stg-branch(1) ============= Yann Dirson v0.12.1, April 2007 NAME ---- stg-branch - stgdesc:branch[] SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'stg' branch 'stg' branch 'stg' branch --list 'stg' branch --create [] 'stg' branch --clone [] 'stg' branch --rename 'stg' branch --description= [] 'stg' branch --protect [] 'stg' branch --unprotect [] 'stg' branch --delete [--force] 'stg' branch --convert DESCRIPTION ----------- Assorted operations on branches. no command, no argument:: Display the name of the current branch. no command, one argument:: Switch to the named . 'stg' branch [-l | --list]:: Display the list of branches in the current repository, suffixed by the branch description if any, and optionally prefixed by the letter flags 's' if the branch is an StGIT stack, and 'p' if the StGIT stack is protected. The current branch is shown with a leading ">" character. 'stg' branch [-c | --create]:: Create a new StGIT stack based at the specified commit, or at the current HEAD if not specified. The repository HEAD is switched to the new stack. + StGIT will try to detect the branch off which the new stack is forked, as well as the remote repository from which that parent branch is taken (if any), so running stglink:pull[] will effectively pull new commits from the correct branch. It will warn if it cannot guess the parent branch (eg. if you do not specify a branch name as ). 'stg' branch --clone:: Clone the current stack, under the name if specified, or using the current stack's name suffixed by a timestamp. + The description of the new stack is set to tell it is a clone of the current stack. The parent information of the new stack is copied from the current stack. + Cloning a GIT branch that is not an StGIT stack is similar to creating a new stack off the current branch. 'stg' branch [-r | --rename]:: Rename the stack named to . 'stg' branch [-d | --description=]:: Set the branch description. 'stg' branch [-p | --protect]:: Protect the named stack or the current one, preventing further StGIT operations from modifying this stack. 'stg' branch [-u | --unprotect]:: Remove a "protected" flag previously set with '--protect'. 'stg' branch --delete:: Delete the named . If there are any patches left in the series, StGIT will refuse to delete it, unless '--force' is specified. + A protected branch cannot be deleted, it must be unprotected first (see above). + When the current branch is deleted, the repository HEAD is switched to the "master" branch if it exists. + Branch "master" is treated specially (see bug #8732), in that only the StGIT metadata are removed, the GIT branch itself is not destroyed. 'stg' branch --convert:: Switch current stack between old and new format. OPTIONS ------- --force:: Force a delete when the series is not empty. FILES ----- $GIT_DIR/patches//description $GIT_DIR/patches//protected GIT CONFIGURATION VARIABLES --------------------------- branch..remote branch..merge branch..stgit.parentbranch StGIT ----- Part of the StGIT suite - see gitlink:stg[1].