chiark / gitweb /
add missing stuff to make clean
[xfonts-traditional] / update-xfonts-traditional
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
2use strict;
3use POSIX;
4use IO::File;
5use Getopt::Long;
6use File::Glob qw(:glob);
7use Data::Dumper;
8use IO::Pipe;
9use File::Find;
11our $prefix="/usr/local";
12our $package='xfonts-traditional';
13our $sharedir="$prefix/share/$package";
14our @fonttrees=qw(/usr/share/fonts/X11 /usr/local/share/fonts/X11);
15our $donefile="$package.done";
16our $logfile="$package.log";
17our $fontprefix="trad--";
18our @rulespath;
19our $mode;
20our %foundrymap;
21our $verbose=0;
22our $reportfh;
23our $foundryinfo;
24our %props;
26sub reportloaded {
27 return unless $verbose;
28 print $reportfh @_,"\n" or die $!;
31sub statsummary () {
32 return join ' ', ((stat _)[1,7,9,10]);
35sub loadrules ($) {
36 my ($key) = @_;
37 our %cache;
38 my $fc=$cache{$key};
39 return $fc if $fc;
40 foreach my $path (@rulespath) {
41 my $script="$path/$key.rules";
42 $!=0; $@=''; my $f = do $script;
43 if (defined $f) {
44 reportloaded("rules: loaded ",$script);
45 $cache{$key}=$f;
46 return $f;
47 }
48 die "$! $? $script" unless $! == &ENOENT;
49 }
50 return $cache{$key}=undef;
53sub processbdf ($$$$) {
54 my ($inbdf,$outbdf,$logfile,$what) = @_;
55 my $state='idle';
56 my ($foundry,$font);
57 my ($w,$h,$xo,$yo,$y,$bitmap,$glyph);
58 my $modified=0;
59 %props = ();
60 while (<$inbdf>) {
61 if ($state eq 'bitmap' && $y==$h) {
62 $glyph = uc $glyph;
63 $glyph =~ s/\;$//;
64 local ($_) = $glyph;
65 my $key= sprintf "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d", $foundry,$w,$h,$xo,$yo;
66 my $rules= loadrules($key);
67 return (0,'no rules') if !$rules;
68 $rules->();
69 $modified += ($_ ne $glyph);
70 print $outbdf $_,"\n" or die $!
71 foreach split /\;/, $_; # /;
72 $state='idle';
73 }
74 if ($state eq 'bitmap') {
75 m/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+$/ or die $y;
76 length($1) == (($w+7 >> 3) << 1) or die "$1 $w";
77 $glyph .= "$1;";
78 $y++;
79 next;
80 }
81 if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^FOUNDRY\s+/) {
82 die if defined $foundry;
83 return (0,'foundry syntax') unless m/^FOUNDRY\s+\"(\w+)\"\s+/;
84 $foundry = $foundrymap{lc $1};
85 return (0,'no foundry') unless defined $foundry;
86 $_ = "FOUNDRY \"$foundry\"\n";
87 }
88 if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^FONT\s+/) {
89 die if defined $font;
90 return (0,'simple font name') unless m/^(FONT\s+)\-(\w+)\-/;
91 $font = $foundrymap{lc $2};
92 return (0,'no foundry') unless defined $font;
93 $_ = "FONT -$font-$'";
94 }
95 if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^STARTCHAR\s/) {
96 die unless defined $foundry;
97 die unless defined $font;
98 return (0,'foundry != font') unless $foundry eq $font;
99 $state='startchar';
100 $w=undef;
101 }
102 if (($state eq 'idle' || $state eq 'startchar') &&
103 m/^([A-Z_]+)\s+(.*\S)\s+$/) {
104 $props{$1}=$2;
105 }
106 if ($state eq 'startchar') {
107 if (m/^BBX\s+(\+?\d+)\s+(\+?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+$/) {
108 ($w,$h,$xo,$yo) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
109 }
110 if (m/^BITMAP\s+$/) {
111 die unless defined $w;
112 $y=0;
113 $glyph='';
114 $state='bitmap';
115 }
116 }
117 print $outbdf $_ or die $!;
118 }
119 die $! if $inbdf->error;
120 die $! if $outbdf->error or !$outbdf->flush;
121 die unless $state eq 'idle';
122 if ($modified) {
123 printf $logfile "%s: %d glyphs changed\n", $what, $modified
124 or die $!;
125 } else {
126 printf $logfile "%s: unchanged - no rules matched\n", $what
127 or die $!;
128 }
129 return $modified;
132sub loadfoundries () {
133 $foundryinfo = '';
