;;; -*-lisp-*- ;;; ;;; Implementation for property sets ;;; ;;; (c) 2009 Straylight/Edgeware ;;; ;;;----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; This file is part of the Sensible Object Design, an object system for C. ;;; ;;; SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. (cl:in-package #:sod) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Conversion utilities. (defun string-to-symbol (string &key (package *package*) (swap-case t) (swap-hyphen t)) "Convert STRING to a symbol in PACKAGE. Parse off a `PACKAGE:' prefix from STRING if necessary, to identify the package; PACKAGE is used if there isn't a prefix. A doubled colon allows access to internal symbols, and will intern if necessary. Note that escape characters are /not/ processed; don't put colons in package names if you want to use them from SOD property sets. The portions of the string are modified by `frob-identifier'; the arguments SWAP-CASE and SWAP-HYPHEN are passed to `frob-identifier' to control this process." (let* ((length (length string)) (colon (position #\: string))) (multiple-value-bind (start internalp) (cond ((not colon) (values 0 t)) ((and (< (1+ colon) length) (char= (char string (1+ colon)) #\:)) (values (+ colon 2) t)) (t (values (1+ colon) nil))) (when colon (let* ((package-name (if (zerop colon) "KEYWORD" (frob-identifier (subseq string 0 colon) :swap-case swap-case :swap-hyphen swap-hyphen))) (found (find-package package-name))) (unless found (error "Unknown package `~A'" package-name)) (setf package found))) (let ((name (frob-identifier (subseq string start) :swap-case swap-case :swap-hyphen swap-hyphen))) (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (funcall (if internalp #'intern #'find-symbol) name package) (cond ((or internalp (eq status :external)) symbol) ((not status) (error "Symbol `~A' not found in package `~A'" name (package-name package))) (t (error "Symbol `~A' not external in package `~A'" name (package-name package))))))))) (let ((truish '("true" "t" "yes" "on" "verily")) (falsish '("false" "nil" "no" "off" "nowise"))) (defun truishp (string) "Convert STRING to a boolean." (cond ((member string truish :test #'string-equal) t) ((member string falsish :test #'string-equal) nil) (t (error "Unrecognized boolean value `~A'" string))))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Property representation. (defmethod file-location ((prop property)) (file-location (p-location prop))) ;;; Input conversions. (defmethod decode-property ((raw symbol)) (values :symbol raw)) (defmethod decode-property ((raw integer)) (values :int raw)) (defmethod decode-property ((raw string)) (values :string raw)) (defmethod decode-property ((raw character)) (values :char raw)) (defmethod decode-property ((raw function)) (values :func raw)) (defmethod decode-property ((raw c-type)) (values :type raw)) ;;; Keywords. (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value symbol) (type (eql :symbol)) (wanted (eql :keyword))) value) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :id)) (wanted (eql :keyword))) (string-to-symbol value :package :keyword)) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :string)) (wanted (eql :keyword))) (string-to-symbol value :package :keyword :swap-hyphen nil)) ;;; Symbols. (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :id)) (wanted (eql :symbol))) (string-to-symbol value)) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :string)) (wanted (eql :symbol))) (string-to-symbol value :swap-hyphen nil)) ;;; Identifiers. (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :string)) (wanted (eql :id))) value) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value symbol) (type (eql :symbol)) (wanted (eql :id))) (frob-identifier (symbol-name value))) ;;; Boolean. (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value symbol) (type (eql :symbol)) (wanted (eql :boolean))) value) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :id)) (wanted (eql :boolean))) (truishp value)) (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value integer) (type (eql :int)) (wanted (eql :boolean))) (not (zerop value))) ;;; Types. (defmethod coerce-property-value ((value string) (type (eql :id)) (wanted (eql :type))) (or (and (boundp '*module-type-map*) (gethash value *module-type-map*)) (find-simple-c-type value) (error "Unknown type `~A'" value))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Property sets. (defmethod print-object ((pset pset) stream) (print-unreadable-object (pset stream :type t) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) (let ((firstp t)) (pset-map (lambda (prop) (cond (firstp (setf firstp nil)) (t (write-char #\space stream) (pprint-newline :linear stream))) (format stream "~:@<~S ~@_~S ~@_~S~:>" (p-name prop) (p-type prop) (p-value prop))) pset))))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------