#! /bin/bash set -e ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Basic setup. umask 002 sub= mkdir -p $HOME$sub : ${REPO=http://ftp.distorted.org.uk/ftp/pub/mdw/profile} export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$HOME$sub/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Sort out command line. xstuff= false= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -x) xstuff=t;; -n) false=false;; --) shift; break;; -*) echo >&2 "$0: bad option"; exit 1;; *) break;; esac shift done ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Environment autoconfiguration. ## Find out where I am here=$(pwd) ## Suss out how to print things out=$(echo -n "foo"; echo "bar") if [ "$out" = "foobar" ]; then echon="echo -n" echoc="" else echon="echo" echoc='\c' fi ## Find out how to fetch things over the net $echon "Finding URL fetcher:$echoc" if curl >/dev/null 2>&1 --version || [ $? -eq 2 ]; then GETURL="curl -fs -o" echo " curl." elif wget >/dev/null 2>&1 --version; then GETURL="wget -q -O" echo " wget." else echo " failed!" echo >&2 "$0: failed to find URL fetcher" exit 1 fi ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Create the necessary directories. echo "Creating directories..." for i in bin lib/emacs src; do $echon " $i:$echoc" if [ -d $HOME$sub/$i ]; then echo " already exists." else mkdir -p $HOME$sub/$i echo " done." fi done echo " all done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Install necessary things. echo "Installing useful scripts..." scripts=" lesspipe.sh start-ssh-agent svnwrap" for script in $scripts; do $echon " $script:$echoc" found= for p in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin $(echo $PATH | tr : ' '); do if $false [ -x $p/$script ]; then found=t break fi done if [ "$found" ]; then echo " already installed." else $echon " downloading$echoc" $GETURL $HOME$sub/bin/$script $REPO/$script chmod +x $HOME$sub/bin/$script echo " done." fi done echo " all done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Install some more complicated programs. echo "Installing packages..." systems=" mlib:2.0.4:crc-mktab chkpath:1.1.0:tmpdir " [ "$xstuff" ] && systems="$systems xtoys:1.4.0:xatom " for system in $systems; do set -- $(echo $system | tr : ' ') sys=$1 ver=$2 prog=$3 $echon " $sys:$echoc" if $false $prog >/dev/null 2>&1 --version; then echo " already installed." else ( set -e $echon " downloading$echoc" cd $HOME$sub/src rm -rf $sys-$ver.tar.gz $sys-$ver $GETURL $sys-$ver.tar.gz $REPO/$sys-$ver.tar.gz $echon " unpacking$echoc" gzip -cd $sys-$ver.tar.gz | tar xf - $echon " configuring$echoc" cd $sys-$ver mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix=$HOME$sub >>buildlog 2>&1 $echon " building$echoc" make >>buildlog 2>&1 $echon " installing$echoc" make install >>buildlog 2>&1 echo " done." ) fi done echo " all done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Install global configuration. echo -n "Installing dotfile configuration:" if [ -f $HOME$sub/.mdw.conf ]; then echo " already installed." else cp mdw.conf $HOME$sub/.mdw.conf echo " done." fi ## Symlink the various dotfiles into place dotfiles=" bash_profile bash_logout bashrc inputrc bash_completion emacs emacs-calc vm vimrc mg mailrc signature cgrc tigrc gdbinit guile lisp-init.lisp:.cmucl-init.lisp lisp-init.lisp:.sbclrc lisp-init.lisp:.clisprc.lisp lisp-init.lisp:.eclrc dircolors colordiffrc screenrc cvsrc indent.pro" [ "$xstuff" ] && dotfiles="$dotfiles xinitrc xsession Xdefaults vncrc vncsession putty-defaults:.putty/sessions/Default%20Settings eterm-theme.cfg:.Eterm/themes/Eterm/theme.cfg e-keybindings.cfg:.enlightenment/keybindings.cfg evnc-keybindings.cfg:.enlightenment-vnc/keybindings.cfg e16-bindings:.e16/bindings.cfg e16-config:.e16/e_config--1.0.cfg jue-peek.jpg:.enlightenment/backgrounds/jue-peek.jpg jue-peek.jpg:.e16/backgrounds/jue-peek.jpg" echo "Installing dotfiles..." for d in $dotfiles; do target=.$d case $d in *:*) target=${d#*:} d=${d%%:*};; esac ft=$HOME$sub/$target dir=${ft%/*} mkdir -p $dir ln -s $here/$d $ft.new mv $ft.new $ft echo " $target" done echo " all done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Process the Git configuration. echo -n "Installing Git configuration:" sed " 1i\ ### generated by $(here)/setup; do not edit!\ /@releasekey@/ s::$(./mdw-conf release-key 481334C2):g /@gitignore@/ s::$(./mdw-conf gitignore $(here)/gitignore):g " gitconfig >$HOME/.gitconfig.new mv $HOME/.gitconfig.new $HOME/.gitconfig echo " done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Install useful scripts included in this package. scripts=" mdw-editor mdw-conf movemail-hack emerge-hack" [ "$xstuff" ] && scripts="$scripts xrun xshutdown" echo "Installing scripts..." mkdir -p $HOME$sub/bin for s in $scripts; do ft=$HOME$sub/bin/$s ln -s $here/$s $ft.new mv $ft.new $ft echo " $s" done echo " all done." ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Set up the Emacs config. $echon "Finding a suitable emacs:$echoc" emacs=no for i in emacs22 emacs21 emacs; do if type -p >/dev/null $i; then emacs=$i break fi done if [ $emacs = no ]; then echo " failed." emacs=: else echo " $emacs." fi echo "Installing Emacs packages..." emacspkg=" make-regexp git git-blame vc-git stgit quilt" for elib in $emacspkg; do $echon " $elib:$echoc" if $false $emacs >/dev/null 2>&1 --no-site-file --batch --eval ' (progn (setq load-path (nconc load-path (list "~/lib/emacs"))) (kill-emacs (condition-case nil (progn (load-library "'"$elib"'") 0) (error 1))))'; then echo " already installed." else $echon " downloading$echoc" $GETURL $HOME$sub/lib/emacs/$elib.el $REPO/$elib.el $echon " compiling$echoc" (cd $HOME$sub/lib/emacs; $emacs >/dev/null 2>&1 --no-site-file --batch \ --eval '(byte-compile-file "'"$elib.el"'")') echo " done." fi done echo " all done." $echon "Setting up Emacs configuration:$echoc" $echon " linking$echoc" for link in dot-emacs.el:dot-emacs.el emacs-Makefile:Makefile; do set -- $(echo $link | tr : ' ') from=$1 to=$2 ln -s $here/$from $HOME$sub/lib/emacs/$to.new mv $HOME$sub/lib/emacs/$to.new $HOME$sub/lib/emacs/$to done $echon " compiling$echoc" make >/dev/null 2>&1 -C $HOME$sub/lib/emacs EMACS=$emacs echo " done." ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------