<&| SELF:wrapper, title => Odin::escapify($m, $title) . " (odin.gg Paste Bin)" &>

odin.gg Paste Bin: <% $title %>

% if (defined $honc) {

Your browser doesn't appear to be accepting my cookies.

Don't share the link to this page with other people. If you do, they'll be able to edit this paste just as you can, using the Edit link at the top of the page.

Instead, share this link: "><% "$Odin::PASTEBIN/$tag" |h %>

% } % if ($lang eq 'txt') {
<% $content |h %>\
% } elsif ($lang =~ /^hl:(.*)$/) {
	my $hl_lang = $1;
	my $kid = open my $fh, "-|" // die "fork: $!";
	if ($kid == 0) {
	  open my $hl, "|-", "highlight", "-Ohtml", "-f", "-t8", "-S$hl_lang"
	    or die "open highlight: $!";
	  syswrite $hl, $content // die "highlight write: $!";
	  close $hl or die "highlight kid: $!, $?";
	  exit 0;
	} else {
	  while (sysread $fh, my $buf, 8192) { $m->print($buf); }
	  close $fh and waitpid $kid, 0
	    or die "highlight parent: $!, $?";

% } else {

I don't know how to display content with language ‘<% $lang |h %>’. This is a bug in the Pastebin program. Here's the raw text, in case that's useful.

<% $content |h %>\
% } %# <%args> $content $title $lang $tag $honc $edit %# <%init> my $db = Odin::open_db; %# <%once> use utf8;