------------:|:-------:|:--------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------|:-------------|:-------------------
5 [[F.1025]]           | Animal      |    13   |  Latin   | Anatomy of a Dragon                                          | Vahakn ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
6 [[F.1174]]           | Aquam       |    14   |  Latin   | A Little Lake Magic                                          | Tempestas ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
7 [[F.1181]]           | Aquam       |    14   |  Latin   | A Little More Lake Magic                                     | Tempestas ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
8 [[F.1200]]           | Aquam       |    15   |  Latin   | Practical Hydrodynamics                                      | Pietro ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
9 [[F.0997]]           | Auram       |    9    |  Latin   | Notes on Fog of Confusion                                    | Arnold ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
10 [[F.0948]]           | Auram       |    7    |  Latin   | Notes on The Incantation of Lightning                        | Arnold ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
11 [[F.1060]]           | Auram       |    13   |  Latin   | Thunder and Lightning                                        | Frederick ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
12 [[F.1151]]           | Corpus      |    5    |  Latin   | Notes on Bane of the Decrepit Body                           | Anita ex Bonisagus           | Normal       | 
13 [[F.1207]]           | Corpus      |    14   |  Latin   | A Few Notes on Transformation Magic                          | Iacula ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
14 [[T.FCo.003]]        | Corpus      |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
15 [[T.FCo.004]]        | Corpus      |    6    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
16 [[T.FCo.005]]        | Corpus      |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
17 [[F.1186]]           | Herbam      |    15   |  Latin   | Root and Branch; A Summary of Gardening Magic                | Pietro ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
18 [[T.FHe.002]]        | Herbam      |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
19 [[F.1052]]           | Herbam      |    14   |  Latin   | Some Applications of Plant Magic to Self Defense             | Anne Arbor ex Bonisagus      | Normal       | 
20 [[T.FHe.004]]        | Herbam      |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
21 [[T.FIg.001]]        | Ignem       |    11   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
22 [[F.1151]]           | Ignem       |    6    |  Latin   | Notes on Wizard's Icy Grip                                   | Nuño ex Bonisagus            | Normal       | 
23 [[T.FIg.003]]        | Ignem       |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
24 [[T.FIg.004]]        | Ignem       |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
25 [[F.1144]]           | Imaginem    |    15   |  Latin   | Culinary Magic III: Heightening the Senses                   | Julius ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
26 [[F.1116]]           | Imaginem    |    10   |  Latin   | Notes on Illusion of the Misplaced Castle                    | Ximeno ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
27 [[T.FIm.003]]        | Imaginem    |    10   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
28 [[F.0990]]           | Imaginem    |    11   |  Latin   | How You Can See Right Through Me                             | Vestiarium ex Bonisagus      | Normal       | 
29 [[T.FIm.005]]        | Imaginem    |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
30 [[T.FIm.006]]        | Imaginem    |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
31 [[T.FIm.007]]        | Imaginem    |    8    |  Latin   | Veiling the Sight; Correspondences with a Fox I              | Tanis ex Merinita & Vitenka the Fox | Correspondance | 
32 [[T.FIm.008]]        | Imaginem    |    8    |  Latin   | Veiling the Sound; Correspondences with a Fox II             | Tanis ex Merinita & Vitenka the Fox | Correspondance | 
33 [[T.FIm.009]]        | Imaginem    |    8    |  Latin   | Veiling the Smell; Correspondences with a Fox III            | Tanis ex Merinita & Vitenka the Fox | Correspondance | 
34 [[F.0962]]           | Mentem      |    9    |  Latin   | The Principles of Mental Communication                       | Lodewig ex Bonisagus         | Normal       | 
35 [[F.1123]]           | Mentem      |    15   |  Latin   | Minds Within Minds: An Examination of Unknown Influences     | Melisende of Monteverte      | Normal       | 
36 [[F.1004]]           | Mentem      |    10   |  Latin   | Ghosts and Spirits                                           | Pietro ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
37 [[T.FMe.001]]        | Mentem      |    7    |  Latin   | How Language Works                                           | Viator ex Mercere            | Normal       | 
38 [[T.FMe.002]]        | Mentem      |    7    |  Latin   | Mentem Tactics for Certamen                                  | Camelia ex Tremere           | Normal       | 
39 [[T.FMe.003]]        | Mentem      |    8    |  Latin   | Overwhelming the Mind                                        | Bartoumiéu ex Tytalus        | Normal       | 
40 [[T.FMe.004]]        | Mentem      |    12   |  Latin   | Principles of Working on Memories                            | Astrolabe ex Jerbiton        | Normal       | 
41 [[T.FMe.005]]        | Mentem      |    9    |  Latin   | Mental Magics Prior to Bonisagus                             | Gharad Ex Misc               | Normal       | 
42 [[T.FMe.006]]        | Mentem      |    9    |  Latin   | Motivations Unknown                                          | Julia ex Jerbiton            | Normal       | 
43 [[T.FMe.007]]        | Mentem      |    9    |  Latin   | Why Do People Work Against Their Better Interests?           | Julia ex Jerbiton            | Normal       | 
