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[qmail] / debian / preinst
... / ...
3require 5.002;
4use strict 'subs';
5use strict 'barewords';
6use English;
8sub check_uid($$$$$$) {
9 my ($name, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $home, $shell) = @_;
10 my $ok = 1;
12 print "Checking user $name (uid $uid, gid $gid, homedir $home)... ";
13 @name_entry = getpwnam("$name");
14 if ( @name_entry == () ) {
15 my @uid_entry = getpwuid($uid);
16 if ( @uid_entry == () ) {
17 system("adduser --system --quiet --home $home --gid $gid --uid $uid --gecos \'$gecos\' $name >/dev/null 2>&1");
18 if ( $? != 0 ) {
19 print "\n Error while adding user $name!\n";
20 $ok = 0;
21 }
22 else {
23 print "added.\n";
24 }
25 system("chsh -s $shell $name");
26 }
27 else {
28 print "error!\n Uid $uid is being used by user $uid_entry[0]\n";
29 $ok = 0;
30 }
31 }
32 else {
33 if ( $name_entry[3] != $gid ) {
34 print "error!\n" if $ok;
35 print " User $name has primary group $name_entry[3] instead of $gid\n";
36 $ok = 0;
37 }
38 if ( $name_entry[2] != $uid ) {
39 print "error!\n" if $ok;
40 print " User $name has uid $name_entry[2] instead of $uid\n";
41 $ok = 0;
42 }
43 if ( $name_entry[7] ne $home ) {
44 print "error!\n" if $ok;
45 print " User $name has home directory $name_entry[7] instead of $home\n";
46 $ok = 0;
47 }
48 if ( $ok ) {
49 print "ok.\n";
50 }
51 }
52 return $ok;
55sub check_gid($$@) {
56 my ($name, $gid, @members) = @_;
57 my $ok = 1;
59 print "Checking group $name (gid $gid)... ";
60 @name_entry = getgrnam($name);
61 if ( @name_entry == () ) {
62 my @gid_entry = getgrgid($gid);
63 if ( @gid_entry == () ) {
64 system("addgroup --quiet --gid $gid $name");
65 if ( $? != 0 ) {
66 print "\n Error while adding group $name\n";
67 $ok = 0;
68 }
69 else {
70 print "added.\n";
71 }
72 }
73 else {
74 print "error!\n Gid $gid is being used by group $gid_entry[0]\n";
75 $ok = 0;
76 }
77 }
78 else {
79 if ( $name_entry[2] != $gid ) {
80 print "error!\n Group $name has gid $name_entry[2] instead of $gid\n";
81 $ok = 0;
82 }
83 if ( $ok ) {
84 print "ok.\n";
85 }
86 }
87 return $ok;
90sub is_qmail_installed {
91 my $qmail_installed = 0;
93 print "Checking if qmail is already installed on this computer... ";
95 $qmail_home = '';
96 if ( -d '/var/qmail' ) {
97 print "\n Found /var/qmail directory";
98 $qmail_home = '/var/qmail';
99 $qmail_installed = 1;
100 }
101 else {
102 $qmail_home = `qmail-home`;
103 if ( $qmail_home ne '') {
104 print "\n Found qmail home directory at $qmail_home (using qmail-home program)";
105 $qmail_installed = 1;
106 }
107 }
109 if ( -d '/var/spool/qmail' ) {
110 print "\n Found qmail spool directory at /var/spool/qmail";
111 $qmail_installed = 1;
112 }
113 if ( -d '/etc/qmail' ) {
114 print "\n Found qmail control directory at /etc/qmail";
115 $qmail_installed = 1;
116 }
118 if ( (-r '/etc/inetd.conf') and `fgrep -q qmail-smtpd /etc/inetd.conf` ) {
119 print "\n Found reference to qmail-smtpd in /etc/inetd.conf";
120 $qmail_installed = 1;
121 }
122 if ( (-r '/etc/xinetd.conf') and `fgrep -q qmail-smtpd /etc/xinetd.conf` ) {
123 print "\n Found reference to qmail-smtpd in /etc/xinetd.conf";
124 $qmail_installed = 1;
125 }
127 if ( -x '/etc/init.d/qmail' ) {
128 print "\n Found /etc/init.d/qmail script";
129 $qmail_installed = 1;
130 }
131 elsif ( `fgrep -q qmail-start /etc/init.d/*` ) {
132 print "\n Found reference to qmail-start in /etc/init.d directory";
133 $qmail_installed = 1;
134 }
135 if ( -x '/etc/rc.local' and `fgrep -q qmail-start /etc/rc.local` ) {
136 print "\n Found reference to qmail-start in /etc/rc.local";
137 $qmail_installed = 1;
138 }
140 if ( `killall -0 qmail-send >/dev/null 2>&1` ) {
141 print "\n Found qmail-send process running";
142 $qmail_installed = 1;
143 }
145 print 'no.' unless $qmail_installed;
146 print "\n";
147 return $qmail_installed;
151$| = 1;
153$action = shift;
155if ( $action eq 'install' ) {
156 $old_version = shift;
157 if ( ! defined $old_version || $old_version eq '' ) {
158 print "First installation of the Debian qmail package...\n";
159 # Check if a non-Debian qmail is installed...
