This is a silly toy for exploring the genealogy of the monarchs of England

ID: 3158(previous next)
Name: King Henry II of Navarre
Full Name: Henry

Died: 25/05/1555, aged 52

Style: King of Navarre
Eleanor of Navarre|King of Navarre|Antoine of Navarre
From: 1517
To: 1555

Parent: John
Parent: Queen Catherine of Navarre

Spouse: Margueritte de Navarre
marriage dates not yet recorded
King Henry II of Navarre and Margueritte de Navarre are 3rd cousins once removed Common ancestors

With: Margueritte de Navarre
Child: Jeanne d'Albret at the age of 24

Draw this graph with more relatives:

Generations of Parents:
Generations of Children:
Show siblings:
Show spouse's other spouses:
Show parents' other spouses:
Fount size:


This somewhat silly thing made by naath
Thanks to chiark for hosting this
Information sourced from wikipedia All errors in transcription are mine. Reports of errors, or ideas of interesting questions to ask my database by email to (omissions of people are largely because I haven't got to them yet).