134 foreach my $path (@rulespath) {
135 if (!stat $path) {
136 die "$path $!" unless $!==&ENOENT;
137 next;
138 }
139 $foundryinfo .= statsummary().' '.$path."\0\n";
141 my $p = "$path/foundries";
142 my $f = new IO::File $p;
143 if (!$f) {
144 die "$p $!" unless $!==&ENOENT;
145 print $reportfh "foundries: none in $p\n" or die $! if $verbose;
146 next;
147 }
148 stat $f or die $!;
149 while (<$f>) {
150 s/^\s*//; s/\s+$//;
151 next if m/^\#/;
152 m/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/ or die;
153 my $k = lc $1;
154 next if exists $foundrymap{$k};
155 $foundrymap{$k}=$2;
156 }
157 $f->error and die $!;
158 reportloaded('foundries: loaded ',$p);
159 }
160 die "no foundry maps\n" unless %foundrymap;
163sub processpcfgz ($$$$) {
164 my ($inpcfgz,$outpcfgz,$logfile,$what) = @_;
165 print $reportfh "processing $inpcfgz to $outpcfgz\n" if $verbose>=2;
166 my $current = new IO::File $inpcfgz, '<' or die "$inpcfgz $!";
167 my ($usread,$uswrite);
168 my ($reader,$writer);
169 my @children;
170 foreach my $proc (['gunzip'], ['pcf2bdf'], [],
171 ['bdftopcf'],['',qw(gzip -1 -n)]) {
172 my $isfinal = (@$proc && $proc->[0] eq '');
173 if (!$isfinal) {
174 $reader = new IO::Handle or die $!;
175 $writer = new IO::Handle or die $!;
176 new IO::Pipe($reader,$writer) or die $!;
177 } else {
178 shift @$proc;
179 $reader = undef;
180 $writer = new IO::File $outpcfgz, '>' or die "$outpcfgz $!";
181 }
182 if (@$proc) {
183 my $exe = $proc->[0];
184 my $child = fork; defined $child or die $!;
185 if (!$child) {
186 open STDIN, '<&', $current or die $!;
187 open STDOUT, '>&', $writer or die $!;
188 if (!$isfinal) {
189 close $reader or die $!;
190 }
191 close $usread or die $! if $usread;
192 close $uswrite or die $! if $uswrite;
193 exec $exe @$proc or die "$exe $!";
194 }
195 push @children, [ $child, $exe, defined $usread ];
196 close $current or die $!;
197 close $writer or die $!;
198 $current = $reader;
199 } else {
200 $usread = $current;
201 $uswrite = $writer;
202 $current = $reader;
203 }
204 }
205 my $r = processbdf($usread,$uswrite,$logfile,$what);
206 my $none = $r !~ m/^\d/;
207 if ($none) {
208 flush $uswrite or die $!;
209 } else {
210 close $uswrite or die $!;
211 }
212 close $usread or die $!;
213 foreach my $chinfo (@children) {
214 my ($child,$exe,$isoutput)=@$chinfo;
215 my $sigok = 0;
216 if ($none) {
217 if ($isoutput) {
218 $sigok = 9;
219 kill 9, $child or die "$child $!";
220 } else {
221 $sigok = 13;
222 }
223 }
224 $!=0; waitpid($child, 0) == $child or die "$child $!";
225 !$? or ($?&~128)==$sigok or die "$exe [$child] $sigok $?";
226 }
227 return $r;
230sub processfontdir ($) {
231 my ($fontdir) = @_;
232 if (!opendir FD, $fontdir) {
233 die "$fontdir $!" unless $!==&ENOENT;
234 return;
235 }
236 my $changed = 0;
237 my $olddone = do "$fontdir/$donefile";
238 if (!$olddone) {
239 die "$fontdir $! $@ " unless $!==&ENOENT;
240 } elsif ($olddone->{''} ne $foundryinfo) {
241 our $repro_reported;
242 print $reportfh "reprocessing fonts (rules updated)\n" or die $!
243 unless $repro_reported++;
244 $olddone = undef;
245 }
246 if (!$olddone) {
247 $olddone = { };
248 $changed = 1;
249 }
250 my $newdone = { '' => $foundryinfo };
251 my $log = new IO::File "$fontdir/$logfile", "w"
252 or die "$fontdir/$logfile $!";
253 my %outfiles; # bitmask: 1 /*exists*/ | 2 /*wanted*/
254 my $updated=0;
255 my $reported=0;
256 my $anypcfs=0;
258 flush $reportfh or die $!;
259 while (my $dent = scalar readdir FD) {
260 if ($dent =~ m/^\Q$fontprefix\E.*\.new$/) {
261 unlink "$fontdir/$dent" or $!==&ENOENT or die "$fontdir $dent $!";
262 next;
263 }
264 next unless $dent =~ m/^[^.\/].*\.pcf\.gz$/;
265 print $reportfh "processing $fontdir...\n" or die $!
