!op [<chan>] !channel [<chan>] <setting> [....]
!leave [<chan>] Additional help topics:
!ping [<stuff ...>] !identify !identpass !invite !blight-id
+ !tell <nick> <message ...>
Send commands to me by /msg, or say them in channel with \! in front.
To get me on a channel, invite me. To become channel manager, op me.
help <opt> gives help on an option
help <topic> gives help on an additional topic
+tell <nick> <message ...>
+ Leaves a message for someone, which will be delivered according to
+ their `!set !tellme'. I will tell you about your undelivered tells
+ whenever I see you arriving, or when you say `!ping'. See also
+ `help !untell' and `help !delmsg'.
+!untell [<nick> ...]
+ Forgets about all message(s) you've sent with !tell, or those to
+ particular nick(s). Use !delmsg to delete messages sent *to* you.
+ There is no way to untell individual messages to the same nick.
+ If your nick is secure, you must !identify yourself to use untell.
+!tellme repeats any messages you have outstanding.
+!set tellme configures how you receive messages sent with !tell:
+ set tellme insecure When I see you. (Default.)
+ set tellme secure Hide body until secure ident.
+ set tellme refuse Do not accept messages.
+ set tellme mailto <email-addr> By email. (Secure nicks only.)
+and also when to consider them delivered (see `help !untell'):
+ set tellme unreliable Tell you once, then forget.
+ set tellme pester <!interval> Remind until you say !delmsg
+ set tellme remind <every-interval> [<within-interval>]
+ Remind until you talk on channel within <within-interval>
+ of me having told you. (Default is remind 1h 30s.)
+delmsg [<nick> ...]
+ Forgets about !tell messages I've passed on: either all of them, or
+ only those from certain nicks. Necessary if you !set !tellme pester
+ or reliable, and also works with remind, but not with unreliable.
+ Use !untell to delete messages you've sent, rather than received.
seen <nick>
Tells you or the channel when I last saw that nick in
channel [<chan>] userinvite none \!invite and /msg are disabled
Controls whether the `invite' command works for this channel, and
who can use it (`help !invite'). `userinvite pub' is the default.
+ Channel managers can always use the `invite' command.
!channel [<chan>] mode *|+...-... (`mode *' is default.)
set show your current settings
set <option> show the current setting of <option>
set <option> <value> set <option> to <value>
- Options: !timeformat ks|hms !marktime off|once|<n>[k]s|<n>m|<n>h
+ Options: !timeformat ks|hms !marktime off|once|<!interval>
+ !tellme ...
See also `help <option>', `help !register' and `help !identify'
ping [<string>]
Replies with hopefully-useful information, including:
-* Current time, number of users on the system, and load average.
+* Current time, number of IRC and system users, and load averages.
* Most recent traffic on a relevant channel (if sent privately, any
channel we're both on, otherwise the channel in question.) Only
actual message traffic counts, and \!-commands don't count either.
* The specified string, if any.
I can tell you this automatically if you like - see `help !marktime'.
+If you have undelivered messages sent with !tell by or to you, I'll
+let you know about those too (privately, if you ping on channel).
-!set marktime off Only an explicit `!ping' command sends you info.
-set marktime once Send ping info shortly after I first see you.
-set marktime <n>s Also send info every <n> seconds (min 300s).
-set marktime <n>ks Also send info every <n> kiloseconds (min 1ks).
-set marktime <n>m Also send info every <n> minutes (min 5m).
-set marktime <n>h Also send info every <n> hours (min 1h).
+!set marktime off Only an explicit `!ping' command sends info.
+set marktime once Send ping info shortly after I first see you.
+set marktime <!interval> Also send info regularly (min. interval 5m).
+Intervals in commands are <amount><unit>, where the unit is one of
+s for seconds, ks for kiloseconds, m for minutes, h for hours.
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