#! @PYTHON@ ### -*-python-*- ### ### Service for automatically tracking network connection status ### ### (c) 2010 Straylight/Edgeware ### ###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ### ### This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE). ### ### TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ### the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ### Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your ### option) any later version. ### ### TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ### ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ### FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ### for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with TrIPE. If not, see . VERSION = '@VERSION@' ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### External dependencies. from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser from optparse import OptionParser import os as OS import sys as SYS import socket as S import mLib as M import tripe as T import dbus as D import re as RX for i in ['mainloop', 'mainloop.glib']: __import__('dbus.%s' % i) try: from gi.repository import GLib as G except ImportError: import gobject as G from struct import pack, unpack from cStringIO import StringIO SM = T.svcmgr ##__import__('rmcr').__debug = True ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Utilities. class struct (object): """A simple container object.""" def __init__(me, **kw): me.__dict__.update(kw) def loadb(s): n = 0 for ch in s: n = 256*n + ord(ch) return n def storeb(n, wd = None): if wd is None: wd = n.bit_length() s = StringIO() for i in xrange((wd - 1)&-8, -8, -8): s.write(chr((n >> i)&0xff)) return s.getvalue() ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Address manipulation. ### ### I think this is the most demanding application, in terms of address ### hacking, in the entire TrIPE suite. At least we don't have to do it in ### C. class BaseAddress (object): def __init__(me, addrstr, maskstr = None): me._setaddr(addrstr) if maskstr is None: me.mask = -1 elif maskstr.isdigit(): me.mask = (1 << me.NBITS) - (1 << me.NBITS - int(maskstr)) else: me._setmask(maskstr) if me.addr&~me.mask: raise ValueError('network contains bits set beyond mask') def _addrstr_to_int(me, addrstr): try: return loadb(S.inet_pton(me.AF, addrstr)) except S.error: raise ValueError('bad address syntax') def _int_to_addrstr(me, n): return S.inet_ntop(me.AF, storeb(me.addr, me.NBITS)) def _setmask(me, maskstr): raise ValueError('only prefix masked supported') def _maskstr(me): raise ValueError('only prefix masked supported') def sockaddr(me, port = 0): if me.mask != -1: raise ValueError('not a simple address') return me._sockaddr(port) def __str__(me): addrstr = me._addrstr() if me.mask == -1: return addrstr else: inv = me.mask ^ ((1 << me.NBITS) - 1) if (inv&(inv + 1)) == 0: return '%s/%d' % (addrstr, me.NBITS - inv.bit_length()) else: return '%s/%s' % (addrstr, me._maskstr()) def withinp(me, net): if type(net) != type(me): return False if (me.mask&net.mask) != net.mask: return False if (me.addr ^ net.addr)&net.mask: return False return me._withinp(net) def eq(me, other): if type(me) != type(other): return False if me.mask != other.mask: return False if me.addr != other.addr: return False return me._eq(other) def _withinp(me, net): return True def _eq(me, other): return True class InetAddress (BaseAddress): AF = S.AF_INET AFNAME = 'IPv4' NBITS = 32 def _addrstr_to_int(me, addrstr): try: return loadb(S.inet_aton(addrstr)) except S.error: raise ValueError('bad address syntax') def _setaddr(me, addrstr): me.addr = me._addrstr_to_int(addrstr) def _setmask(me, maskstr): me.mask = me._addrstr_to_int(maskstr) def _addrstr(me): return me._int_to_addrstr(me.addr) def _maskstr(me): return me._int_to_addrstr(me.mask) def _sockaddr(me, port = 0): return (me._addrstr(), port) @classmethod def from_sockaddr(cls, sa): addr, port = (lambda a, p: (a, p))(*sa) return cls(addr), port class Inet6Address (BaseAddress): AF = S.AF_INET6 AFNAME = 'IPv6' NBITS = 128 def _setaddr(me, addrstr): pc = addrstr.find('%') if pc == -1: me.addr = me._addrstr_to_int(addrstr) me.scope = 0 else: me.addr = me._addrstr_to_int(addrstr[:pc]) ais = S.getaddrinfo(addrstr, 0, S.AF_INET6, S.