266 unless $reported++;
267 if ($dent =~ m/^\Q$fontprefix/) {
268 $outfiles{$dent} |= 1;
269 next;
270 }
271 if (!stat "$fontdir/$dent") {
272 die "$fontdir $dent $!" unless $!==&ENOENT;
273 next;
274 }
275 die "$fontdir $dent" unless -f _;
276 $anypcfs++;
278 my $stats = statsummary();
279 my $tdone = $olddone->{$dent};
280 my $outdent = $fontprefix.$dent;
281 if (defined $tdone && $tdone eq $stats) {
282 $outfiles{$outdent} |= 2;
283 $newdone->{$dent} = $stats;
284 next;
285 }
287 my $r = processpcfgz("$fontdir/$dent",
288 "$fontdir/$",
289 $log, $dent);
290 if ($r !~ m/^\d/) {
291 printf $log "%s: unchanged - %s\n", $dent, $r;
292 unlink "$fontdir/$" or die "$fontdir $outdent $!";
293 } else {
294 rename "$fontdir/$", "$fontdir/$outdent"
295 or die "$fontdir $outdent $!";
296 $updated++;
297 $outfiles{$outdent} |= 3;
298 }
299 $newdone->{$dent} = $stats;
300 $changed = 1;
301 }
302 my $affected=0;
303 foreach my $olddent (keys %outfiles) {
304 my $state = $outfiles{$olddent};
305 if ($state & 2) {
306 $affected++ if $state & 1;
307 next;
308 }
309 unlink "$fontdir/$olddent" or die "$fontdir $olddent $!";
310 $changed = 1;
311 $updated++;
312 }
313 if (!stat "$fontdir/fonts.dir") {
314 $!==&ENOENT or die "$fontdir $!";
315 } else {
316 $!=0; $?=0; system 'mkfontdir',$fontdir;
317 die "$fontdir $? $!" if $? or $!;
318 }
319 if (!$anypcfs) {
320 unlink "$fontdir/$logfile" or die "$fontdir $!";
321 unlink "$fontdir/$donefile" or $!==&ENOENT or die "$fontdir $!";
322 } elsif ($changed) {
323 my $newdoneh = new IO::File "$fontdir/$", 'w'
324 or die "$fontdir $!";
325 print $newdoneh Dumper($newdone) or die "$fontdir $!";
326 close $newdoneh or die "$fontdir $!";
327 rename "$fontdir/$","$fontdir/$donefile"
328 or die "$fontdir $!";
329 }
330 if ($reported || %$newdone || $affected || $updated) {
331 printf " processed %s: %d pcfs, %d affected, %d updated.\n",
332 $fontdir, (scalar keys %$newdone), $affected, $updated;
333 }
336sub processfonttree ($) {
337 my ($tree) = @_;
338 find({ follow => 1,
339 dangling_symlinks => 0,
340 no_chdir => 1,
341 wanted => sub {
342 return unless -d _;
343 processfontdir($File::Find::name);
344 }},
345 $tree);
348our $stdin = new IO::File '<&STDIN' or die $!;
349our $stdout = new IO::File '>&STDOUT' or die $!;
350our $stderr = new IO::File '>&STDERR' or die $!;
351$reportfh = $stdout;
353our (@options)=(
354 'R|rules-include=s@' => \@rulespath,
355 'share-dir=s' => \$sharedir,
356 'verbose|v+' => \$verbose,
357 );
359sub define_mode ($$) {
360 my ($optname,$f) = @_;
361 push @options, $optname, sub {
362 die "only one mode may be specified\n" if defined $mode;
363 $mode=$f;
364 };
367define_mode('bdf-filter', sub {
368 die "no arguments allowed with --bdf-filter\n" if @ARGV;
369 $reportfh = $stderr;
370 loadfoundries();
371 my $r = processbdf($stdin,$stdout,$reportfh,'stdin');
372 if ($r !~ m/^\d/) {
373 print STDERR "stdin not processed: $r\n";
374 exit 2;
375 }
378define_mode('process-pcf', sub {
379 die "need source and destination pcf.gz\n" if @ARGV!=2;
380 loadfoundries();
381 my $r = processpcfgz($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$reportfh,"pcf");
382 if ($r !~ m/^\d/) {
383 print STDERR "pcf not processed: $r\n";
384 exit 2;
385 }
388define_mode('process-fontdirs', sub {
389 die "need font dir(s)\n" unless @ARGV;
390 loadfoundries();
391 foreach my $d (@ARGV) {
392 processfontdir($d);
393 }
396define_mode('process-fonttrees', sub {
397 die "need font tree(s)\n" unless @ARGV;
398 loadfoundries();
399 foreach my $d (@ARGV) {
400 processfonttree($d);
401 }
404define_mode('update', sub {
405 die "no arguments allowed with --postinst\n" unless !@ARGV;
406 loadfoundries();
407 foreach my $d (@fonttrees) {
408 processfonttree($d);
409 }
413GetOptions(@options) or exit 127;
415push @rulespath, "$sharedir/rules";
417die "need a mode\n" unless $mode;