#! /usr/bin/perl ### ### Pastebin userv interface for Odin ### ### (c) 2015 Mark Wooding ### ###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ### ### This file is part of the `odin.gg' service, `odin-cgi'. ### ### `odin-cgi' is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ### License, or (at your option) any later version. ### ### `odin-cgi' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ### License along with `odin-cgi'; if not, see ### . use lib "lib"; use Odin; use DBI; use Encode; use Encode::Locale; my $BAD = 0; sub bad ($) { my ($m) = @_; $BAD = 1; print STDERR "$Odin::PROG: $m\n"; } Odin::cmdline_who; sub read_content () { my $c = ""; while (read STDIN, my $buf, 8192) { $c .= $buf; } return Odin::tidy_pastebin_content decode locale => $c; } my $op = shift(@ARGV) // "help"; if ($op eq "help") { print <selectall_arrayref ("SELECT lang, descr FROM odin_pastebin_lang ORDER BY lang", undef)}) { my ($lang, $descr) = @$r; Odin::print_columns $lang => 16, $descr => 0; } } elsif ($op eq "list") { @ARGV == 0 or Odin::fail "usage: list"; my $db = Odin::open_db; for my $r (@{$db->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT tag, stamp, lang, title FROM odin_pastebin WHERE owner = ? ORDER BY stamp", undef, $Odin::WHO)}) { my ($tag, $stamp, $lang, $title) = @$r; Odin::print_columns Odin::fmt_time $stamp => 25, $tag => 12, $lang => 16, (encode locale => $title) => 0; } } elsif ($op eq "new") { my $op = Odin::OptParse->new(@ARGV); my $p = (title => undef, lang => "txt"); while (my $o = $op->get) { if ($o eq "l") { $p{lang} = $op->arg; } elsif ($o eq "t") { $p{title} = decode locale => $op->arg; } else { $op->unk; } } @ARGV = $op->rest; $op->bad if @ARGV; $op->ok or Odin::fail "usage: new [-l LANG] [-t TITLE]"; $p{content} = read_content; my ($tag, $edit) = Odin::new_pastebin %p; print "$Odin::PASTEBIN/$tag $edit\n"; } elsif ($op eq "get") { @ARGV == 1 or Odin::fail "usage: get TAG"; my ($tag) = @ARGV; Odin::get_pastebin Odin::open_db, $tag, my %p; print encode locale => $p{content}; } elsif ($op eq "claim") { @ARGV == 2 or Odin::fail "usage: claim TAG EDITKEY"; my ($tag, $key) = @ARGV; Odin::claim_pastebin $tag, $key; } elsif ($op eq "rekey") { @ARGV == 1 or Odin::fail "usage: rekey TAG"; my ($tag) = @ARGV; my $key = Odin::rekey_pastebin $tag; print $key, "\n"; } elsif ($op eq "del") { @ARGV or Odin::fail "usage: del TAG ..."; Odin::delete_pastebin map { $_, undef } @ARGV; } elsif ($op eq "update") { my $op = Odin::OptParse->new(@ARGV); my %p = (); my $contentp = 0; while (my $o = $op->get) { if ($o eq "c") { $contentp = 1; } elsif ($o eq "l") { $p{lang} = $op->arg; } elsif ($o eq "t") { $p{title} = decode locale => $op->arg; } else { $op->unk; } } @ARGV = $op->rest; $op->bad if @ARGV != 1; $op->ok or Odin::fail "usage: update [-c] [-l LANG] [-t TITLE] TAG"; my $tag = shift @ARGV; $p{content} = read_content if $contentp; Odin::update_pastebin $tag, undef, %p or Odin::fail "nothing changed"; } else { Odin::fail "unknown operation `$op'"; }