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, S.AI_NUMERICHOST | S.AI_NUMERICSERV) me.scope = ais[0][4][3] def _addrstr(me): addrstr = me._int_to_addrstr(me.addr) if me.scope == 0: return addrstr else: name, _ = S.getnameinfo((addrstr, 0, 0, me.scope), S.NI_NUMERICHOST | S.NI_NUMERICSERV) return name def _sockaddr(me, port = 0): return (me._addrstr(), port, 0, me.scope) @classmethod def from_sockaddr(cls, sa): addr, port, _, scope = (lambda a, p, f = 0, s = 0: (a, p, f, s))(*sa) me = cls(addr) me.scope = scope return me, port def _withinp(me, net): return net.scope == 0 or me.scope == net.scope def _eq(me, other): return me.scope == other.scope def parse_address(addrstr, maskstr = None): if addrstr.find(':') >= 0: return Inet6Address(addrstr, maskstr) else: return InetAddress(addrstr, maskstr) def parse_net(netstr): try: sl = netstr.index('/') except ValueError: raise ValueError('missing mask') return parse_address(netstr[:sl], netstr[sl + 1:]) def straddr(a): return a is None and '#' or str(a) ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Parse the configuration file. ## Hmm. Should I try to integrate this with the peers database? It's not a ## good fit; it'd need special hacks in tripe-newpeers. And the use case for ## this service are largely going to be satellite notes, I don't think ## scalability's going to be a problem. TESTADDRS = [InetAddress(''), Inet6Address('2001::1')] CONFSYNTAX = [ ('COMMENT', RX.compile(r'^\s*($|[;#])')), ('GRPHDR', RX.compile(r'^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$')), ('ASSGN', RX.compile(r'\s*([\w.-]+)\s*[:=]\s*(|\S|\S.*\S)\s*$'))] class ConfigError (Exception): def __init__(me, file, lno, msg): me.file = file me.lno = lno me.msg = msg def __str__(me): return '%s:%d: %s' % (me.file, me.lno, me.msg) class Config (object): """ Represents a configuration file. The most interesting thing is probably the `groups' slot, which stores a list of pairs (NAME, PATTERNS); the NAME is a string, and the PATTERNS a list of (TAG, PEER, NETS) triples. The implication is that there should be precisely one peer from the set, and that it should be named TAG, where (TAG, PEER, NETS) is the first triple such that the host's primary IP address (if PEER is None -- or the IP address it would use for communicating with PEER) is within one of the networks defined by NETS. """ def __init__(me, file): """ Construct a new Config object, reading the given FILE. """ me._file = file me._fwatch = M.FWatch(file) me._update() def check(me): """ See whether the configuration file has been updated. """ if me._fwatch.update(): me._update() def _update(me): """ Internal function to update the configuration from the underlying file. """ if T._debug: print '# reread config' ## Initial state. testaddrs = {} groups = {} grpname = None grplist = [] ## Open the file and start reading. with open(me._file) as f: lno = 0 for line in f: lno += 1 for tag, rx in CONFSYNTAX: m = rx.match(line) if m: break else: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, 'failed to parse line: %r' % line) if tag == 'COMMENT': ## A comment. Ignore it and hope it goes away. continue elif tag == 'GRPHDR': ## A group header. Flush the old group and start a new one. newname = m.group(1) if grpname is not None: groups[grpname] = grplist if newname in groups: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "duplicate group name `%s'" % newname) grpname = newname grplist = [] elif tag == 'ASSGN': ## An assignment. Deal with it. name, value = m.group(1), m.group(2) if grpname is None: ## We're outside of any group, so this is a global configuration ## tweak. if name == 'test-addr': for astr in value.split(): try: a = parse_address(astr) except Exception, e: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "invalid IP address `%s': %s" % (astr, e)) if a.AF in testaddrs: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, 'duplicate %s test-address' % a.AFNAME) testaddrs[a.AF] = a else: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "unknown global option `%s'" % name) else: ## Parse a pattern and add it to the group. spec = value.split() i = 0 ## Check for an explicit target address. if i >= len(spec) or spec[i].find('/') >= 0: peer = None af = None else: try: peer = parse_address(spec[i]) except Exception, e: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "invalid IP address `%s': %s" % (spec[i], e)) af = peer.AF i += 1 ## Parse the list of local networks. nets = [] while i < len(spec): try: net = parse_net(spec[i]) except Exception, e: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "invalid IP network `%s': %s" % (spec[i], e)) else: nets.append(net) i += 1 if not nets: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, 'no networks defined') ## Make sure that the addresses are