#! /usr/bin/tclsh # # $Id: elite-path,v 1.3 2003/03/04 10:26:18 mdw Exp $ package require "elite" "1.0.0" set g $galaxy1 set ng 1 set weight weight-hops set acc distance for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $argv]} {incr i} { set a [lindex $argv $i] switch -glob -- $a { "-g" { incr i set a [lindex $argv $i] set g [parse-galaxy-spec $a] if {[string equal $g ""]} { puts stderr "$argv0: bad galaxy string `$a'" exit 1 } destructure {ng g} $g } "-w" { incr i set a [lindex $argv $i] set weight "weight-$a" if {[lsearch -exact [info commands "weight-*"] $weight] == -1} { puts stderr "$argv0: unknown weight function `$a'" puts stderr "$argv0: I know [info commands weight-*]" exit 1 } } "-a" { incr i set a [lindex $argv $i] switch -exact -- $a { "none" - "distance" - "weight" { set acc $a } default { puts stderr "$argv0: unknown accumulation `$a'" puts stderr "$argv0: I know `none', `distance' and `weight'" } } } "--" { incr i break } "-*" { puts stderr "unknown switch `$a'" exit 1 } default { break } } } set r {} set ww [worldinfo $g] foreach-world $g ii { set px($ii(seed)) 1 } foreach a [lrange $argv $i end] { set s [parse-planet-spec $g $a] if {[string equal $s ""]} { puts stderr "$argv0: unknown planet `$a'" exit 1 } if {![info exists px($s)]} { puts stderr "$argv0: planet `$a' doesn't exist in galaxy $ng" exit 1 } lappend r $s } if {[llength $r] < 2} { puts stderr "usage: $argv0 \[-g GALAXY\] \[-w WEIGHT\] \[-a ACC\] PLANET PLANET ..." exit 1 } puts -nonewline stderr "\[computing adjacency table..." adjacency $ww adj puts stderr " done\]" set home [lindex $r 0] set start $home set rt {} set tm 0 foreach w [lrange $r 1 end] { destructure {p m} [shortest-path adj $home $w $weight] if {![llength $p]} { puts -stderr "$argv0: no route from [worldinfo $home] to [worldinfo $w]" exit 1 } set tm [expr {$tm + $m}] eval lappend rt $p set home $w } puts [format " 1 %s" [world-summary $start]] set last $start unset p elite-worldinfo p $start destructure {x y} [list $p(x) $p(y)] set h 1 set td 0 set tw 0 foreach s $rt { if {![string equal $s $last]} { elite-worldinfo p $s set d [expr {[world-distance $x $y $p(x) $p(y)]/10.0}] incr h set td [expr {$td + $d}] set summ [format "%3d %s" $h [world-summary $s]] set w [eval $weight [list $last $s]] set tw [expr {$tw + $w}] switch -- $acc { "none" { } "distance" { append summ [format " (+ %.1f = %.1f LY)" $d $td] } "weight" { append summ [format " (+ %s = %s)" $w $tw] } } puts $summ destructure {x y} [list $p(x) $p(y)] set last $s } } if {$tw != $tm} { error "inconsistent metric ($tw != $tm)" } set summ "(" set sep "" if {![string equal $acc "distance"]} { append summ [format "%stotal distance = %.1f LY" $sep $td] set sep "; " } if {![string equal $weight "weight-hops"] && \ ![string equal $weight "weight-fuel"] && \ ![string equal $acc "weight"]} { append summ [format "%stotal metric = %s" $sep $tm] } append summ ")" if {![string equal $summ "()"]} { puts $summ }