160 if ( is_qmail_installed() ) {
161 print "Please remove your copy of qmail before installing the qmail Debian package.\n\n";
162 exit 1;
163 }
164 # Check for qmail uids and gids
165 my $errors;
166 $errors++ unless check_gid('qmail', 70, ());
167 #$errors++ unless check_gid('nogroup', 65534, ());
169 $errors++ unless check_uid('alias', 70, 65534, 'qmail alias', '/var/qmail/alias', '/bin/sh');
170 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmaild', 71, 65534, 'qmail daemon', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
171 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmails', 72, 70, 'qmail send', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
172 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmailr', 73, 70, 'qmail remote', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
173 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmailq', 74, 70, 'qmail queue', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
174 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmaill', 75, 65534, 'qmail log', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
175 $errors++ unless check_uid('qmailp', 76, 65534, 'qmail pw', '/var/qmail', '/bin/sh');
176 #$errors++ unless check_uid('nobody', 65534, 65534, 'nobody', '/tmp', '/bin/sh');
178 if ( $errors ) {
179 print "\n$errors entries have errors. Please correct these errors and reinstall qmail.\n";
180 exit 2;
181 }
182 }
184 # Make sure there are no smtp entries in /etc/inetd.conf
185 # Kludge around smail buggy /etc/inetd.conf handling. (Grr.)
186 my $fixed_smail = 0;
187 my $found_commented = 0;
188 my $found_uncommented = 0;
189 my $new_inetd = "/etc/inetd.conf.qmail-preinst.$$";
190 open I, '</etc/inetd.conf' or die "Could not open /etc/inetd.conf\n";
191 open N, ">$new_inetd" or die "Could not create $new_inetd\n";
192 while (<I>) {
193 if ( m|^\# *smtp\s+.*/usr/sbin/in.smtpd.*\(will be restored by smail postinst\)\s*$| ) {
194 $fixed_smail = 1;
195 next;
196 } elsif ( m/^\# *smtp\s+/ ) {
197 $found_commented= 1;
198 } elsif ( m/^smtp\s+/ ) {
199 $found_uncommented= 1;
200 }
201 print N or die "Cannot write to $new_inetd\n";
202 }
203 close N or die "Could not close $new_inetd\n";
204 close I or die "Could not close /etc/inetd.conf\n";
205 if ( $found_commented or $found_uncommented ) {
206 print "Your /etc/inetd.conf already containts entries for the SMTP service.\n";
207 print "Please remove all SMTP entries from /etc/inetd.conf (even those commented out)\n";
208 print "and reinstall the qmail package.\n\n";
209 exit 1;
210 }
211 if ( $fixed_smail ) {
212 print "Removing commented smtp entry left by buggy version of smail postinst... ";
213 rename "$new_inetd", '/etc/inetd.conf' or die "failed!\n";
214 print "done.\n";
215 }
218exit 0;