consistent. for net in nets: if af is None: af = net.AF elif net.AF != af: raise ConfigError(me._file, lno, "net %s doesn't match" % net) ## Add this entry to the list. grplist.append((name, peer, nets)) ## Fill in the default test addresses if necessary. for a in TESTADDRS: testaddrs.setdefault(a.AF, a) ## Done. if grpname is not None: groups[grpname] = grplist me.testaddrs = testaddrs me.groups = groups ### This will be a configuration file. CF = None def cmd_showconfig(): T.svcinfo('test-addr=%s' % ' '.join(str(a) for a in sorted(CF.testaddrs.itervalues(), key = lambda a: a.AFNAME))) def cmd_showgroups(): for g in sorted(CF.groups.iterkeys()): T.svcinfo(g) def cmd_showgroup(g): try: pats = CF.groups[g] except KeyError: raise T.TripeJobError('unknown-group', g) for t, p, nn in pats: T.svcinfo('peer', t, 'target', p and str(p) or '(default)', 'net', ' '.join(map(str, nn))) ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Responding to a network up/down event. def localaddr(peer): """ Return the local IP address used for talking to PEER. """ sk = S.socket(peer.AF, S.SOCK_DGRAM) try: try: sk.connect(peer.sockaddr(1)) addr = sk.getsockname() return type(peer).from_sockaddr(addr)[0] except S.error: return None finally: sk.close() _kick = T.Queue() _delay = None def cancel_delay(): global _delay if _delay is not None: if T._debug: print '# cancel delayed kick' G.source_remove(_delay) _delay = None def netupdown(upness, reason): """ Add or kill peers according to whether the network is up or down. UPNESS is true if the network is up, or false if it's down. """ _kick.put((upness, reason)) def delay_netupdown(upness, reason): global _delay cancel_delay() def _func(): global _delay if T._debug: print '# delayed %s: %s' % (upness, reason) _delay = None netupdown(upness, reason) return False if T._debug: print '# delaying %s: %s' % (upness, reason) _delay = G.timeout_add(2000, _func) def kickpeers(): while True: upness, reason = _kick.get() if T._debug: print '# kickpeers %s: %s' % (upness, reason) select = [] cancel_delay() ## Make sure the configuration file is up-to-date. Don't worry if we ## can't do anything useful. try: CF.check() except Exception, exc: SM.warn('conntrack', 'config-file-error', exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc)) ## Find the current list of peers. peers = SM.list() ## Work out the primary IP addresses. locals = {} if upness: for af, remote in CF.testaddrs.iteritems(): local = localaddr(remote) if local is not None: locals[af] = local if not locals: upness = False if not T._debug: pass elif not locals: print '# offline' else: for local in locals.itervalues(): print '# local %s address = %s' % (local.AFNAME, local) ## Now decide what to do. changes = [] for g, pp in CF.groups.iteritems(): if T._debug: print '# check group %s' % g ## Find out which peer in the group ought to be active. statemap = {} want = None matchp = False for t, p, nn in pp: af = nn[0].AF if p is None or not upness: ip = locals.get(af) else: ip = localaddr(p) if T._debug: info = 'peer = %s; target = %s; nets = %s; local = %s' % ( t, p or '(default)', ', '.join(map(str, nn)), straddr(ip)) if upness and not matchp and \ ip is not None and any(ip.withinp(n) for n in nn): if T._debug: print '# %s: SELECTED' % info statemap[t] = 'up' select.append('%s=%s' % (g, t)) if t == 'down' or t.startswith('down/'): want = None else: want = t matchp = True else: statemap[t] = 'down' if T._debug: print '# %s: skipped' % info ## Shut down the wrong ones. found = False if T._debug: print '# peer-map = %r' % statemap for p in peers: what = statemap.get(p, 'leave') if what == 'up': found = True if T._debug: print '# peer %s: already up' % p elif what == 'down': def _(p = p): try: SM.kill(p) except T.TripeError, exc: if exc.args[0] == 'unknown-peer': ## Inherently racy; don't worry about this. pass else: raise if T._debug: print '# peer %s: bring down' % p changes.append(_) ## Start the right one if necessary. if want is not None and not found: def _(want = want): try: list(SM.svcsubmit('connect', 'active', want)) except T.TripeError, exc: SM.warn('conntrack', 'connect-failed', want, *exc.args) if T._debug: print '# peer %s: bring up' % want changes.append(_) ## Commit the changes. if changes: SM.notify('conntrack', upness and 'up' or 'down', *select + reason) for c in changes: c() ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### NetworkManager monitor. DBPROPS_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' NM_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' NM_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager' NM_IFACE = NM_NAME NMCA_IFACE = NM_NAME + '.Connection.Active' NM_STATE_CONNECTED = 3 #obsolete NM_STATE_CONNECTED_LOCAL = 50 NM_STATE_CONNECTED_SITE = 60 NM_STATE_CONNECTED_GLOBAL = 70 NM_CONNSTATES = set([NM_STATE_CONNECTED, NM_STATE_CONNECTED_LOCAL, NM_STATE_CONNECTED_SITE, NM_STATE_CONNECTED_GLOBAL]) class NetworkManagerMonitor (object): """ Watch NetworkManager signals for changes in network state. """ ## Strategy. There are two kinds of interesting state transitions for us. ## The first one is the global are-we-connected state, which we'll use to ## toggle network upness on a global level. The second is which connection ## has the default route, which we'll use to tweak which peer in the peer ## group is active. The former is most easily tracked using the signal ## org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.StateChanged; for the latter, we track ## org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active.PropertiesChanged and ## look for when a new connection gains the default route. def attach(me, bus): try: nm = bus.get_object(NM_NAME, NM_PATH) state = nm.Get(NM_IFACE, 'State', dbus_interface = DBPROPS_IFACE) if state in NM_CONNSTATES: netupdown(True, ['nm', 'initially-connected']) else: netupdown(False, ['nm', 'initially-disconnected']) except D.DBusException, e: if T._debug: print '# exception attaching to network-manager: %s' % e bus.add_signal_receiver(me._nm_state, 'StateChanged', NM_IFACE, NM_NAME, NM_PATH) bus.add_signal_receiver(me._nm_connchange, 'PropertiesChanged', NMCA_IFACE, NM_NAME, None) def _nm_state(me, state): if state in NM_CONNSTATES: delay_netupdown(True, ['nm', 'connected']) else: delay_netupdown(False, ['nm', 'disconnected']) def _nm_connchange(me, props): if props.get('Default', False) or props.get('Default6', False): delay_netupdown(True, ['nm', 'default-connection-change']) ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Connman monitor. CM_NAME = 'net.connman' CM_PATH = '/' CM_IFACE = 'net.connman.Manager' class ConnManMonitor (object): """ Watch ConnMan signls for changes in network state. """ ## Strategy. Everything seems to be usefully encoded in the `State' ## property. If it's `offline', `idle' or `ready' then we don't expect a ## network connection. During handover from one network to another, the ## property passes through `ready' to `online'. def attach(me, bus): try: cm = bus.get_object(CM_NAME, CM_PATH) props = cm.GetProperties(dbus_interface = CM_IFACE) state = props['State'] netupdown(state == 'online', ['connman', 'initially-%s' % state]) except D.DBusException, e: if T._debug: print '# exception attaching to connman: %s' % e bus.add_signal_receiver(me._cm_state, 'PropertyChanged', CM_IFACE, CM_NAME, CM_PATH) def _cm_state(me, prop, value): if prop != 'State': return delay_netupdown(value == 'online', ['connman', value]) ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Maemo monitor. ICD_NAME = 'com.nokia.icd' ICD_PATH = '/com/nokia/icd' ICD_IFACE = ICD_NAME class MaemoICdMonitor (object): """ Watch ICd signals for changes in network state. """ ## Strategy. ICd only handles one connection at a time in steady state, ## though when switching between connections, it tries to bring the new one ## up before shutting down the old one. This makes life a bit easier than ## it is with NetworkManager. On the other hand, the notifications are ## relative to particular connections only, and the indicator that the old ## connection is down (`IDLE') comes /after/ the new one comes up ## (`CONNECTED'), so we have to remember which one is active. def attach(me, bus): try: icd = bus.get_object(ICD_NAME, ICD_PATH) try: iap = icd.get_ipinfo(dbus_interface = ICD_IFACE)[0] me._iap = iap netupdown(True, ['icd', 'initially-connected', iap]) except D.DBusException: me._iap = None netupdown(False, ['icd', 'initially-disconnected']) except D.DBusException, e: if T._debug: print '# exception attaching to icd: %s' % e me._iap = None bus.add_signal_receiver(me._icd_state, 'status_changed', ICD_IFACE, ICD_NAME, ICD_PATH) def _icd_state(me, iap, ty, state, hunoz): if state == 'CONNECTED': me._iap = iap delay_netupdown(True, ['icd', 'connected', iap]) elif state == 'IDLE' and iap == me._iap: me._iap = None delay_netupdown(False, ['icd', 'idle']) ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### D-Bus connection tracking. class DBusMonitor (object): """ Maintains a connection to the system D-Bus, and watches for signals. If the connection is initially down, or drops for some reason, we retry periodically (every five seconds at the moment). If the connection resurfaces, we reattach the monitors. """ def __init__(me): """ Initialise the object and try to establish a connection to the bus. """ me._mons = [] me._loop = D.