;;; -*-conf-windows-*- ;; This file contains essential definitions for `runlisp'. You are ;; encouraged to put your local changes in the main `runlisp.conf', or in ;; other files alongside this one in `runlisp.d/', rather then editing this ;; file. ;; Summary of syntax. ;; ;; Sections are started with a line `[NAME]', starting in the leftmost ;; column. Empty lines and lines starting with `;' -- /without/ preceding ;; whitespace -- are ignored. Assignments have the form `VAR = VALUE'; the ;; VALUE may be continued across multiple lines, if they begin with ;; whitespace. All of the lines are stripped of initial and final whitespace ;; and concatenated with spaces. ;; ;; Values may contain substitutions: ;; ;; * ${[SECTION:]VAR[?ALT]} -- replace with the value of VAR in SECTION; if ;; not found, use ALT instead. (If ALT isn't provided, it's an error.) ;; ;; * $?[SECTION:]VAR{YES[|NO]} -- look up VAR in SECTION (or in the ;; (original) current section, and `@COMMON'); if found, use YES, ;; otherwise use NO. ;; ;; Variables are looked up starting in the home (or explicitly specified) ;; section, then proceeding to the parents assigned to `@PARENTS'. ;; (`@PARENTS' usually defaults to `@COMMON'; the parent of `@COMMON' is ;; `@BUILTIN'; `@BUILTIN' and `@ENV' have no parents.) ;; ;; At top-level, the text is split into words at whitespace, unless prevented ;; by double- and single-quote, or escaped by `\'. Within single quotes, all ;; characters are treated literally. Within double quotes, `\' and `$' still ;; works. A variable reference within quotes, or within a word, suppresses ;; word-splitting and quoting, within the variable value -- but `$' ;; expansions still work. ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@COMMON] ;; In order to avoid leaking symbols in `cl-user', the code fragments here ;; and in implementation definitions need to use uninterned symbols for their ;; local names, and use `#N=' and `#N#' reader macros to refer to them. In ;; order to prevent conflicts with the ID numbers in these, the fragments ;; here use ID numbers from 1000 up to 9999, leaving 0--999 (and, if you ;; really need them, 10000 on upwards) for individual implementations. ;; Turn `#!' into a comment-to-end-of-line. This is used in all Lisp ;; invocations, even though some of them don't apparently need it. For ;; example, SBCL ignores an initial line beginning `#!' as a special feature ;; of its `--script' option. Other Lisps won't do this, so a countermeasure ;; like the following is necessary in their case. For the sake of a ;; consistent environment, we ignore `#!' lines everywhere, even in Lisps ;; which have their own, more specific, solution to this problem. ignore-shebang = (set-dispatch-macro-character #\\# #\\! (lambda (#1000=#:stream #1001=#:char #1002=#:arg) (declare (ignore #1001# #1002#)) (values (read-line #1000#)))) ;; Clear all present symbols from the `COMMON-LISP-USER' package. Some Lisps ;; leave débris in `COMMON-LISP-USER' -- for example, ECL leaves some ;; allegedly useful symbols lying around, while ABCL has a straight-up bug in ;; its `adjoin.lisp' file. clear-cl-user = (let ((#1200=#:pkg (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER"))) (with-package-iterator (#1201=#:next #1200# :internal) (loop (multiple-value-bind (#1202=#:anyp #1203=#:sym #1204=#:how) (#1201#) (declare (ignore #1204#)) (unless #1202# (return)) (unintern #1203# #1200#))))) ;; Add `:runlisp-script' to `*features*' so that scripts can tell whether ;; they're supposed to sit quietly and be debugged in a Lisp session or run ;; as a script. set-script-feature = (pushnew :runlisp-script *features*) ;; Load the system's ASDF. require-asdf = (require "asdf") ;; Prevent ASDF from upgrading itself. Otherwise it will do this ;; automatically if a script invokes `asdf:load-system', but that will have a ;; bad effect on startup time, and risks spamming the output streams with ;; drivel. Some ancient Lisps come with an ASDF which doesn't understand ;; `register-immutable-system', so do the job by hand if necessary. inhibit-asdf-upgrade = (let* ((#1300=#:root (find-package "ASDF")) (#1301=#:ris (find-symbol "REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM" #1300#))) (if (and #1301# (fboundp #1301#)) (funcall #1301# "asdf") (let* ((#1302=#:fsys (find-package "ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM")) (#1303=#:iss (find-symbol "*IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*" #1302#)) (#1304=#:dss (find-symbol "*DEFINED-SYSTEMS*" #1302#)) (#1305=#:sys (find-symbol "SYSTEM" #1300#))) (unless (symbol-value #1303#) (setf (symbol-value #1303#) (make-hash-table :test (function equal)))) (setf (gethash "asdf" (symbol-value #1303#)) t (gethash "asdf" (symbol-value #1304#)) (cons (get-universal-time) (make-instance #1305# :name "asdf")))))) ;; Upgrade ASDF from the source registry. upgrade-asdf = (funcall (intern "UPGRADE-ASDF" (find-package "ASDF"))) ;; Common actions when resuming a custom image. image-restore = (uiop:call-image-restore-hook) ;; Common prelude for script startup in vanilla images. Most of this is ;; already done in custom images. run-script-prelude = (progn (setf *load-verbose* nil *compile-verbose* nil) ${require-asdf} ${inhibit-asdf-upgrade} ${ignore-shebang} ${set-script-feature}) ;; Common prelude for dumping images. dump-image-prelude = (progn ${require-asdf} ${upgrade-asdf} ${inhibit-asdf-upgrade} ${ignore-shebang} ${set-script-feature}) ;; An expression to determine the version information for the running Lisp. lisp-version = (list (list* \'lisp (lisp-implementation-type) (multiple-value-list (lisp-implementation-version))) (cons \'asdf (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system "asdf")))) ;; Full pathname to custom image. image-path = ${@image-dir}/${image-file} ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [sbcl] command = ${@ENV:SBCL?sbcl} image-file = ${@name}+asdf.core ;; Older versions of SBCL forget their home directory when an image is ;; dumped, so we must help this one to remember. etch-sbcl-home = (let* ((#100=#:sfs (find-symbol "*STATIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOLS*" "SB-IMPL")) (#101=#:shp (find-symbol "SBCL-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME" "SB-IMPL"))) (unless (or (not #100#) (not #101#) (gethash "sbcl_home" (symbol-value #100#))) (#+sb-package-locks without-package-locks #-sb-package-locks progn (setf (symbol-function #101#) (let ((#102=#:etched-sbcl-home (funcall #101#))) (lambda () #102#)))))) run-script = ${command} --noinform $?@image{--core "${image-path}" --eval "${image-restore}" | --eval "${run-script-prelude}"} --script "${@script}" dump-image = ${command} --noinform --no-userinit --no-sysinit --disable-debugger --eval "${dump-image-prelude}" --eval "${etch-sbcl-home}" --eval "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die \"${@image-new|q}\")" ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ccl] command = ${@ENV:CCL?ccl} image-file = ${@name}+asdf.image run-script = ${command} -b -n -Q $?@image{-I "${image-path}" -e "${image-restore}" | -e "${run-script-prelude}"} -l "${@script}" -e "(ccl:quit)" -- ;; A snaglet occurs here. CCL wants to use the image name as a clue to where ;; the rest of its installation is; but in fact the image is nowhere near its ;; installation. So we must hack... dump-image = ${command} -b -n -Q -e "${dump-image-prelude}" -e "(ccl::in-development-mode (let ((#0=#:real-ccl-dir (ccl::ccl-directory))) (defun ccl::ccl-directory () (let* ((#1=#:dirpath (ccl:getenv \"CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY\"))) (if (and #1# (plusp (length (namestring #1#)))) (ccl::native-to-directory-pathname #1#) #0#)))) (compile 'ccl::ccl-directory))" -e "(ccl:save-application \"${@image-new|q}\" :init-file nil :error-handler :quit)" ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [clisp] ;; CLisp causes much sadness. Superficially, it's the most sensible of all ;; of the systems supported here: you just run `clisp SCRIPT -- ARGS ...' and ;; it works. ;; ;; The problems come when you want to do some preparatory work (e.g., load ;; `asdf') and then run the script. There's a `-x' option to evaluate some ;; Lisp code, but it has three major deficiencies. ;; ;; * It insists on printing the values of the forms it evaluates. It ;; prints a blank line even if the form goes out of its way to produce no ;; values at all. So the whole thing has to be a single top-level form ;; which quits the Lisp rather than returning. ;; ;; * For some idiotic reason, you can have /either/ `-x' forms /or/ a ;; script, but not both. So we have to include the `load' here ;; explicitly. I suppose that was inevitable because we have to inhibit ;; printing of the result forms, but it's still a separate source of ;; annoyance. ;; ;; * The icing on the cake: the `-x' forms are collectively concatenated -- ;; without spaces! -- and used to build a string stream, which is then ;; assigned over the top of `*standard-input*', making the original stdin ;; somewhat fiddly to track down. ;; ;; There's a `-i' option which will load a file without any of this ;; stupidity, but nothing analogous for immediate expressions. clisp-common-startup = (setf *standard-input* (ext:make-stream :input)) (load "${@script|q}" :verbose nil :print nil) (ext:quit) command = ${@ENV:CLISP?clisp} image-file = ${@name}+asdf.mem run-script = ${command} $?@image{-M "${image-path}" -q -x "(progn ${image-restore} ${clisp-common-startup})" | -norc -q -x "(progn ${run-script-prelude} ${clisp-common-startup})"} -- dump-image = ${command} -norc -q -q -x "${dump-image-prelude}" -x "(ext:saveinitmem \"${@image-new|q}\" :norc t :script t)" ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ecl] command = ${@ENV:ECL?ecl} image-file = ${@name}+asdf run-script = $?@image{"${image-path}" -s "${@script}" | ${@ENV:ECL?ecl} "${@ecl-opt}norc" "${@ecl-opt}eval" "(progn ${run-script-prelude} ${clear-cl-user})" "${@ecl-opt}shell" "${@script}"} -- dump-image = "${@data-dir}/dump-ecl" "${@image-new}" "${command}" "${@ecl-opt}" "${@tmp-dir}" ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [cmucl] command = ${@ENV:CMUCL?cmucl} image-file = ${@name}+asdf.core run-script = ${command} $?@image{-core "${image-path}" -eval "${image-restore}" | -batch -noinit -quiet -eval "(handler-bind ((warning (lambda (#0=#:c) (declare (ignore #0#)) (invoke-restart 'muffle-warning)))) (setf ext:*require-verbose* nil) ${run-script-prelude} ${clear-cl-user})"} -load "${@script}" -eval "(ext:quit)" -- dump-image = ${command} -batch -noinit -quiet -eval "(progn ${dump-image-prelude} ${clear-cl-user})" -eval "(ext:save-lisp \"${@image-new|q}\" :batch-mode t :print-herald nil :site-init nil :load-init-file nil)" ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [abcl] ;; CLisp made a worthy effort, but ABCL still manages to take the prize. ;; ;; * ABCL manages to avoid touching the `stderr' stream at all, ever. Its ;; startup machinery finds `stdout' (as `java.lang.System.out'), wraps it ;; up in a Lisp stream, and uses the result as `*standard-output*' and ;; `*error-output*' (and a goodly number of other things too). So we ;; must manufacture a working `stderr' the hard way. ;; ;; * There doesn't appear to be any easy way to prevent toplevel errors ;; from invoking the interactive debugger. For extra fun, the debugger ;; reads from `stdin' by default, so an input file which somehow manages ;; to break the script can then take over its brain by providing Lisp ;; forms for the debugger to evaluate. ;; ;; * And, just to really top everything off, ABCL's `adjoin.lisp' is ;; missing an `(in-package ...)' form at the top, so it leaks symbols ;; into the `COMMON-LISP-USER' package. command = ${@ENV:ABCL?abcl} abcl-startup = (let ((#0=#:script "${@script|q}")) ${run-script-prelude} ${clear-cl-user} (setf *error-output* (java:jnew "org.armedbear.lisp.Stream" \'sys::system-stream (java:jfield "java.lang.System" "err") \'character java:+true+)) (handler-case (load #0# :verbose nil :print nil) (error (error) (format *error-output* "~A (unhandled error): ~A~%" #0# error) (ext:quit :status 255)))) run-script = ${command} --batch --noinform --noinit --nosystem --eval "${abcl-startup}" -- ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------