44 [[T.FMe.008]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | Ghosts: Summoning                                            | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
45 [[T.FMe.009]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | Ghosts: Coercing                                             | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
46 [[T.FMe.010]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | Ghosts: Questioning                                          | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
47 [[T.FMe.011]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | Ghosts: Destroying                                           | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
48 [[T.FMe.012]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | A Summary of the Field of Necromancy                         | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
49 [[T.FMe.013]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | How to Distract People                                       | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
50 [[T.FMe.014]]        | Mentem      |    13   |  Latin   | The Workings of Language                                     | Edward of Milton             | Normal       | 
51 [[F.1193]]           | Terram      |    5    |  Latin   | Workings of the Flying Chariot of Alexandria                 | Catella ex Bonisagus         | Normal       | 
52 [[T.FTe.002]]        | Terram      |    14   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
53 [[T.FTe.003]]        | Terram      |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
54 [[T.FTe.004]]        | Terram      |    14   |  Latin   | What Lies Beneath?                                           | Giovanni ex Bonisagus        | Normal       | 
55 [[T.FVi.001]]        | Vim         |    10   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
56 [[F.1046]]           | Creo        |    5    |  Latin   | Notes of Wall of Protecting Stone                            | Éua ex Bonisagus             | Normal       | 
57 [[T.TCr.002]]        | Creo        |    5    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
58 [[T.TCr.003]]        | Creo        |    10   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
59 [[T.TCr.004]]        | Creo        |    7    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
60 [[T.TCr.005]]        | Creo        |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
61 [[T.TIn.001]]        | Intellego   |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
62 [[F.1095]]           | Intellego   |    11   |  Latin   | Tips for the Curious Maga                                    | Phyllis ex Bonisagus         | Normal       | 
63 [[T.TIn.003]]        | Intellego   |    7    |  Latin   | On Using Magic to Understand Magic                           | Johannes ex Guernicus & Verena Ex Criamon | Correspondance | 
64 [[F.1109]]           | Muto        |    14   |  Latin   | Practical Applications of Rain Magic                         | Tempestas ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
65 [[F.1067]]           | Muto        |    16   |  Latin   | The Butterfly of Virtue: A Life History                      | Papilio ex Bonisagus         | Normal       | 
66 [[T.TMu.003]]        | Muto        |    11   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
67 [[T.TMu.004]]        | Muto        |    11   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
68 [[F.1179]]           | Muto        |    11   |  Latin   | Correcting the Small Things                                  | Milvia ex Bonisagus          | Normal       | 
69 [[T.TMu.006]]        | Muto        |    6    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
70 [[T.TMu.007]]        | Muto        |    7    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
71 [[T.TMu.008]]        | Muto        |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
72 [[F.1193]]           | Perdo       |    5    |  Latin   | The End of All Things                                        | Ijon ex Bonisagus            | Normal       | 
73 [[T.TPe.002]]        | Perdo       |    10   |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
74 [[F.1011]]           | Perdo       |    11   |  Latin   | Revealing the Statue Within: Precision Perdo                 | Antonio ex Bonisagus         | Normal       | 
75 [[T.TPe.004]]        | Perdo       |    8    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
76 [[T.1088]]           | Rego        |    14   |  Latin   | There and Back Again                                         | Talia ex Bonisagus           | Normal       | 
77 [[F.1172]]           | Rego        |    9    |  Latin   | Notes Towards a Method of Controlling Faeries                | Palantus ex Bonisagus        | Normal       | 
78 [[T.TRe.003]]        | Rego        |    6    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
79 [[F.1193]]           | Rego        |    7    |  Latin   | Manipulations of the Real                                    | Demetrius ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
80 [[F.1158]]           | Rego        |    7    |  Latin   | Progress Towards a More Effective Binding Spell              | Grammaton ex Bonisagus       | Normal       | 
81 [[T.TRe.006]]        | Rego        |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
82 [[T.TRe.007]]        | Rego        |    9    |  Latin   |                                                              |                              | Normal       | 
83 [[T.FCo.K01]]        | Corpus      |    9    |  Latin   | Motion of the Body Vol. 1 - Muscles and Motion | Alexios Kaloethes & Maximianus ex Bonisagus | Correspondence |
84 [[T.TRe.JK1]]        | Rego        |    8    |  Latin   | Magia Magicae Mutare Vol. 1                    | Alexios Kaloethes & Johannes ex Guernicus | Correspondence |
85 [[T.TIn.KT1]]        | Intellego   |   10    |  Latin   | Reading the Leaves Vol. 1                      | Alexios Kaloethes & Tanis ex Merenita     | Correspondence |
86  |||||||||