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop() me._state = 'startup' me._reconnect() def addmon(me, mon): """ Add a monitor object to watch for signals. MON.attach(BUS) is called, with BUS being the connection to the system bus. MON should query its service's current status and watch for relevant signals. """ me._mons.append(mon) if me._bus is not None: mon.attach(me._bus) def _reconnect(me, hunoz = None): """ Start connecting to the bus. If we fail the first time, retry periodically. """ if me._state == 'startup': T.aside(SM.notify, 'conntrack', 'dbus-connection', 'startup') elif me._state == 'connected': T.aside(SM.notify, 'conntrack', 'dbus-connection', 'lost') else: T.aside(SM.notify, 'conntrack', 'dbus-connection', 'state=%s' % me._state) me._state == 'reconnecting' me._bus = None if me._try_connect(): G.timeout_add_seconds(5, me._try_connect) def _try_connect(me): """ Actually make a connection attempt. If we succeed, attach the monitors. """ try: addr = OS.getenv('TRIPE_CONNTRACK_BUS') if addr == 'SESSION': bus = D.SessionBus(mainloop = me._loop, private = True) elif addr is not None: bus = D.bus.BusConnection(addr, mainloop = me._loop) else: bus = D.SystemBus(mainloop = me._loop, private = True) for m in me._mons: m.attach(bus) except D.DBusException, e: return True me._bus = bus me._state = 'connected' bus.call_on_disconnection(me._reconnect) T.aside(SM.notify, 'conntrack', 'dbus-connection', 'connected') return False ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### TrIPE service. class GIOWatcher (object): """ Monitor I/O events using glib. """ def __init__(me, conn, mc = G.main_context_default()): me._conn = conn me._watch = None me._mc = mc def connected(me, sock): me._watch = G.io_add_watch(sock, G.IO_IN, lambda *hunoz: me._conn.receive()) def disconnected(me): G.source_remove(me._watch) me._watch = None def iterate(me): me._mc.iteration(True) SM.iowatch = GIOWatcher(SM) def init(): """ Service initialization. Add the D-Bus monitor here, because we might send commands off immediately, and we want to make sure the server connection is up. """ global DBM T.Coroutine(kickpeers, name = 'kickpeers').switch() DBM = DBusMonitor() DBM.addmon(NetworkManagerMonitor()) DBM.addmon(ConnManMonitor()) DBM.addmon(MaemoICdMonitor()) G.timeout_add_seconds(30, lambda: (_delay is not None or netupdown(True, ['interval-timer']) or True)) def parse_options(): """ Parse the command-line options. Automatically changes directory to the requested configdir, and turns on debugging. Returns the options object. """ op = OptionParser(usage = '%prog [-a FILE] [-d DIR]', version = '%%prog %s' % VERSION) op.add_option('-a', '--admin-socket', metavar = 'FILE', dest = 'tripesock', default = T.tripesock, help = 'Select socket to connect to [default %default]') op.add_option('-d', '--directory', metavar = 'DIR', dest = 'dir', default = T.configdir, help = 'Select current diretory [default %default]') op.add_option('-c', '--config', metavar = 'FILE', dest = 'conf', default = 'conntrack.conf', help = 'Select configuration [default %default]') op.add_option('--daemon', dest = 'daemon', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Become a daemon after successful initialization') op.add_option('--debug', dest = 'debug', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Emit debugging trace information') op.add_option('--startup', dest = 'startup', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Being called as part of the server startup') opts, args = op.parse_args() if args: op.error('no arguments permitted') OS.chdir(opts.dir) T._debug = opts.debug return opts ## Service table, for running manually. def cmd_updown(upness): return lambda *args: T.defer(netupdown, upness, ['manual'] + list(args)) service_info = [('conntrack', VERSION, { 'up': (0, None, '', cmd_updown(True)), 'down': (0, None, '', cmd_updown(False)), 'show-config': (0, 0, '', cmd_showconfig), 'show-groups': (0, 0, '', cmd_showgroups), 'show-group': (1, 1, 'GROUP', cmd_showgroup) })] if __name__ == '__main__': opts = parse_options() CF = Config(opts.conf) T.runservices(opts.tripesock, service_info, init = init, daemon = opts.daemon) ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------